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A.Because the government is too short of fund to provide sufficient cheap housing. 2022-01-07 听力原文:We firmly believe that an agent for marketing your products in Shanghai would be a considerable benefit to both of us. 2022-01-07 听力原文: In the United States, homelessness had grown at a dramatic rate during the last decade. 2022-01-07 Statements 2022-01-07 Which of the following is NOT true about religious leaders? 2022-01-07 The striving of countries in Central Europe to enter the European Union may offer an unprecedented chance to the continent's Gypsies (or Roman) to be recognized as a nation, albeit one without a defined territory. And if they were to achieve that they might even seek some kind of formal place—at least a total population outnumbers that of many of the Union's present and future countries. Some experts put the figure at 4m-plus; some proponents of Gypsy rights go as high as 15m. 2022-01-07 听力原文:The order for 100 pairs of blue trousers is proving difficult to meet for we're out of stock of that particular shade. We do have black. 2022-01-07 The striving of countries in Central Europe to enter the European Union may offer an unprecedented chance to the continent's Gypsies (or Roman) to be recognized as a nation, albeit one without a defined territory. And if they were to achieve that they might even seek some kind of formal place—at least a total population outnumbers that of many of the Union's present and future countries. Some experts put the figure at 4m-plus; some proponents of Gypsy rights go as high as 15m. 2022-01-07 听力原文:Peter, you get a point of the problem but I have to say I am inclined to think otherwise. 2022-01-07 Many economists, business and labor leaders and politicians believe that 2022-01-07