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首页 > 外语类考试 > ACT > Science Reasoning
According to Scientist 2’s viewpoint, compared to thealtitude at which a stony asteroid would have explodedin Earth’s atmosphere, a comet of similar size wouldmost likely have exploded at: 2022-01-06 Scientist 1’s viewpoint indicates that when the mate-rials that compose most of a comet are sufficientlyheated, they change to: 2022-01-06 In Experiment 2, had Brand X tape in a 4.0cm width been tested, the force required to remove the tape fromthe plastic wrapping would have been closest to: 2022-01-06 Scientist 1’s viewpoint would be weakenedby which of the following observations about comets, if true? 2022-01-06 According to Figure 3, 1 yr after emergence, the greatest percent of the seedlings were from which of the tree species in Plot X and Plot Y, respectively? 2022-01-06 Based on the results of Trials 3-5 and Experiment 3, if the students had added 1 L of the flat-tasting beverage to one of the empty aluminum cans, sealed the can, and shaken it, how long would it most likely have taken for the number of bubbles in the beverage to become too few to affect the roll time? 2022-01-06 With which of the following statements about the conditions on Europa or the evolution of Europa&39;s surface would both Scientist 1 and Scientist 2 most likely agree? The surface of Europa: 2022-01-06 Based on the data in Figure2, at which of the fol-lowing pHs, if any, do EnzymesA andB have thesame acceleration factor? 2022-01-06 Suppose a scientist isolates a bacterial species that is 1 of the 4 species used in Experiment 1. She adds the species to sucrose broth and observes that neither acid nor CO2 is produced. She then adds the species to lactose broth and observes that both acid and CO2 are produced.Based on the results of Experiment 1, the species is most likely: 2022-01-06 Which of the students agree that the acceleration due to gravity varies with the mass of a block? 2022-01-06