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What can we learn from the passage?A) Some widely accepted beliefs can be deceiving

What can we learn from the passage?

A) Some widely accepted beliefs can be deceiving.

B) Solid evidence weighs more than pure theories.

C) Little children can be as clever as trained TT practitioners.

D) The principle of TT is too profound to understand.

提问人:网友snacas 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“What can we learn from the pas…”相关的问题
The first law affirms that “nature” is an ________________ whole, of which we are only a part.

Directions: Read the following text about how to improve self-confidence. Five sentences have been removed from the text. Choose the best sentence from the list A-F on the next page to fill in each of the gaps (25-29). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 下面的短文有5处空白,短文后有6个句子,其中5个取自短文,请根据短文内容将其分别放回原有位置,以恢复文章原貌。本题填入正确选项的大写字母即可。 How to Improve Self-Confidence Improving your self-confidence can be a difficult task. Most people associate having a high level of confidence with being successful. In some way this is true, since most successful people have high levels of self-confidence and are able to take on any challenges in their path. (25) _______________. It can take a long time to develop, but it certainly can have a massive positive impact on the rest of your life. Self-confidence can be the route to achieving many of your other goals, whether it be asking certain person out to dinner, becoming successful in business or even with your weight loss goals. (26) _______________. Face what you fear. Most of the time, what you fear will not really be as bad as it seems. Whether it is being too embarrassed to go to a new fitness class since you think you will stick out like a sore thumb, or going for that promotion at work, you will find in time that everyone is fearful or has insecurities about something. (27) _______________. They just deal with them in a different and positive way. Improve your self-confidence by finding out what you really want from life. (28)_______________. Don’t be afraid of failing, since life is one big learning curve. I bet the most successful people you've met failed over and over again before they hit it big. (29) _______________. By utilizing the techniques used in hypnosis (催眠), you can gain access to your sub-conscious mind, allowing you to plant positive thoughts that can greatly help you with your progress of becoming a more self-confident person. A. There are a few basic tips to help make you into a self-confident human being. B. One method that can help to improve self-confidence is through the use of Hypnosis. C. Try new things that excite you. D. Even the most self-confident people have certain issues. E. We aim to help people become more self-confident in life. F. Developing self-confidence can be hard, especially if you are starting with little or no confidence. 25. __________


Directions: Read the text below. Use the word at the end of each line to form a new word that fits in the space in the same line. 下面的短文有11处空白,每处空白后的括号内有一个词,请根据短文内容将其正确的形式填入文中,以恢复文章原貌。 Careful Use of Words Words are powerful and can be very (40)____________ (damage) when used carelessly. They have the power to evoke potent emotions and they can help inspire, (41)____________ (courage) and motivate people. They can transform the world that we live in and in a crisis they can be your strongest ally or your most damaging opponent. One should always be very (42)____________ (care) when using words, but this is especially so in the midst of a crisis. Who can forget when, during the middle of the largest oil spill inUShistory, the Chief Executive of BP, Tony Hayward, said “I’d like my life back”? When a crisis breaks, a company needs to be (43)____________ (particular) careful in framing its response. While attempting to assert control it also needs to be aware of the (44)____________ (implicate) of the response and what it may mean in the future. Framed properly, a (45)____________ (train) spokesperson can use their language to calm nerves during a very anxious time and can give the public an (46)____________ (impress) that the company is in control and working hard to resolve the crisis. The language in all crisis (47)____________ (communicate) materials should be carefully managed and reviewed. Have all professional expressions and academic language been removed and adapted? The language should be simple and self-explanatory. Are the communication materials (48)____________ (respect) of all audiences including stakeholders, employees, media and the general public? Are words the best method to explain what happened? It may be useful to have a graphic (49)____________ (design) /photographer available to allow you to communicate clearly what happened in a simple and (50)____________ (logic) way. Can your press release be converted into 140 characters or less for Twitter? It’s unlikely—prepare alternative strategies to allow you to engage via social media channels. A serious crisis can destroy companies and/or individuals。 However,proper preparation combined with an appropriate response can actually help improve the reputation of both. Language is a powerful weapon and should be treated as such in all communications. 40. _________

It is improper to ______ between pupils according to their family background.(different, differentiate)
He had been a strict father but was ______ to his grandchildren. (indulge, indulgent)
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