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Ironically, in the United States, a country of immigrants, prejudice and discrimination continue to be serious problems. There was often【1】between each established group of【2】and each succeeding group. As each group became【3】financially successful, and more powerful, they【4】newcomers from full participation in the society. Prejudice and discrimination are【5】U.S. history,【6】, this prejudicial treatment of different groups is【7】more unjust than with black Americans. 2022-01-07 The controversy mentioned in the passage focuses on ______. 2022-01-07 The author seems to suggest that ______. 2022-01-07 Most American magazines and newspapers reserve 60 percent of their pages for ads. The New York Times Sunday edition【1】may contain 350 pages of advertisements. Some radio stations devote 40 minutes of every hour to【2】. 2022-01-07 The main point of paragraph 4 is ______. 2022-01-07 Woman: I'm tired of driving all the way to work and back every day, If only cars could drive themselves ! 2022-01-07 It can be concluded from the experiment that ______. 2022-01-07 Man: Annie, how does it not even cross your mind that you might want a future with someone? 2022-01-07 The first sentence in Paragraph 1 implies that ______. 2022-01-07 According to Dr. Small, ______. 2022-01-07