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Task 2 Exercise 1: please fill the blank with the ...

Task 2 Exercise 1: please fill the blank with the right sentence which suits best the logic development of this paragraph. A. Therefore, they are more likely to learn social customs and habits. B. Children sense around them this culture, this network of agreement, customs, habits, and rules binding the adults together. C. A child is easy to be discipline at different stages. D. They watch carefully what people around them are doing and want to do the same. E. The next discipline we might call the Discipline of Culture, of Society, of what people really do. A child, in growing up, may meet and learn from three different kinds of disciplines. The first and most important in what we might call the Discipline of Nature and Reality. When he is trying to do something, if he does the wrong thing or doesn’t do the right one, he doesn’t get the result he wants. 1 Man is a social, cultural animal. 2 , 3 The third discipline is the one most people mean when they speak of discipline --- the Discipline of Superior Force, of sergeant to private, of “you do what I tell you or I’ll make you wish you had.” Exercise 2: please fill in the blank with appropriate given word or phrase that best suits the logic connection. A. Roots B. Trees C. impurities D. It E. leaves F. unsanitary G. soil The forest is a sanitary agent. 1 is constantly eliminating impurities from the earth and the air. 2 check, sweep, and filter from the air quantities of filthy, germ-laden dust. Their leaves absorb poisonous gases from the air. 3 assist in drainage, and absorb 4 from the soil. Roots give off acids, and these acids, together with the acids released by the fallen, decaying 5 , have a sterilizing effect upon the 6 . Trees help to keep the earth sweet and clean, and water which comes from a forested watershed is likely to be pure. Many 7 areas have been redeemed and rendered healthy by tree planting.

提问人:网友victormaxin 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“Task 2 Exercise 1: please fill…”相关的问题
There are two tasks in this exercise: Task 1: Read the section of "What is statistics?" an
d write down the MINOR points for each of the following MAIN points: 1) The word statistics is used in four different senses. ... 2) Most professional activities use statistical thinking. ... 3) Statistics is used because of our uncertainty about what we observe in the world around us. Task 2: Read the section of "Descriptive and inferential statistics" and write a list of the main points of the section.

【填空题】Task Audio-visual Exercise AV Clip 2 Side ...

【填空题】Task Audio-visual Exercise AV Clip 2 Side Effects of Drugs AV2 Side Effects of Drugs.mp4 Watch the video clip and complete the following passage by filling in each blank with the words or phrases from the video clip. Side effects can (1) greatly. They range from minor symptoms such as (2) , headaches or (3) to more serious side effects like (4) or liver damage. In worst cases they can even be (5) . It is often impossible to predict whether side effects will occur. They can be caused, for example, by (6) , interactions with other drugs, or (7) can also trigger side effects. Unfortunately, side effects can never be completely (8) . Fortunately, serious side effects tend to be quite uncommon in most patients. In other words, more people (9) than suffer from serious side effects. In any case, patients should be aware of the benefits and (10) before taking a drug.

【填空题】Task Audio-visual Exercise AV Clip 1 Medic...

【填空题】Task Audio-visual Exercise AV Clip 1 Medication Safety TipsAV 1 Medication safety tips- How to prevent adverse drug events.mp4 Watch the video clip and complete the following statements according to the information from the video clip. 1. An adverse drug event is any harm that . Sometimes the harm is not , such as an to something you've never taken before, but sometimes harm results from a mistake. 2. Common mistakes include . 3. The people that are are children, older adults over 65 years old and anyone who takes multiple medications.

Task 1 Exercise 1:please fill in the blank with ap...

Task 1 Exercise 1:please fill in the blank with appropriate given word or phrase that best suits the logic connection. A. Indeed B. encouraged C. Every D. For example E. disgraced F. One day A career that takes years to build can be ruined in minutes. 1 , Wilbur Smith had devoted thirty years of his life to his job in a bank. He had given faithful and loyal service and gained much power and prestige in his years in office. Everyone in the bank, old or young, knew him and respected him. 2 new employee of the bank would be told the story of his model worker and 3 to follow in his footsteps. 4 he took one hundred dollars of the bank’s money home. Overnight, the man was branded a crook, an embezzler. He was fired from his job; he was forever 5 , and possibly threatened with prison. No one remembered the thirty years of good service and no one tried to find out the reason why he did so and forgive him. 6 , a career takes years to build, but only a second to lose. Exercise 2: please organize the following sentences into a coherent paragraph. A. Advertisers also try to create favorable attitudes toward their products and specific brands and to link such products to existing needs. B. By providing such information, advertisers hope to fill people’s cognitive maps. C. Advertising contains at least a minimum of information about products and services available. D. Thus, media advertising can have cognitive, affective and behavioral effects on consumers. E. Lastly, advertisers hope to stimulate actual purchase behaviors.

【填空题】Task: Audio-visual Exercises AV Clip 6: Cu...

【填空题】Task: Audio-visual Exercises AV Clip 6: Cutting risks of Heart Failure AV 6 Cutting Risks of Heart Failure.mp4 Watch the video clip three times and complete the following passage by filling in each blank with the word from the video clip. More than 5 million Americans are living with heart failure, and 600,000 new cases are (1) ____________ each year. Men can cut their risk of heart failure but remaining (2) ___________ and fit, say researchers from the Brigham and Women’s Hospital who did the study (3) __________ 21,000 middle-aged and senior men for two decades. Those who (4) ___________ a normal body weigh and got regular physical exercise had the lowest odds of developing heart failure while men who are inactive (5) _________ their risk by nineteen percent. Overweight men had an even greater increased risk, forty-nine percent. But those who were both inactive and (6) ______ increased their risk by the most, by almost three hundred percent. The good news is that men can lower their odds of heart failure with even (7) _________ levels of exercise. The study found that breaking a sweat just three per month reduced men’s risk by eighteen percent while (8) __________ exercise twice a week double the benefit, slashing heart failure odds by thirty-six percent.

