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The foundation of American national literature was laid by the early American romantic


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The Bridgeport Revitalization Committee(BRC)13 Robin WayBridgeport, MA 02126Kevin Taylor 2

The Bridgeport Revitalization Committee(BRC)

13 Robin Way

Bridgeport, MA 02126

Kevin Taylor

203 8th Avenue

Bridgeport, MA 02133

Dear Mr. Taylor,

I am excited to announce to our members that we have received a $750,000 grant from the Roger Coopers Foundation for our City Revitalization Project.

The City Revitalization Project focuses on the downtown area of Bridgeport, between First Avenue and Lincoln Way. We will begin by redesigning Baten Park and the pedestrian walkways to create a more inviting space for shoppers and workers on their lunch breaks.

This grant is the largest we have ever received, and we are excited about the work it will allow us to accomplish.

We look forward to improving the quality of life in our city through great design!

Denise LeBaron

What can be inferred about Mr. Taylor?

A.He is a member of the BRC.

B.He works for Denise LeBaron.

C.He lives between First Avenue and Lincoln Way.

D.He is on the board of the Roger Coopers Foundation.

What We Do 我们做的事情The Humour Foundation is a national charity established in 1997 to

What We Do


The Humour Foundation is a national charity established in 1997 to promote the health benefits of humour. Clown Doctors are the core project, and children are the focus. Clown Doctor programs are established in all major children's hospitals around Australia and some general hospitals and hospices. Clowns have also visited east Timor and Afghanistan. LaughterWorks provides speakers and workshop presenters on humour and health to the health and welfare sector. International research has demonstrated the health benefits of humour.

Clown Doctors attend to the psycho-social needs of the hospitalised chilD.They parody the hospital routine to help children adapt to hospital. Clown Doctors distract children during painful or frightening procedures. They dispense doses of fun and laughter and help children forget for a moment that they are ill. Everyone benefits—patients, families and staff. Clown Doctors are highly skilled professionals that work in partnership with health professionals.

The Humour Foundation's core project is , touching the lives of over 85,000 people every year. The focus is children's hospitals, and Clown Doctors are now part of hospital life in all major children's hospitals around AustraliA.

"I am writing to thank you with all my heart for the fun, cheer and brightness you brought to me when I was in hospital for open heart surgery...I am thirty-seven years of age but felt just as excited as the kids no doubt are to see you.It was a terrific morale booster!"

Children are our focus, but adult patients benefit too. Humour is built around each person's interests and responses and participation is encourageD.Adults have just as much fun as the kids! Clown Doctors also play a role in palliative care. The aim is to provide ways of dealing with death, and paradoxically people frequently share their feelings. Clown Doctors take risks in balancing lightness with the profounD.Caring clowning can speak the language of the heart and bring a sense of profound connection and consolation.

Doses of humour can help relieve stress, improve health and well-being. Laughter that is based on caring and empathy also creates bonds between people, is nourishing, helps develop resilience and helps people cope with difficult situations. By developing strategies to bring more laughter into your life, you can improve your focus and effectiveness, enhance your communication and creative problem solving and strengthen your relationships and overall health.

Put more laughter in your life, for Aristotle once said, "Laughter is a bodily exercise precious to health. "

Smile often

Laugh every day

Laugh at yourself and at life

Lighten up-be playful and have fun

Tickle your funny bone and seek out opportunities to laugh

You don't have to be funny, just have fun

Develop a humorous perspective and look for the funny side

Use humour as a tool, not a weapon

The Humour Foundation is a charity dedicated to promoting the health benefits of humour. International research has found psychological and physiological advantages from doses of humour. Humour is an effective coping strategy. It can relieve fear and stress and aid recovery.

As a national charity, the Humour Foundation's major responsibility is______.

A.to recruit clowns

B.to cure clowns of disease

C.to employ clowns as baby sitters

D.to take advantage of humour in treating patients

Cillian Shepard is to announce a review of examination standards today as controversy surr
ounding university entrance procedures brings criticism over Britain's educational performance.

The Education and Employment Secretary is worried that continuing uncertainty over a levels in particular will undermine the Government's drive to meet ambitious targets for improvement. She postponed an announcement until this year's candidates had received their results, but is now determined to clear the air.

Mrs. Shepard's main advisers on schools have already asked her to sanction a 100,000 research project, comparing papers over the past 20 years. But she is expected to go further.

Reports of universities admitting A-level failures to foundation courses will be referred to officials carrying out a review of higher education. Further research will focus on school examinations.

