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听力原文:Finance ministers from the world's major economies met Saturday in Washington, an

听力原文: Finance ministers from the world's major economies met Saturday in Washington, and pledged to redouble their efforts to speed world economic growth.

What is called the Group of Seven finance ministers meet regularly to set policy direction for the International Monetary Fund, in which they are the dominant shareholders. The group of seven includes the United States, Japan, Germany, France, Britain, Italy and Canada.

Russia's finance minister, Alexei Kedrin, who attended a portion of the meeting, said Russia has no intention of following the OPEC cartel in cutting oil production.

Canada's finance minister, Paul ~le, said there is concern about the potentially destabilizing global impact of the large U. S. budget deficit. But he is encouraged by assurances from U. S. Treasury Secretary John Snow, that the U. S. deficit will come down.

"He has repeated the United States determination to make progress in that regard," he said. "And he has a plan and a time frame. to at least cut that deficit in half in the next number of years. That certainly would be helpful."

During two days of meetings, world finance ministers are also discussing debt problems of the poorest countries. The head of the African Development Bank, Omar Kabhaj, says the poorest countries need more debt relief. But he identifies one group of African countries that have been growing at five percent annual rates and reducing poverty.

The Group of Seven finance ministers regularly meet to ______.

A.discuss how to promote international economic growth

B.set policy direction for International Monetary Fund

C.talk about how to meet the challenges posed by globalization

D.discuss how to control production

提问人:网友jj_wong 发布时间:2022-01-07
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Compréhension écrite Météo d’aujourd’hui Aujourd’hui, dans le nord de la France, il y a des orages. A Paris, il y a des nuages. Dans l’est de la France, il fait froid. Il fait 5 degrés et il y a aussi des nuages. Dans l’ouest de la France, en Bretagne, il pleut. Il y a des nuages, de la pluie et du vent. Il ne fait pas chaud, il fait 8 degrés. Dans le sud-ouest, il fait beau mais frais : 11 degrés. Dans le sud de la France, il y a du soleil, mais attention, dans le sud-est, il y a du vent. Les montagnes, maintenant : il fait beau sur le Massif Central. Sur les Pyrénées, il y a des nuages. Et dans les Alpes, il neige, il fait 0 degrés. Je vous donne les températures pour les grandes villes : A Lille, ce matin, il fait 8 degrés et 10 cet après-midi. A Paris, 4 degrés ce matin et 9 cet après-midi. A Nice, 9 degrés ce matin et 14 cet après-midi. A Strasbourg, il fait seulement 2 ce matin et 6 cet après-midi. Et enfin, à Montpellier, 13 dans la matinée et 18 dans l’après-midi. QUESTIONS : 1. Quel temps fait-il dans le nord de la France ? 2. Quelle est la température dans l’est de la France ? 3. Est-ce qu’il fait beau dans le sud de la France ? 4. Quelle est la température à Montpellier le matin ?

A、Il y a des orages dans le nord de la France. Dans l’est de la France, la température est de 5 degrés. Oui, il fait beau dans le sud de la France. La température est de 13 degrés à Montpellier le matin.

B、Il y a du soleil dans le nord de la France. Dans l’est de la France, il fait 5 degrés. Oui, il fait beau dans le sud de la France. La température est de 18 degrés à Montpellier le matin.

C、Il fait beau le nord de la France. Dans l’est de la France, la température est de 6 degrés. Non, il y a du vent dans le sud de la France. Il fait 13 degrés à Montpellier le matin.

D、Il fait froid le nord de la France. Dans l’est de la France, la température est de 5 degrés. Non, il y a des nuages dans le sud de la France. La température est de 13 degrés à Montpellier le matin.

E、Il y a des nuages le nord de la France. Dans l’est de la France, la température est de 5 degrés. Non, il fait frais dans le sud de la France. Il fait 18 degrés à Montpellier le matin.

F、Il y a des nuages le nord de la France. Dans l’est de la France, la température est de 5 degrés. Non, il pleut dans le sud de la France. La température est de 13 degrés à Montpellier le matin.

What did Mrs. Bruce think of the suffragettes' efforts?

A.They were useless.

B.They were ridiculous.

C.They were good in a lot of ways.

D.They were somewhat limited.


听力原文: At least eighty-one people are reported to have died during a fire in a handicraft factory in southern China. As we hear from VOA's Max Rusten many of those killed are reported to have been unable to leave the building because of locked doors and windows. "Beijing-hacked newspapers say most of the victims died of suffocation as they tried to escape from a three-storey a few kilometers from China's border with Hong Kong. They say factory managers locked windows to guard against theft and failed to meet demands from fire authorities for improved safety standards. Strong winds made it difficult for tire-fighters to put it out. Most of those killed are reported to have been young women. The fire is the latest in a series of fire-related accidents in southern China. Fourteen people died in a fire in an overcrowded dormitory last month. At least fifteen people were killed in an explosion at a dangerous goods ware house earlier in the year. Observers in Hong Kong say rapid economic growth in southern China, particularly in the manufacturing industry, has out paced the government's ability to maintain adequate safety standards. Max Rusten, VOA news, Hong Kong. "

The news from China tells us that ______.

A.at least eighty-one people have been killed by flooding

B.a dangerous goods warehouse has been damaged by fire

C.many killed were unable to leave the building

D.the fire in a handicraft factory in southern China is striking

The recent fire-related accidents were caused by ______.

A.strong win& and lack of water

B.rapid economic growth

C.locked doors and windows

D.overcrowded people

What happened to the cats if the number of mice in a post office didn't decline within 6 months?

A.They were killed.

B.They were punished by not to be given food.

C.They had to change job.

D.They were dismissed.

As Americans are called Uncle Sam, British are called ______.

A.Henry Bull

B.John Bear

C.John Bull

D.John Bear

Which movie is not awarded the Oscar's best movie?

A.American Beauty

B.A Beautiful Mind

C.Shakespeare in Love

D.Secret Window

Who raised the notion of "objective correlative"?

A.Robert Penn Warren

B.Flannery O'Conner

C.William Faulkner

D.TS. Eliot

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