Task 2Directions: This task is the same as Task 1.The 5 questions or unfinished statements

Task 2

Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 through 45.

Exercise should play a very large role in our daily life. Everyone, no matter what age, needs exercise every day. However, modem life may prevent people from getting the daily exercise they need.

There are many kinds of exercises that help people keep physically(身体上地) fit, if they axe done every day. There are sit-up(仰卧起坐) exercises that anyone can perform. for a few minutes every day. For a young person football is one of the best games. If more people would exercise daily, they would find themselves better all the time.

Television and other modem inventions could possibly be a factor that produces physical unfitness(不适). Television can be very educational, but mostly it is just a waste of time: With the automobile(汽车), another modem invention, people no longer walk to any place. If people are going to sit for hours in front of their TV sets and ride in their cars everywhere, they need to get exercise by sit-ups or playing football.

Which is the best title for this passage?

A.Exercise in Daily Life

B.The Importance of Watching TV

C.Sit-up Is the Best Sport

D.TV Is Better Than Car

() and () have both linguistic outcome and non-liuguistic outcome.





【填空题】Task: Audio-visual Exercises AV Clip 12: w...

【填空题】Task: Audio-visual Exercises AV Clip 12: walking for Heart Health AV 12 Walking For Heart Health.mp4 Watch the video clip three times and complete the following passage by filling in each blank with the word from the video clip. For decades, doctors have recommended that cardiac (1) _______ exercises for heart patients. Studies show that those who participate live longer than those who don’t. But the program has (2) _______ largely unchanged since 1970s. And new researchers find that the patients can get greater benefits with more exercise. Doctors from the University of Vermouth studied 74 (3) ________ patients in cardiac rehab. Half performed the usual exercises, walking, biking or (4) ________ for about half an hour three times per week. The other half took a long road for 45 to 60 minutes most days per week. After 5 months, the long (5) walkers had big improvements in blood sugar and (6) ________ levels, lower blood pressure and improved aerobic fitness. They also lost twice as much weight: 18 pounds compared with 8 pounds for the (7) _______ exercise group. Experts say even low impact such as walking can burn thousands of extra (8) _______ per week if you do them often enough. And they recommend that people start now to keep their heart strong and healthy for years to come.

Task 1Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfini

Task 1

Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should make the correct choice.

It is clear that some people who participate in exercise training will develop injuries to their bones, muscles, and joints (关节). Despite unfounded reports in the mass media of extremely high injury rates among adult exercisers, there have been few good studies of exercise injuries in populations. One of the difficulties in performing such studies has been the need to identify both the number of cases and the number of people at risk for injury. In other words, it is difficult to know the number of individuals injured and the total number of individuals exercising in the population. But these two figures are necessary in order to calculate (统计) true injury rates Normally, injury is defined as an accident that causes a person to stop exercising for al least one week. The best available studies on injury rates show that about 25 to 30 percent of adult runners become "injured" (based on the above definition) over the course of a year. More serious injuries include those for which the injured person seeks medical care. If only they are considered, injury rates are much lower, perhaps in the range of 1 percent per year.

Little is known about the causes of exercise injuries. One factor that has been linked to injury is the amount of exercise; for example, individuals who run more miles are likelier to be injured than those who run fewer miles. Factors such as age, sex, body type, and experience have not been shown to be associated with risk of injury. It seems logical that structural abnormalities, sudden increases in training intensity, and types of equipment used are likely to be related to injury risk. However, data to support these opinions are not available.

What is the writer's attitude towards high injury rates among adult exercisers reported by the mass media?





Walking to Exercise the Brain Do you think sitting and studying all the time will improve

Walking to Exercise the Brain

Do you think sitting and studying all the time will improve students' grades? Think again.Getting some exercise may help,too.

New research with older people suggests that taking regular walks helps them pay attention better than if they didn't exercise.

Previous research had shown that mice learn,remember,and pay attention better after a few weeks of working out on a running wheel.Mice that exercise have greater blood flow to the brain than those who don't.Their brain cells also make more connections.

Neuroscientists(神经科学家)from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign wanted to find out if the same thing is true for people.First,they measured the physical fitness of 41 adults,ages 58 to 77,after each person walked 1 mile.Then,participants looked at arrows on a computer screen and had to use computer keys to show which way one particular arrow was pointing.

Adults who were physically fit were faster at the arrow task,and their answers were just as accurate as their less-fit peers,the researchers found.The fitter participants also had more blood flow to a part of their brain responsible for paying attention and making decisions.

In a second study,15 elderly people who completed a 6-month aerobic-training(有氧运动)course were faster at attention tasks compared with 14 seniors who just did stretching and toning(韵律操)exercises for the same amount of time.

So,even going for a walk every 2 or 3 days for just 10 to 45 minutes can help.That should be good news for the elderly.

The effects of exercising on the brains of younger people haven't been studied yet.Still,it can't hurt to take occasional breaks and go for a walk or run around with friends.Whatever you do,though,don't try to read and walk at the same time.You could end up hurting yourself!

Walking regularly helps elderly people______.

A.lose weight.

B.become happier.

C.concentrate better.

D.look younger.

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