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Please write and let me know () university clubs I am eligible to join.A、whenB、which

Please write and let me know () university clubs I am eligible to join.





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更多“Please write and let me know (…”相关的问题
I would like to meet you there and please()your decision soon.

A.show me

B.instruct me

C.write to me

D.let me know

● Read the memo below.● Complete the table form.● Write a word, phrase (in CAPITAL LEI-I'E

● Read the memo below.

● Complete the table form.

● Write a word, phrase (in CAPITAL LEI-I'ERS) or a number on lines 41-45 on your Answer Sheet.


TO: Peter Jones

FROM: Roger Barclay

DATE: 12 March 2003

SUBJECT: Staff Training

I think we need to give the newly-joined management trainees an orientation some time this week. Would you please take care of it and let all the department managers know about the schedule?




Friday, March 14, 2003

09:00-11:30 a.m.

Training Room C

"Orientation for New Management Trainees"

All newly-employed management trainees are required to participate. Any question, please call Cindy at Ext205

Human Resources Department


PARTICIPANTS: 42. ______

DATE: 43. ______

TIME: 44. ______

VENUE: 45. ______


&8226;Read the memo and the e-mail below.&8226;Complete the form.&8226;Write a word, phras

&8226;Read the memo and the e-mail below.

&8226;Complete the form.

&8226;Write a word, phrase or numbers in spaces 41-45 on your Answer Sheet.


To: All Line Managers

From: Louis Harvey, Accounts

Overtime payment

Please could you let me have any staff overtime details dating from 30/8/06 to 29/9/06 as soon as possible so that the salaries can be calculated? Please remember to state if the worker would prefer to be paid or have leave.

Thanks a lot.

To: louisharvey @ fibretech, co. uk

From: jimbrooks@ fibretech, co. uk

Subject: overtime payment

Robert White, Assistant in Personnel, has done 28 hours' overtime this month, i.e. three extra shifts. He would like to have time off.

Overtime Payment

Worker's name: (41) ______

Extra hours worked: (42) ______

Period ending: (43) ______

Pay/Leave: (44) ______

Department: (45) ______


Hey APSers! Let's show off what we've acquired dur...

Hey APSers! Let's show off what we've acquired during the past 8 weeks! For Pre 2, give a 3-minute persuasive speech on ONE of the three topics below.Hey APSers! Let's show off what we've acquired durPlease start early, so that you can fully prepare: research, decide and organize main points, find/select supporting materials, write up the draft, design opening and closing, empower it verbally, plan delivery, rehearse, and then you're ready to be heard! [APPLAUD] During this process, let our "Persuasive Speech Preparation Worksheet" and "Pre 2 Scoring Sheet" be of help (See under "7.5 Pre 2 Instructions and Help"). Any questions, feel free to ask under Session 7.5 as well. When you're ready, paste your speech script in the box and upload your audio/video here. Please note: 1. Your audio(mp3 file)/video(needs to be compressed first) should be named after your MOOC ID. 2. [JUMP] This Pre 2 is also your contribution to our APS Speech Contest. We're giving out "Best Voice", "Best Language" and "Best APS Speech" awards respectively to 3 of you. The awards (SISU souvenirs) will be posted to you when delivery services go back to normal. Sooo looking forward to hearing the speaker you!

● Read this note which you have had from the Chairman of the company where you work.Mireir

● Read this note which you have had from the Chairman of the company where you work.

Mireira Automotives

From Dr Mireira, Chairman Confidential

Dear Lee,

I am pleased to tell you that we want to make you Manager of our branch in Sao Paolo.

The position carries the same duties as your present job, but, because the Sao Paolo branch is larger, we will give you a 15% increase in salary, and other benefits.

Your new job will start at the beginning of October.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

● Write a reply to Mr. Mireira.

-- thanking him for the offer

-- giving a reason why you cannot start until November

-- asking for a bigger increase in salary

-- requesting details about the other benefits.

● Write 60-80 words on your Answer sheet.

● Do not include postal addresses.

Questions 41-45 &8226;Read the memo and letter below. &8226;Complete the form. &8226;Write

Questions 41-45

&8226;Read the memo and letter below.

&8226;Complete the form.

&8226;Write a word or phrase (in CAPITAL LETTERS) or a number on lines (41-45) on your Answer Sheet.


