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What should true education do? 2022-01-07 You type a word or phrase into an Internet search engine such as Google or Yahoo, hit return and in an instant, dozens of "hits" -Web sites containing words that match your query-appear on the computer screen. Now imagine a similar database that operates not with words but with shapes, specifically, leaf shapes. It would work like this: carry a camera cell phone into a forest, pick a leaf from a tree and snap its 2022-01-07 Do the languages we speak shape the way we think? ... 2022-01-07 All of the debates about the role of bioethics as ... 2022-01-07 A.lead to 2022-01-06 A.before 2022-01-06 A.phrase 2022-01-06 A.end up 2022-01-06 A.meant 2022-01-06 A.rather 2022-01-06