题目内容 (请给出正确答案)

Only by adopting the highest standards of integrity the trust of our clients and the companies we work with()

A.we can earn

B.can we earn

C.we earned

D.did we earn

提问人:网友lixin080108 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“Only by adopting the highest s…”相关的问题
Only by adopting more creative approaches ______to overcome present-day challenges.

A、we can hope

B、can we hope

C、hope we can

D、can hope we

It can be inferred from the passage that LinkedIn isA.a local company in Japan who wants

It can be inferred from the passage that LinkedIn is

A.a local company in Japan who wants to follow Facebook’s suit

B.a social network adopting real—name policy

C.a data processing company analyzing social networks

D.a very successful social network in America only second to Facebook

Winners and Losers Why are the biggest winners in the past decade of trade globalizatWinne
rs and Losers Why are the biggest winners in the past decade of trade globalization mostly in South and East Asia, whereas the biggest losers are mostly in the former Soviet bloc ()

And sub-Saharan Africa History is a partial guide: East Asia has a long trading tradition, lately reinvigorated , who, knowing how unstable conditions were at home,sent their money abroad instead of investing it at hom

E.In contrast, China,the biggest winner from globalization, did not follow the IMF formulA.Of the former states of the Soviet bloc,only a few, notably Poland and Hungary, managed to grow, which they did by ignoring IMF advice and adopting expansionary plans, including spending more than they collected in taxes. Botswana and Uganda are also success stories: despite their disadvantages, their countries achieved vigorous growth by creating stable civil societies, liberalizing trade and implementing reforms that ran counter to IMF prescriptions. 第 16 题 Japan has a long trading tradition. A.Right


C.Not mentioned

Winners and LosersWhy are the biggest winners in the past decade of trade globalization mo

Winners and Losers

Why are the biggest winners in the past decade of trade globalization mostly in South and East Asia, whereas the biggest losers are mostly in the former Soviet bloc (集团) and sub-Saharan Africa? History is a partial guide: East Asia has a long trading tradition, Lately reinvigorated (给以新的活力) by the Chinese adoption of market economics. The Soviet Union, on the other hand, was sheltered from free-market forces for more than 70 years. In Africa, some countries are disadvantaged because of inadequate infrastructure (基础结构); many countries have little to trade hut commodities, the prices of which have fallen in recent years.

In some regions, certain countries have suffered by adopting misguided policies, often under pressure from International Monetary Fund. First among these is Russia, which in the early 1990s tried to embrace capitalism before first building the institutions that make capitalism work, such as an independent bank system, a system of business law, and an adequate method for collecting taxes. Encouraged by the IMF, the World Bank and the U. S. Department of the Treasury, President Boris Yeltsin’s regime privatized the state-owned industrial sector, creating a class of oligarchs (寡头政治集团成员), who, knowing how unstable conditions were at home, sent their money abroad instead of investing it at home.

In contrast, China, the biggest winner from globalization, did not follow the IMF formula. Of the former states of the Soviet bloc, only a few, notably Poland and Hungary, managed to grow, which they did by ignoring IMF advice and adopting expansionary plans, including spending more than they collected in taxes. Botswana and Uganda are also success stories: despite their disadvantages, their countries achieved vigorous growth by creating stable civil societies, liberalizing trade and implementing reforms that ran counter to IMF prescriptions.

Japan has a long trading tradition.



C.Not mentioned

● When we announced Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME) a few years ago, we believed that Java had

● When we announced Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME) a few years ago, we believed that Java had an important role to play in hand held devices. Some were __(71)__ that Java would be small enough for such limited devices.

But no __(72)__, Java for the small device is a success. J2ME has emerged strongly in the wireless market. Java's portability and extensibility have brought about rapid __(73)__ in this market.

The success of Java beyond desktop computers is significant __(74)__ developers. Java literacy is now more important than ever, as Java is used more and more to __(75)__ a whole range of new computing devices—not only wireless handsets but also personal digital assistants, cameras, automobiles, home control, and so on.


A. skeptical

B. think

C. believe

D. approve


A. more

B. doubt

C. longer

D. little


A. adopt

B. adoption

C. adopting

D. adopted


A. to

B. for

C. on

D. at


A. program

B. write

C. print

D. draw

请根据以下内容回答1-7题WinnersandLosers Whyarethebiggestwinnersinthepastdecadeoftradegloba


Winners and Losers

Why are the biggest winners in the past decade of trade globalization mostly in South and East Asia, whereas the biggest

losers are mostly in the former Soviet bloc (集团) and sub-Saharan Africa? History is a partial guide: East Asia has a long

trading tradition, lately reinvigorated (给以新的活力) by the Chinese adoption of market economics. The Soviet Union, on

the other hand, was sheltered from free-market forces for more than 70 years. In Africa, some countries are disadvantaged

because of inadequate infrastructure (基础结构);many countries have little to trade but commodities, the prices of which

have fallen in recent years.

In some regions, certain countries have suffered by adopting misguided policies; often under pressure from International

Monetary Fund. First among these is Russia, which in the early 1990s tried to embrace capitalism before first building the

institutions that make capitalism work, such as an independent bank system, a system of business law, and an adequate

method for collecting taxes. Encouraged by the IMF, the World Bank and the U. S. Department of the Treasury, President

Boris Yeltsin's regime privatized the state-owned industrial sector, creating a class of oligarchs (寡头政治集团成员), who,

knowing how unstable conditions were at home, sent their money abroad instead of i nvesting it at home.