To: Jo Montenegro

From: Zhara Farrell

Date: 25 February 2002

Subject: Bob Young

One of the warehouse assistants, Bob Young, has broken his arm. Here is the letter from his doctor; please let Bob's line manager know how long he will be away, and fill in a sick pay form. for him.

24 February 2002

To whom it may concern,

This is to inform. you that Mr Bob Young has a broken arm. He should not return to work for a fortnight.

Dr Jake Parry

Employee Sick Pay Form

Name of employee: (41) ______

Position: (42) ______

Name of doctor: (43) ______

Reason for absence: (44) ______

Length of absence: (45) ______


You work for an advertising agency as the Project Consultant. You have received the follow
ing letter from Ms. Reeves, the PR Manager of your client, ABC Consulting Co.

Dear Mr. Bridges,

I am writing to you to propose a meeting with you on the 15th. At the proposed meeting, I would like to discuss with you how to organize an advertising campaign for our of our clients. I would like to have your advice on having an appropriate budget for such a project. Please let me know if you will be available for the proposed meeting.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Marianne Reeves

PR Manager

ABC Consulting Co.

Write a letter to Ms. Reeves:

apologizing for being unable to attend the meeting

explaining why you cannot attend the meeting

suggesting another date (make it reasonably soon)

asking her to contact your secretary to confirm the appointment

Dear Ms. Reeves,

Please compare E-mail A with E-mail B, and comment...

Please compare E-mail A with E-mail B, and comment on both of them. Then, revise your favorite one for effectiveness. Rewrite or add any information if necessary. E-mail A Dear Ms Wang I have been asked by Mr John Fillmore to write to you to ask you if you could supply us with some of the special white cotton materials you supplied us with last year. I can’t remember what he said it was called, but no doubt you will remember anyway. I think we will want about 5,000 metres if the price is right. If we needed more, would we be able to have it? Can you let us know as soon as you possibly can whether or not we can have it. If we can’t Mr Fillmore will go elsewhere. Hope you are keeping well. Yours faithfully E-mail B Dear Ms Wang We would like to purchase a further quantity of the white fur you supplied us with last year, subject to a satisfactory price being agreed. The Order Number for this was 32323 and the material was called“ Pure White”. We require approximately 5,000 metres of the cotton, although we need to know whether we would be able to obtain more if necessary. The price last year was $3.00 a metre. Would you be able to offer us the same terms? Perhaps you would be kind enough to let us know if you can supply us with this cotton material, how much is available, the price per metre, and when delivery would take place. Yours sincerely Sara Hope

From: Chief AccountantDate: 5 October, 2004To: Managing Director Ref: MA/501/ACSubject: Ed

From: Chief Accountant Date: 5 October, 2004

To: Managing Director Ref: MA/501/AC

Subject: Edmond Brothers, Bicycle Retailers

I have received a letter from Edmond Brothers dated 20th September. They would like to open an account with us and pay us quarterly on receipt of a statement from us.

I am satisfied that they are credit-worthy, and will write to them, if you agree, granting the credit terms they ask for. They have been our customers for three years and have always paid promptly on receipt of our invoices. They have recently opened a bank account, for which we were able to supply them a good reference. It would be easier for us and for them if they did not have to make separate payments each time a purchase was made.

Please let me know the decision.

Who writes this letter?

根据下列材料,请回答下列各题 YoITR BUILDING SERVICE √We help people in this part of the cit
y by: √checking all plans(方案)before people build new houses or make changes to old ones;*checking water pipes(管道); √looking at any problem buildings and making sure that they are all fight.√We check 900 building plans each year. √We look at 700 building places each month to see if things are going on well. WHERE CAN YoU GET MoRE DETAILS √The Building Service is at the City Hall,Kenton,CNl 6KJ.Telephone:6763160r 676317√We have office hours for people to come and talk about their problems. HELP US To HELP You √If you do building work.please think of other people. √Be nice to people living next door. √If you want to talk to US about your problems,please give as many details(细节)as possible. √If you see any building problems,please let US know right away. WHAT YOU CAN DO IF THINGS Go WRONG √"If you ale not happy with US and have anything to say about the Building Service。please come,phone or write to The Planning Office,City Hail,Kenton,CNl 6KJ.Telephone:676317 How many building places does the Building Service look at each month to see if things are going on well?



C.We don’t know.

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