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听力原文:Globally, 140 million people are suffering from alcohol drinking. Drinking alcoho

l takes a heavy toll on the people's lives with countless traffic accidents. Now, the situation is worsening.


提问人:网友hhhh7131 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“听力原文:Globally, 140 million peo…”相关的问题
听力原文:M: You're slimmer than you used to be, aren't you?W: You bet I am! I've been diet

听力原文:M: You're slimmer than you used to be, aren't you?

W: You bet I am! I've been dieting for 5 months. I've lost 20 pounds. I'm down to 140, and I feel great now.

Q: What was the woman five months ago?


A.She was slimmer then.

B.She was 140 pounds then.

C.She was 160 pounds then.

D.She was in very good figure then.

听力原文:Banks that operate globally are multinational corporations and their management h
as the same profit motives that managers of non-financial corporations have.


A.Banks with global operations are also referred to as national corporations.

B.Both the banks and non-financial corporations have the same desire to make profit.

C.Managers of non-financial corporations have no profit motives.

D.Non-financial corporations are multinational and operate globally.

听力原文:UN experts say the number of malnourished people was growing globally and million

听力原文: UN experts say the number of malnourished people was growing globally and millions of people in poor and rich countries alike are dying from diseases related to. poor nutrition. In Geneva, UN governmental and non-governmental experts are meeting to work out new nutritional guidelines. The UN experts say malnutrition does not Just refer to emaciated children dying of hunger. They say malnutrition which means bad nutrition also includes the hundreds of millions of people suffering flora obesity. The United Nations estimates 170 million children globally are affected by under-nutrition. Over 3 million die each year from being underweight. At the same time at least 300 million people am clinically obese. The head of the UN standing committee on nutrition Captain Vateni says among this about one half million people in north America and western Europe die every year from obesity-related diseases. The experts agree problems of malnutrition which include under-nutrition and over-nutrition exist in poor and rich countries alike. They say these problems are increasing because of growing urbanization.

What causes the death of millions of people in both poor and rich countries?

A.Disease related to the SAPS.

B.Diseases related to poor nutrition.

C.Disease related to the bird flu.

D.Disease related to mosquitoes.

听力原文:W: Hello! Can I help you?M: Yes, we had a reservation for this weekend.W: All rig

听力原文:W: Hello! Can I help you?

M: Yes, we had a reservation for this weekend.

W: All right, What was the name, sir?

M: Bill Martin.

W: Oh, yes, here it is. A double for two nights?

M: Yes, that's right. But we were wondering... would you happen to have a suite available this weekend, something with a living room and a kitchenette?

W: Well, the only one that's available this weekend is the executive suite, and that'll run you$140 a night.

M: I see. That's pretty high...

W: You know, sir, this room is more than twenty-four square feet, and it has a refrigerator.

M: Really? That sounds fine, then. What do you say, Sally?

Sally: Sounds good to me, too.

M: Good, the double then.

Q8. How long does the man intend to stay in the hotel?


A.One night.

B.Two nights.

C.A week.

D.Two weeks.

听力原文:M: Hello. How can I help you?W: I'd like to rent a car for some time.M: We rent m

听力原文:M: Hello. How can I help you?

W: I'd like to rent a car for some time.

M: We rent many different brands, types, and sizes. Do you have a preference?

W: Yes. Do you have any GM Buicks?

M: Yes. How about a red one?

W: Let me see.

M: As a matter of fact, we have two left. Both are red 2003's.

W: Great! What is the per day charge, and does that include mileage?

M: The charge is $ 67. 5 per day plus sales tax and there is no mileage charge for the first 500 miles. After that the charge is 9 cents per mile. Do you have auto insurance?

W: Yes.

M: Please be sure to fill in all asked-for information regarding your insurance coverage.

W: What if I'm in an accident? Is the car insured?

M: Yes, it is insured. The details are on the back of the rental contract. Please read it first, and then I'll answer any question you may have.

W: Here is 140 bucks.

M: Here is the key. The car's over there. Remember to be back by 12 midnight to avoid being charged a third day.

W: Thanks.

What does the conversation say about the car the woman rented?

A.It is a red 2002 Toyota.

B.It is a green 4-wheel-drive.

C.It is a red 2003 TM.

D.It is Buick-branded.

听力原文:W: Mr. Rick Segal is an expert in network management and software development. I
know you're planning to take a world tour. Can you tell me when you got the idea for this upcoming tour?

M: Two years ago, I thought about going around to various places to see if all this technology and progress in North America had any effects on the rest of the world.

W: You have criticized Silicon Valley, particularly its venture community for arrogance, for seemingly believing it is the center of the universe. Why is this?

M: I have actually not criticized SV nor made a big deal about the Valley's center of the universe attitudes. I have been trying to make the point that I believe there is life on other planets.

W: Champions of Silicon Valley see it as the world's best ecosystem for tech startups. In your view, is this still true?

M: It is one of the best places because of the quality of schools, the number of successful people who hung around and seeded others to be successful, and other reasons. Again, I hope that other places can begin to build these required ecosystems, so we begin to see more centers of excellence springing up around the world.

W: How has the connected world changed the opportunities for businessmen in remote locations?

M: In the old days, it was very hard to get a voice or have that voice heard. That is the single greatest barrier to entry. Today, a free blog, or a good service or idea, can get noticed and can take off.