In contrast, China, the biggest winner from globalization, did not follow the IMF formula. Of the former states of the Soviet

bloc, only a few, notably Poland and&n bsp;Hungary, managed to grow, which they did by ignoring IMF advice and adopting expansionary plans,& nbsp;including spending more than they collected in taxes. Botswana and Uganda are also succes s stories: despite their disadvantages, their countries achieved vigorous growth by creating stable civil& nbsp;societies, liberalizing trade and implementing reforms that ran counter to IMF prescriptions.

Japan has a long trading tradition.()

A Right

B Wrong

C Not mentionedC Not mentioned

Adopt-A-Book at Leeds University Library Is there a book that means a lot to you? A book t

Adopt-A-Book at Leeds University Library

Is there a book that means a lot to you? A book that has encouraged you? A book that is of great value in the history of a subject you care about? A book with some personal importance to you? A work by Shakespeare, Isaac Newton, Tolkien—or something only you would think of ?

If there is, there may well be a copy in Leeds University Library's Special Collections, and from as little as £25 you can Adopt-A-Book at Leeds. We will place a bookplate in the book recording your support for the Library. You can also adopt a book as a gift for someone else—perhaps to celebrate a special event, like a birthday or wedding.

Please help us to protect our rare (珍稀的) books and keep them safe for present and future users. Our copies of many of the most important works ever printed are kept in safe conditions and the collections are well known worldwide. They are consulted (参阅) by thousands of students and researchers visiting from all over the world, and you may have worked with the valuable works yourself during your studies. When you adopt a healthy book, you help us to revive (使复苏) another that's not so fit!

The writer uses questions at the beginning ______.

A.to show the value of works by Shakespeare, Newton and Tolkien

B.to show the popularity of the library with students and teachers

C.to draw readers' attention to the low price for adopting a book

D.to draw readers' attention to the Adopt-A-Book program.

CAdopt-A-Book at Leeds University Library Is there a book that means a lot to you? A book


Adopt-A-Book at Leeds University Library Is there a book that means a lot to you? A book that has encouraged you? A book that is of great value in the history of a subject you care about? A book with some personal importance to you? A work by Shakespeare, Isaac Newton, Tolkien-or something only you would think of? If there is, there may well be a copy in Leeds University Library ' s Special Collections, and from as little as£ 25 you can Adopt-A-Book at Leeds. We will place a bookplate in the book re-cording your support for the Library. You can also adopt a book as a gift for someone else-per-haps to celebrate a special event, like a binhday or wedding.

Please help us to protect our rare (珍稀的) books and keep them safe for present and future users. Our copies of many of the most important works ever printed are kept in safe conditions and the collections are well known worldwide. They are consulted(参阅) by thousands of students and researchers visiting from all over the world, and you may have worked with the valuable works yourself during your studies. When you adopt a healthy book, you help us to revive(使复苏) an-other that ' s not so fit !

65. The writer uses questions at the beginning __________ .

[ A] to show the value of works by Shakespeare, Newton and Tolkien

[ B] to show the popularity of the library with students and teachers

[C] to draw readers ' attention to the low price for adopting a book

[D] to draw readers' attention to the Adopt-A-Book programme

Part ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by c

Part A

Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)

Generally a saving in energy consumption is insufficient incentive for the consumer to purchase new cooking equipment unless other improvements (e.g. shorter cooking periods, fewer cleaning difficulties and improved appearance) are available as well. For the individual, there is a natural reticence to incur rapid changes because of the valid economic desire to exploit existing capital investment to the maximum: this is the major problem with many proposed energy-thrift measures. However, caterers should appreciate that by reducing energy wastages; they will not only be saving money, but also improving the working environment within their kitchens.

Retro-fitting existing cookers with energy-conservation improvements in order to raise achievable efficiencies will occur only rarely. For the most immediate significant impact nationally, with respect to reducing the energy expended upon cooking, better management is recommended. Lawson suggested that about 16 PJ per year could be saved in the British catering sector by adopting improved operational practices. If only 10% of the energy used for catering purposes in the domestic sector could also be saved, overall national savings would amount to approximately 44 PJ per annum. To achieve this aim, a comprehensive and straight-forward program of energy-thrift education for housewives, cooks and kitchen managers is needed. This will require all concerned to exercise considerable personal discipline.

The present approach, whereby individuals make purchasing decisions mainly on visual and first-cost grounds-partly because the cooking appliance and food manufacturing industries rarely provide adequate scientific data to support their claims should be supplemented by other considerations. Food is too fundamental to human life, health and happiness to be considered an unworthy subject by intellectuals. For example, even the typical Briton (who tends to be casual about eating compared with most of his foreign counterparts) spends between 5% and 13% of his waking hours preparing, cooking and/or cleaning away after meals. Nevertheless, energy wastage prevails both on a national scale (e.g. storing vast quantities of food at sub-ambient temperatures in so-called food mountains); and on an individual scale (e.g. performing hob operations without placing lids on the pans employed).

If energy wastages are to be reduced, cooks______.

A.can only save money

B.should increase the cooking efficiency

C.need to have the knowledge of food manufacture

D.will enjoy better working environment in their kitchens






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