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听力原文:Girl: Are you busy Dad? I've got something I want to ask you. I've been invited to a party on Saturday. Would you give me a lift there? 2022-01-07 听力原文:Woman: Well, good evening everyone. I've come along to talk to you about my painting. It was just a hobby but it's really more than that now. I used to paint in the evenings after work, but now I work four days a week instead of five. That means I spend Friday, Saturday and Sunday on my painting. I have pictures in local exhibitions at least once a month. 2022-01-07 PART 5 2022-01-07 PART 4 2022-01-07 PART 4 2022-01-07 PART 5 2022-01-07 PART 4 2022-01-07 When do Smith and James meet again? 2022-01-07 甲委托乙保管其电视机,在保管期间乙未经甲同意将电视机以市价卖给不知情的丙,在此情况下,下列说 2022-01-07 甲乙丙丁4人组成一个运输有限合伙企业,合伙协议规定甲、乙为普通合伙人,丙、丁为有限合伙人。某日, 2022-01-07