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According to Paragraph 3, what conclusion can be drawn from the article about the United S

tates during the time of Henry Ford's youth?

A.Horse-drawn carriages were used as a popular means of transportation.

B.People might be tired of horse-drawn carriages and wanted a better way to travel.

C.The assembly line made it more difficult for people to invent new products.

D.Many inventors were trying to invent a fast and comfortable way to travel.

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更多“According to Paragraph 3, what…”相关的问题
The mother complained that her children were hopelessly _______ to television.





Which is NOT the proper way to set a table based on the professors talk?

A.Centerpieces should be low so as not to interrupt the guests.

B.The table should be set at the hostess will.

C.Setting the table, the hostess should always think of her guests.

D.The table should be set according to the food styl

It is NOT true according to the passage that

A.the government always had the support of the public.

B.the space program changed a lot after Kennedy"s announcement.

C.the Russians started the space program in the lead.

D.the astronaut John Glenn was the first American to orbit in spac

Why does the professor mention Charles Darwin?

A.To show that Malthus wasn"t taken as seriously as Darwin.

B.To illustrate the difference between two well-respected theorists.

C.To explain how Malthus" work inspired another important theory.

D.To introduce a political economist from another century.

The author of the passage implies that a theory about nature should ______.

A.be blended with an ethical doctrine about the best way of living

B.be separated from an ethical doctrine about the best way of living

C.be influenced by an ethical doctrine about the best way of living

D.consist of an ethical doctrine about the best way of living

What did Sarah have to do in order to finish her economics project?

A.Draw her own charts and graphs.

B.Go to the computer center for assistance.

C.Wait until 9:30 for a computer.

D.Ask her professor for advic

What are the two main problems about the computer center?

A.So many students have to finish their homework on computers.

B.The computer center is closed so early.

C.There are so few computers, and they are always broken.

D.Very few students come back.


听力原文: OK, uh lets urn, lets start. Last time we touched a bit about American society. American society has been described as maintaining a stereotypical and often negative perception of older adults. This negative and/or stereotypical perception of aging and aged individuals is readily apparent in such areas as language, media, and humor. For example, such commonly used phrases as "over the hill" and "dont be an old fuddy-duddy" denote old age as a period of impotency and incompetency. The term used to describe this stereotypical and often negative bias against older adults is, ageism. OK, ageism can be defined as...um...as "any action, or institutional structure which demeans a person or group because of age or any assignment of roles in society purely on the basis of age". As an "ism", ageism reflects a prejudice in society against older adults. Ageism, however, is different from other "ism"(sexism, racism etc.), for primarily two reasons. First, age classification is not static. An individuals age classification changes as one progress through the life cycle. Thus... uh, age classification is characterized by continual change, while the other classification systems traditionally used by society such as race and gender remain constant. Second, um...no one is exempt from, at some point, achieving the status of old, and therefore, unless they die at an early age, experiencing ageism. The later is an important distinction as ageism can thus affect the individual on two levels. First, the individual may be ageist with respect to others. That is she/he may stereotype other people on the basis of age. Second, the individual may be ageist with respect to self. Thus, ageist attitudes may affect the self-concept. Much research has been conducted concerning ageism. However, the empirical evidence is inconclusive. Some research demonstrates the existence of ageist attitudes, and other research does not. This discrepancy is most likely the result of methodological differences and, in particular, methodological errors. A brief discussion of the major methodological errors or problems found in ageism research may be helpful in clarifying this point.Narrator Listen to part of a lecture in a sociology class. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer.

What is the exact meaning of ageism?

A.A negative period of impotency and incompetency.

B.A negative and/or stereotypical perception of older adults.

C.A definition of stereotypical and often negative attitudes.

D.A denotation against the negative bias of older adults.

Often enough the craft worker's place of employment in ancient Greece was set in rural
Often enough the craft worker's place of employment in ancient Greece was set in

rural isolation. Potter, for instance, found it convenient to locate their workshops near

their source of clay, regardless of its relation to the center of settlement. At Corinth and

Athens, however, two of the best-known potters' quarters were situated on the cities'

(5) outskirts, and potters and makers of terra-cotta figurines were also established well within

the city of Athens itself. The techniques of pottery manufacture had evolved well before

the Greek period, but marked stylistic developments occurred in shape and in decoration,

for example, in the interplay of black and other giazes with the red surface of the fired pot.

Athenian black-figure and red-figure decoration, which emphasized human figures rather

(10) than animal images, was adopted between 630 and 530 B.C.; its distinctive color and luster

were the result of the skillful adjustments of the kiln's temperature during an extended

three-stage period if firing the clayware. Whether it was the potters or the vase-painters

who initiated changes in firing is unclear; the functions of making and decorating were

usually divided between them, but neither group can have been so specialized the they

(15) did not share in the concerns of the other.

The broad utility of terra-cotta was such that workers in clay could generally afford to

Confine themselves to either decorated ware and housewares like cooking pots and storage

Jars or building materials like roof tiles and drainpipes. Some sixth-and fifth-century B.C.

Athenian pottery establishments are known to have concentrated on a limited range of fine

(20) ware, but a rural pottery establishment on the island of Thasos produced many types of

pottery and roof tiles too, presumably to meet local demand. Molds were used to create

particular effects for some products, such as relief-decorated vessels and figurines; for

other products such as roof tiles, which were needed in some quantity, they were used to

facilitate mass production. There were also a number of poor-quality figurines and painted

(25) pots produced in quantity by easy, inexpensive means-as numerous featureless statuettes and

unattractive cases testify.

The passage mainly discusses ancient Greek pottery and its

A.production techniques

B.similarity to other crafts

C.unusual materials

D.resemblance to earlier pottery

What does the author mean by saying "put the earth at the top of their agenda" in the beginning sentence of the passage?

A.The author intends to discuss the issue of global warming with top government leaders.

B.The author lays stress on the research of the climate of the earth.

C.The author attaches paramount importance to the protection of the earth"s environment.

D.The author considers the relation between automating and environmental pollution.

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