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听力原文: When Iraqi troops blew up hundreds of Kuwaiti oil wells at the end of the Gulf War, scientists feared environmental disaster. Would black powder in the smoke from the fires circle the globe and block out the sun? 2022-01-07 PART C 2022-01-07 PART C 2022-01-07 On the night of the play, Albert was at the hall early and he was already made-up long before the end of the first act. He certainly looked the part all right, he thought as he【21】himself【22】the mirror. He even【23】if he should go out into the street to see what【24】he made on people out there. Just for a【25】, of course! 2022-01-07 Why is the Space Shuttle Columbia special? 2022-01-07 PART C 2022-01-07 Beads were probably the first durable ornaments hu... 2022-01-07 Moviegoers may think history is repeating itself this weekend. The summer's most anticipated film, Pearl Harbor, which has opened recently, painstakingly recreates the Japanese attack that drew the United States into World War II. But that isn't the film's only reminder of the past. 2022-01-07 听力原文: In the 1930s, archaeologists discovered spear points in the New Mexico town of Clovis, dated from around 13,000 years ago. The individuals who made them have since become known as the "Clovis people" and are believed by many to have been the first people to enter North America. 2022-01-07 听力原文: The first newspapers were handwritten sheets which were posted in public places. The earliest recorded newspaper was started in Rome in 59 B. C. In the 700s, the world's first printed newspaper was developed in China. The paper was printed from carved wooden blocks and distributed among the citizens. Europe didn't have a regularly published newspaper until 1609, when one was started in Germany. 2022-01-07