Mrs. Shepard returned {mm holiday last week to find critics chiming that a seventh successive rise in pass rates indicated falling standards at A level, while new vocational equivalents had an alarming drop-out rate. Since then, she has become embroiled in controversy over higher education admissions, insisting that it was not the role of universities to prepare students for degree courses.

Yesterday a retired mathematics lecturer said he had been ordered to admit students to a foundation course after rejecting: them for a degree, David Smalley, who teaches part-time at Brunel University in west London, said many of the students who were accepted subsequently would never be capable of degree-level mathematics.

Mr. Smalley said a course for those without the necessary grades to study science had been set up earlier than planned when undergraduate recruitment dried up. He had been told to approach potential students from a pile of rejected applications.

A university spokeswoman said students entering Brunel's foundation courses in science and engineering had an average of two Cs at A level, enough to win a place on many degree courses. Half of the first in take in engineering secured upper second class degrees alter passing the foundation year.

But Mr. Smalley said he was convinced standards had plummeted since the introduction of pre-degree courses. "We have had one or two success stories on them, but others could not add fractions. Some of the work would make your hair curl".

Ian Wood, who set up Brunel's first foundation course, m engineering, said some older lecturers found it difficult to adapt to teaching less able students. He added: "This year 26 students out of 60 got through a foundation year and one ended up with a first-class degree. I am sure there are spurious courses elsewhere put on just to bump up numbers, but our standards are high".

The Higher Education Funding Council for England said it had no reason to question standards on foundation courses.

Who is Gillian Shepard?

A.She is an official.

B.She is president of a university.

C.She is an educator.

D.She is president of a country.

Now as to the matter of lying. You want to be very carefulabout lying; otherwise you are n

Now as to the matter of lying. You want to be very careful

about lying; otherwise you are nearly sure to get caught.

Once caught, you can ever again be, in the eyes of 【M1】 ______.

the good and the pure, that you were before. Many a 【M2】 ______.

young person have injured himself permanently 【M3】 ______.

through a single clumsy and illfinished lie, the

result of carelessness born to incomplete training. 【M4】 ______.

Some authorities hold that the young ought to lie at all. 【M5】 ______.

That, of course, is putting it rather stronger than necessary;

still, while I cannot go quite so far as that, I do maintain,

and I believe I am right, that the young ought to

be temperate to the use of this great art until practice and 【M6】 ______.

experience shall give them that confidence, elegance, and

precision which alone can make the accomplishment graceful

and profitable. Patience, diligence, painstaking attention to

detail--these are the requirements; these, in the rime, 【M7】 ______.

will make the student perfect; at these, and upon these only, 【M8】 ______.

may he rely as the sure foundation for future eminence. Think

what tedious years of study, thought, practice, experience,

went to the equipment of that peerless old master who was

able to impose upon the whole world the lofty and

sounding maxim which "truth is mighty and will prevail" 【M9】 ______.

--that most majestic compound fracture of fact which any

woman born has yet achieved. Of the history of our race, and

each individual's experience, are sown thick with evidence

that a truth is not hard to kill and what a lie told well is immortal. 【M10】 ______.


I recently wrote an autobiography in which I recalled many old memories. One of them was f
rom my school days, when our ninth grade teacher, Miss Raber, would pick out words from Reader's Digest to test our vocabulary.

Today, more than 45 years later, I always check out " It pays to Enrich Your Word Power" first when the Digest comes each month. I am impressed with that idea, word power. Reader's Digest knows the power that words have to move people to entertain, inform. and inspire. The Digest editors know that the big word isn't always the best word. Take just one example, a Quotable Quote from the February 1985 issue: " Time is a playful thing. It slips quickly and drinks the day like a bowl of milk. "

Seventeen words, only two of them more than one syllable, yet how much they convey! That's usually how it is with Reader's Digest. The small and simple can be profound.

As chairman of a foundation to restore the Statue of Liberty, I've been making a lot of speeches lately. I try to keep them fairly short. I use small but vivid words: words like "hope" , "guts", "faith" and "dreams". Those are words that move people and say so much about the spirit of America.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not against using big words, when it is right to do so, but I have also learned that a small word can work a small miracle—if it's the right word, in the right place, at the right time. It's a "secret" that I hope I will never forget.

The passage is mainly about______.

A.one of the many old memories

B.using simple words to express profound ideas

C.Reader's Digest and school speeches

D.how to make effective speeches

The trade and investment relationship between the European Union and the United States is
the most important in the world. Despite the emergence of competitors, Europe and America are the dynamo of the global economy.

This economic relationship is a foundation of our political partnership, which we all know has been through a difficult patch. The identity of interest between Europe and America is less obvious than during the cold war. But while the trans-Atlantic relationship is becoming more complex, that does not make it less important. As European commissioner for trade, I do not agree that European and American values are fundamentally diverging, or that our interests no longer coincide.