W: How do you see investment opportunities changing because of the connected world?

M: Companies have to think globally from the perspective of resources, customers, etc. This is important because with technology and a global infrastructure,making it big might mean making it big in the UK,New Zealand,and Canada.


A.To see the effects of the technology in North America on other parts of the world.

B.To see different places of the world for relaxation.

C.To work for his thesis about network management.

D.To look for some specific investment opportunities.

听力原文:How much is the executive suite per night?(16)A.$400B.$40C.$410D.$140

听力原文:How much is the executive suite per night?






听力原文:M: It's good to see you back. How was your trip to Arizona? Did you see the Grand

W: Yes, it was fantastic. Now I know why this is together with a wild river as one of the great natural wonders of the world. Here, want to see the pictures I took?

M: Oh, what a view! It's even bigger than I imagined. I remember reading about the Grand Canyon. I think it said that it was formed suddenly when the earth cross-split during an earthquake.

W: Well, not that quickly. Look, here is a picture of the Colorado River. She wears down the body of the canyon. That river and its tributary have been wearing away the canyon floor for over 10 million years.

M: Then the canyon is the result of soil erosion. I bet geologists have made some interesting discoveries there.

W: Not only the geologists, archeologists have found the bones of ancient animals in caves and canyon walls. In a cave 140 feet above the river, they found driftwood that dates back as far as 37000 years.

M: That means, the river must have been 140 feet higher to carry the wood into the cave.

W: It's very possible. But of course who knows. The Grand Canyon is full of mysteries. Wouldn't you like to go to Arizona some day?

M: You bet I would!

Where has the woman been?

A.To Florida.

B.To Colorado.

C.To Arizona.

D.To California.

听力原文:F: What are SCA's business plans in India?M: We are going to launch two categorie

听力原文:F: What are SCA's business plans in India?

M: We are going to launch two categories from the SCA company. We are launching Turk, our away-from-home' (AFH) tissues soon. The AFH market comprises hotels, restaurants, caterers, hospitals and commercial health care centres. Tens, our incontinence care (adult diapers) brand will be launched in the next quarter.

F: As far as tissues are concerned, the Indian market is still in the nascent stage, how do you see your business growing?

M: We see that the economy is growing very fast. That means that the tissue market in India will be upgraded, that will also upgrade the hygiene level. F: What is the per capita consumption of tissues in India and what is it in US and Europe?

M: The consumption per capita, in India, is a fraction of what you see in Europe or the States. In the US, total per capita annual tissue consumption is 27 kg per person. In Sweden, it is 22 kg per person. In Germany, it is 15 kg per person. But in India, it is only 1.5 kg per person. Even China has a per capita consumption of 2.5kg per person!

F: So how important is India in the company's scheme of business?

M: We strongly believe in this area and it is in this area where we can see the biggest scope at the moment for this kind of product. That is why we have started our brand shop here in Mumbai and also newly opened an office in Shanghai in China, to take care of the entire Asia-Pacific region.

F: Why the foray into India now: why not five years ago or two years ago?

M: We believe, after looking at a long third-party survey done during the last 10 years, that this would be the right time to come into India, owing to the fact that the economy here is moving very fast at the moment. Also, positively for the product categories which we are launching, it is right time as attitudes towards hygiene products are changing.

F: What is the size of the Indian tissue market in value and volume?

M: For the AFH market, in terms of value, it is$16,000,000 and the approx volume is 24,000 tonnes.

F: Who are your closest competitors?

M: In India too, as it is globally, our closest competitor is Kimberly Clark. Then, of course, there are quite a few local companies in India.

F: As we understand, SEA would be importing and marketing the products in India. From which locations will tissues be imported to India and how will the logistics work?

M: The tissues would be imported from various locations in Europe. The logistics are simple; it will be container loads from Europe direct to India.

F: What market share does SCA hope to capture in the first year and over a period of five years?

M: As much as possible. We believe that we should be able to grab a substantial part of the market, of course. We are the market leader in Europe and number three in the world. We will target the number one or two position in India as well, but not in the first year. It will be a long-term effort.

?You will hear part of an interview between the commercial director of a paper company called SCA and Shubha Madhukar, the interviewer.

?For each question 23—30, mark one letter A, B or C for the correct answer.

?You will hear the recording twice.

What are the two categories the SCA company is going to launch?

A.Tork and our 'away-from-home' tissues.

B.Tork and Tens.

C.Tena and our incontinence care.

听力原文: Inequality of health care is still paramount, says the WHO's latest report. Indt
tstrialized countries account for less than 20 percent of the world' s population but take 90 percent of health spending. In Japan more than five hundred dollars is spent on drugs per person per year. This compares to just three dollars in Sierra Leone. Only slightly more is spent in many sub-Saharan countries. Over the last fifty years, life expectancy has in- creased globally from forty six years to sixty five. But today, instead of the gap being between the developed and developing countries, it's now biggest between the very poorest nations and all other countries. The bur- den of infectious diseases, including HIV, as well as chronic conditions, coupled with a lack of health care, has led to this situation. However, it's children who are most affected. Almost fifty seven million people died in 2002, nearly twenty percent children of less than 5 years of age, and ninety eight percent of these deaths occurred in developing countries.

Developed countries take ______ of the world's health expense.

A.20 %




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