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How much money does the USA spend on the home for the pandas?A.$ 4 million.B.$ 5 million.C

How much money does the USA spend on the home for the pandas?

A.$ 4 million.

B.$ 5 million.

C.$ 9 million.

D.$1 million.

提问人:网友chang00613 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“How much money does the USA sp…”相关的问题
How much time does the reimbursing have to process a claim?

(1)( )A reasonable time not to exceed 7 banking days following receipt date.

(2)( )A reasonable time not exceed 3 banking days following receipt date.

(3)( )Three banking days from receipt date.

(4)( )Unlimited time following date.

Just how much does the Constitution protect your digital data? The Supreme Court will now consider whether police can search the contents of a mobile phone without a warrant if the phone is on or around a person during an arrest.

California has asked the justices to refrain from a sweeping ruling particularly one that upsets the old assumption that authorities may search through the possessions of suspects at the time of their arrest. It is hard, the state argues, for judges to assess the implications of new and rapidly changing technologies. The court would be recklessly modest if it followed California’s advice. Enough of the implications are discernable, even obvious, so that the justices can and should provide updated guidelines to police, lawyers and defendants.

They should start by discarding California’s lame argument that exploring the contents of a smart phone — a vast storehouse of digital information — is similar to, say, rifling through a suspect’s purse. The court has ruled that police don’t violate the Fourth Amendment when they sift through the wallet or pocketbook of an arrestee without a warrant. But exploring one’s smart phone is more like entering his or her home. A smart phone may contain an arrestee’s reading history, financial history, medical history and comprehensive records of recent correspondence. The development of “cloud computing,” meanwhile, has made that exploration so much the easier.

Americans should take steps to protect their digital privacy. But keeping sensitive information on these devices is increasingly a requirement of normal life. Citizens still have a right to expect private documents to remain private and protected by the Constitution’s prohibition on unreasonable searches.

As so often is the case, stating that principle doesn’t ease the challenge of line-drawing. In many cases, it would not be overly onerous for authorities to obtain a warrant to search through phone contents. They could still invalidate Fourth Amendment protections when facing severe, urgent circumstances, and they could take reasonable measures to ensure that phone data are not erased or altered while a warrant is pending. The court, though, may want to allow room for police to cite situations where they are entitled to more freedom.

But the justices should not swallow California’s argument whole. New, disruptive technology sometimes demands novel applications of the Constitution’s protections. Orin Kerr, a law professor, compares the explosion and accessibility of digital information in the 21st century with the establishment of automobile use as a virtual necessity of life in the 20th: The justices had to specify novel rules for the new personal domain of the passenger car then; they must sort out how the Fourth Amendment applies to digital information now.

26. The Supreme Court will work out whether, during an arrest, it is legitimate to

A.prevent suspects from deleting their phone contents.

B.search for suspects’ mobile phones without a warrant.

C.check suspects’ phone contents without being authorized.

D.prohibit suspects from using their mobile phones.

The author’s attitude toward California’s argument is one ofA.disapproval




The author believes that exploring one’s phone contents is comparable toA.principles are hard to be clearly expressed

B.the court is giving police less room for action

C.citizens’ privacy is not effectively protected

D.phones are used to store sensitive information

Orin Kerr’s comparison is quoted to indicate thatA.the Constitution should be implemented flexibly

B.new technology requires reinterpretation of the Constitution

C.California’s argument violates principles of the Constitution.

D.principles of the Constitution should never be altered

The author believes that exploring one’s phone contents is comparable toA.getting into one’s residence

B.handling one’s historical records

C.scanning one’s correspondences

D.going through one’s wallet

Tom likes______foreign coins.





The brain is capable of ignoring pain messages if______to concentrate on other activities.

A.it allowed


C.is it allowed

D.allowed it






The motor vehicle has killed and disabled more people in its brief history than any bomb or weapon ever invented. Much of the blood on the street flows essentially from uncivil behavior. of drivers who refuse to respect the legal and moral rights of others. So the massacre(大屠杀) on the road may be regarded as a social problem. In fact, the enemies of society on wheels are rather harmless people, just ordinary people acting carelessly, you might say. But it is a principle both of law and common morality that carelessness is no excuse when one's actions could bring death or damage to others.

Researchers have estimated that as many as 80 percent of all automobile accidents can be attributed to the psychological condition of the driver. Emotional upsets can distort drivers'reactions, slow their judgments, and blind them to dangers that might otherwise be evident. The experts warn that it is vital for every driver to make a conscious effort to keep one's emotions under control.

Yet the irresponsibility that accounts for much of the problem is not confined to drivers. Street walkers regularly violate traffic regulations. They are at fault in most vehicle walker accidents. And many cyclists even believe that they are not subject to the basic rules of the road.

Significant legal advances have been made towards safer driving in the past few years. Safety standards for vehicle have been raised both at the point of manufacture and through periodic road-worthiness inspections. In addition, speed limits have been lowered. Due to these measures, the accident rate has deceased. But the accident experts still worry because there has been little or no improvement in the way drivers behave. The only real and lasting solution, say the experts, is to convince people that driving is a skilled task requiring constant care and concentration. Those who fail to do all these things present a threat to those with whom they share the roadside.

What is the author's main purpose in writing the passage?

A.To show that the motor vehicle is a very dangerous invention.

B.To promote understanding between careless drivers and street walker.

C.To discuss traffic problems and propose possible solution.

D.To warn drivers of the importance of safe driving.

The often criticized child of the industrial age, advertising, has grown as societies have become more industrialized and, therefore, more commercialized. No modern industry or company can survive without advertising. It is the vital link between the producer and the customer. If advertising were abolished, as many people have suggested it should be, the public and the companies that advertise would suffer a considerable loss.

Most people think of television as an inexpensive source of entertainment. Television 's primary purpose, however, is not to provide an entertainment service, except for government-owned network, it exists in order to promote products for companies. Unless the television industry received income from advertising, watching television would be at least as expensive as going to the movies.

Like television, many magazines and newspapers exist primarily to sell products. In some sensitive cases, the stories, pictures, and editorials simply attract people to buy a particular publication. Once a person begins to read, there is no escaping the advertising.

Advertising not only pays for, or helps pay for, much of the mass media; it also provides the consumer with news from industry. This news functions first to influence the buyers to choose one product over another. It also informs people of new products what are important in their lives, for example, the development of salt-free butter for heart patients, or the development of tires that prevent skidding(刹车打滑) on wet pavement.

Advertising does not usually increase the total number of products sold; it does help determine which company sells more of which products. Its main function is to relay news from the manufacture to the consumer. Since this is a necessary service, advertising will remain a part of people's everyday live and a part of every company's budget.

According to the passage, modern industry or company can survive ______.

A.if advertising continues to exist

B.if the link between the customers and manufacturers remains good

C.if "the criticized child" dies out

D.if societies have become more industrialized

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