题目内容 (请给出正确答案)

Translation---English to Chinese(25 minutes)Directions: This part, numbered 61 to 65, is

Translation---English to Chinese(25 minutes)

Directions: This part, numbered 61 to 65, is to test your ability to translate English into Chinese. Each of the four sentences (No.61 to No.64) is followed by four choices of suggested translation marked A, B, C and D. Make the best choice and write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Write your translation of the paragraph (No.65) in the corresponding space on the Translation /Composition Sheet.

1. As a matter of fact, your product will sell well if the advertisement is convincing.





2. On account of rapid increase of trade with China, we have recently established a new branch there.

A. 由于最近在中国设立了新公司,我们增开了在中国的贸易账户。

B. 由于对华贸易的高速增长,我们最近在中国设立了新的分公司。

C. 为适应对华贸易的快速增长,我们新公司最近在中国隆重开业。

D. 为了在中国建立一家新公司.我们需要重新开设一个贸易账户。

3. It seems that women are now more attracted to the convenience of online shopping than they used to be.

A. 现在看来,利用网络购物的女性与过去相比,人数越来越多。

B. 看起来网上购物更加容易了,现在比过去更能吸引现代女性。

C. 现代的妇女与传统的妇女比较起来,似乎更加喜欢网络购物。

D. 看起来,如今的妇女比起过去更加为网络购物的便捷所吸引。

4. There was a heated discussion about customer service at the meeting until the manager came up with a great idea.

A. 经理提出的关于客户服务的好主意,在会议上引起了大家的热烈讨论。

B. 经理到会之前,会议还在对那个客户提出的合理建议进行热烈的争论。

C. 会议就客服问题进行了热烈讨论,直到经理提出一个绝妙主意才停止。

D. 会议一直在热烈讨论客服问题,直到结束时经理才想出了一个好主意。

提问人:网友Chenshan2019 发布时间:2022-01-07
如搜索结果不匹配,请 联系老师 获取答案
  • · 有4位网友选择 A,占比44.44%
  • · 有3位网友选择 B,占比33.33%
  • · 有2位网友选择 C,占比22.22%
匿名网友 选择了B
[206.***.***.57] 1天前
匿名网友 选择了C
[62.***.***.167] 1天前
匿名网友 选择了C
[246.***.***.215] 1天前
匿名网友 选择了A
[108.***.***.208] 1天前
匿名网友 选择了B
[139.***.***.52] 1天前
匿名网友 选择了A
[249.***.***.243] 1天前
匿名网友 选择了B
[9.***.***.188] 1天前
匿名网友 选择了A
[122.***.***.96] 1天前
匿名网友 选择了A
[123.***.***.210] 1天前
更多“Translation---English to Chine…”相关的问题
Qustions 1-5 are based on Text B, please choose the best answer to each of the following questions: Why did Jonda fail to save the teenager many years ago?

A、Because she was too terrified to take any action.

B、Because she was pulled back by some other people.

C、Because the road was too slippery to move forward.

D、Because the car was on fire and she could not get near it.

Part I Listening Comprehension (20 points) Section A: Listen to an interview with Steve Walker of ART (Aston Reinvestment Trust), and choose the best way to complete the following statements. ART helps businesses that have __________.

A、failed to come up with a viable business model

B、fail to come up with a good business plan.

C、been refused financial help elsewhere.

D、made profits for many years.

A merchandiser's ability to pay its short-term obligations depends on many factors including how quickly it sells its merchandise inventory.
Part B

For this part, you are required to write a composition on the topic of "Housing Problem." You should write no less than 120 words, and you should base your composition on the outline below:

(1) Present situation of housing problem;

(2) Reason of housing problem;

(3) Possible solution to housing problem.