We still share a belief in democracy and individual freedoms, and in creating opportunity and economic openness. We face the same security challenges. We look ahead to shared global problems: poverty, migration, resource crises, climate change.

We need commitment and vision to redefine our relationship. I want to see a stronger and more balanced partnership -- one in which Europe is more united, more willing to take its role in global leadership and one where the United States is more inclined to share leadership with Europe. We need to find ways to complement each other, not compete in the political arena.

We will not achieve either side of this equation without the other. Europe needs to build stronger foreign policies and to be ready to act on the world stage. But equally, the body language we see from America has a huge impact on how Europeans view the partnership. Our common interest requires a strong Europe, not a weak and divided one. I hope that the United States will reinforce its historical support for European integration.

I am fortunate now to take over an area of policy in which Europe is highly effective: trade. Our top trade priority on both sides of the Atlantic must be to put our weight behind the multilateral Doha development agenda. Concluding this negotiation in a way that lives up to its ambition will bring enormous benefits.

Collectively, we took a major step in reaching the framework agreement in Geneva last July, following the lead taken by the E. U. on agriculture export subsidies. We now look to the United States and others to follow that lead, and we need to accelerate work in other areas -- on industrial tariffs and services -- to achieve a balanced result.

The Doha round of talks differs from any other in its focus on development. Europe and the United States must ensure that poorer countries are fully engaged and derive benefits. But the issues we need to tackle to stimulate growth and innovation in trans-Atlantic trade are not those on the Doha agenda. Our markets are relatively open and highly developed. We need to concentrate on removing regulatory and structural barriers that inhibit activity. This is about cutting international red tape. Our regulatory systems and cultures are different, but that is where real gains can be made.

As E. U. trade commissioner I want to develop an ambitious but practical trans-Atlantic agenda. I am not inclined to set rhetorical targets or launch lofty initiatives. I want a set of achievable goals.

Work on trans-Atlantic deregulation will also contribute to the central goal of the new European Commission: promoting growth and jobs in Europe.

I am not naive. I am not turning a blind eye to the inevitable disputes in trans-Atlantic trade. They are relatively small as a proportion of total trade, but they make the headlines. They reflect the huge volume of our trade and investment flows. That is good. They also reflect our readiness to settle disputes in the World Trade Organization. That is also good. The WTO is the best example of effective multilateralism that the world has so far invented. I hope we will work together to uphold it. If multilateralism is to be worthwhile, it has to be ef





听力原文:Denis: Hi, there, Fiona.Fiona: Hi, Denis.Denis: This semester is coming to the en

听力原文:Denis: Hi, there, Fiona.

Fiona: Hi, Denis.

Denis: This semester is coming to the end at last. After a semester of hard study, I really need a good rest.

Fiona: Have you got any idea for your holiday?

Denis: Yes, I'm going to join an Italian tour.

Fiona: Great.

Denis: How about you?

Fiona: I will go to Australia to study English.

Denis: Why to Australia?

Fiona: Because it is the closest English speaking country to Thailand.

Denis: When will you leave and how long will you stay there?

Fiona: I'm going to leave next Monday and spend the whole holiday there.

Denis: So, that is to say, you are going to study in a summer school.

Fiona: Not exactly a summer school. It is only a more relaxed way to study English in Australia—as part of a vacation. Visitors on a tourist visa can undertake English study for up to three months.

Denis: Besides studying in class, are there any out-of-class activities?

Fiona: Certainly there are. One particular popular option is called Foundation Studies. It combines preparation for undergraduate university studies with improving one's ability to speak, read, understand and listen to English. Another popular option is a "farmstay" where visitors are able to learn English while experiencing life on a cattle or sheep station.

Denis: It must be very interesting. Have you registered for a "farmstay"?

Fiona: Yes, I will stay in a sheep station for two weeks.

Denis: It's so attractive. I should have talked to you earlier. Then maybe we could go to Australia this vacation together.

Fiona: It's a pity. But I am going first and then I can tell about you my experience there. So you may have a better preparation.






Cross-section view of foundation are obtained by transversely cutting the foundation with a cutting plane.()
Gates Foundation intends to make financial services______.A.affordableB.widely recognizedC

Gates Foundation intends to make financial services______.


B.widely recognized


D.easily obtained

In 2013 Shenzhou-10 was launched successfully, _____________ building the Chinese Space Station.

A、laid the foundation for

B、lay the foundation for

C、lying the foundation for

D、laying the foundation for

The girls listened in ____ as the story unfolded.





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