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首页 > 财会类考试 > ACCA/CAT > P6
(b) Calculate the amount of input tax that will be recovered by Vostok Ltd in respect of the new premises in the 2022-01-06 (ii) Explain whether or not Carver Ltd will become a close investment-holding company as a result of 2022-01-06 (b) (i) State the condition that would need to be satisfied for the exercise of Paul’s share options in Memphis 2022-01-06 (ii) Explain why Galileo is able to pay the inheritance tax due in instalments, state when the instalments are 2022-01-06 (ii) State the taxation implications of both equity and loan finance from the point of view of a company. 2022-01-06 (b) Write a letter to Joanne setting out the value added tax (VAT) registration requirements and advising on 2022-01-06 (b) Prepare a reasoned explanation of how any capital gains tax arising in the UK on the sale of the paintings 2022-01-06 (c) (i) Explain the capital gains tax (CGT) implications of a takeover where the consideration is in the form. of 2022-01-06 (d) Explain whether or not Dovedale Ltd, Hira Ltd and Atapo Inc can register as a group for the purposes of value 2022-01-06 (d) Advise on any lifetime inheritance tax (IHT) planning that could be undertaken in respect of both Stuart and 2022-01-06