【写作】(100分) Directions: In this section, you are required to write an English letter in the full correct layout based on the information given below. 1. 对方公司名称和地址:Kiddie Korner, Inc. (#202-418 Richards Street, Vancouver, B.C.CanadaV6B 3A7) 收信人姓名与职务: Mr. Fred Johns Chief Buyer 2. 得悉对方昨天传真发来的信函,要求以30天付款交单方式付款。 3. 告知对方,本公司财务政策规定新客户须以即期信用证支付货款。 4. 待双方建立起牢固的贸易关系后,可重新考虑付款条件。 5. 我公司一般给贸易折扣10%,对于金额在20,000美元以上的订单另给5%的数量折扣。 6. 盼回复。 写信人职务: 市场部经理
Choose two acceptable paraphrases from the following for the original text, making sure that they should not be considered plagiarism. Original: We do not yet understand all the ways in which brain chemicals are related to emotions and thoughts, but the salient point is that our state of mind has an immediate and direct effect on our state of body. Source: Siegel, B. (1986). Love, Medicine and Miracles (p. 69). New York: Harper and Row.

A、Siegel (1986) writes that we still do not know all the ways in which brain chemistry is related to emotions and thoughts, but the important point is that our mental state has an immediate and direct effect on our physical state.

B、According to Siegel (1986), our mind affects our body quickly and directly, although we do not yet understand every aspect of how brain chemicals relate to emotions and thoughts.

C、Siegel (1986) writes that although the relationship between brain chemistry and thoughts and feelings is not fully understood, we do know that our psychological state affects our physical state.

D、Siegel (1986) writes that the relationship between the chemicals in the brain and our thoughts and feelings remains only partially understood. He goes on to say, however, that one thing is clear: our mental state affects our bodily state.


I. Multiple Choice (10 points, 1 point each) Directions: There are some statements in this section. For each statement there are four choices marked A, B, C, D, choose the ONE that best complete the statement. 1. Xiao Wang meets Peter at the airport and says to him: “Morning, Peter!” In this case, the source of information is ________ . A. Xiao Wang B. Peter C. the airport D. “Morning, Peter!” 2. Which doesn’t belong to the group in a cross-cultural situation? _________. A. Head movements B. Social values C. Facial expressions D. Body contact 3. The American child is nurtured to be _________, to be able to do whatever he could by himself, ever since he was born. A. independent B. good-looking C. obedient D. private 4. Non-verbal communication includes all of the following but Not _________. A. telephone messages B. gestures C. facial expressions D. eye movements 5. Language may be _________ to our own species, the capacity of mean, to transmit messages vital to survival, and to understand them, certainly is not. A. effective B. unique C. relative D. misunderstanding 6. The cardinal principle we should bear in mind in conducting cross-cultural communication is this: There is no such a thing as good or bad. There are only ________. A. influences B. respect C. indifference D. differences 7.In the United States continues to welcome a large number of immigrants each year and has referred to as a melting-pot society. This trend can reflect the theory of _____. A. macroculture B. microculture C. globalization D. modernization 8. When you talk with your friends about Picasso, Beethoven, you are talking about culture from ______ perspective. A. anthropological B. intellectual C. social D. psychological 9. The dialogues at the United Nations, for example, would be termed _________.  A. interracial communication B. interethnic communication  C. international communication D. interpersonal communication 10. _____ is the process of putting an idea into a symbol. A. Decoding B. Channel C. Encoding D. Source


【写作】(30分) Part III Business Writing Directions: For this part, you are required to write on the Answer Sheet an English letter in the full correct format based on the information given below. This part totals 30 points. 1 对方公司名称和地址:Tiddie Somer, Inc. 900 Richards Street, Vancouver, B.C., Canada 收件人头衔:Purchase Manager 2写信日期:2016年6月8日 3对方来函询购NOBLE系列卧室家具(bedroom suite)表示感谢。 4要求即期信用证付款,证到后30天内交货。 5能给10%贸易折扣,订单金额达10万美元,可享有5%数量折扣。 6如订货,请提供客房平面图(floor plan)及所需尺寸。 7写信人为 Jason Lee Sales Manager 公司名称和地址:Dalian Trading Co. Ltd. 689 Huayuan Road, Dalian 116000,Liaoning, China

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