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首页 > 外语类考试 > 北京英语水平考试 > 三级
You are going to read a newspaper article about a man who is running round the world. Eight paragraphs have been removed from the article. Choose from the paragraphs A-I the one which fits each gap (16-22). There is one extra paragraph which you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning (0). 2022-01-07 You are going to read a magazine article in which five people talk about railway journeys. For questions 22-35, choose from the people (A-E). The people maybe chosen more than once. When more than one answer is required, these maybe given in any order. There is an example at the beginning (0). 2022-01-07 An English friend, Jo, has written to you for some advice. This is part of the letter you have received. 2022-01-07 BIGFOOT 2022-01-07 AN UNUSUAL SWIMMING CLUB 2022-01-07 You must answer this question. 2022-01-07 You are going to read a newspaper article about an island in the Irish Sea, called the Isle of Man, which is fast becoming a centre for film-making. Choose from the list A-H the sentence which best summarises each part (1-6) of the article. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning (0). 2022-01-07 PLAYING CHESS 2022-01-07 People feel like this when they get good news.h______ 2022-01-07 This is a bad time to be ill. 2022-01-07