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We _____________ here for two days. A、 arrived B、 have arrived C、 arrive D、 had arrived

提问人:网友zouweijun 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“We _____________ here for two …”相关的问题

A、By the way, would it be convenient to see the room now?

B、Four rooms for men and the rest two for women.

C、We reserved six rooms for three the day before yesterday.

D、Here is the name-list with the group visa.

句子口译练习: I believe you’re going out of your way for us. Wouldn’t you like to spend an
extra day or two here? I’m afraid that won’t be possible, much as we’d like to. I wonder if it is possible to arrange shopping for us. I will keep you posted.

听力原文:A recent report has shown that here in the United States, we've experienced an ev

听力原文: A recent report has shown that here in the United States, we've experienced an evolution concerning our attitudes towards the workweek and the weekends. Although some calendars still mark the beginning of a week as Sunday, more and more of us are coming to regard Monday as the first day of the week with Saturday and Sunday comprising the two-day period thought as the weekend. In fact the word "weekend" didn't even exist in English until about the middle of the 19th century. In England at that time, Saturday afternoons had just been added to Sundays and holidays as a time for workers to have off from their jobs. This innovation became common in the United States in the 1920s, but as the workweek were shortened during the Great Depression of the 1930s, the weekend expanded to two full days — Saturday and Sunday. Some people thought that this trend would continue due to increasing automation and the workweek might decrease to four days or even fewer. But so far this hasn't happened. The workweek seems to have stabilized as forty hours made up of five eight-hour days.

Which day is originally the first day of a week?





听力原文:W: It is so nice here, so restful. I have never been here before.M: No?W: I think

听力原文:W: It is so nice here, so restful. I have never been here before.

M: No?

W: I think I shall come and sit here sometimes.

M: Yes?

W: Do you lock the hut when you're not here?

M: Yes, your Ladyship.

W: Do you think I could have a key too, so that I could sit here sometimes? Are there two keys?

M: Not as far as I know, there's none.

W: Couldn't we get another key?

M: Another !

W: Yes, a duplicate.

M: It happens Sir Clifford would know.

W: Yes! He might have another. Otherwise we could have one made from the one you have. It would only take a day or so, I suppose. You could spare your key for so long.

M: I cannot tell you, your Ladyship! And I know nobody who makes keys round here.

W: Very well! I'll see to it.

M: All right, your Ladyship.

W: Good afternoon !

M: Afternoon, my Lady !

What is the exact relationship most likely between the two speakers?

A.Lord and lady.

B.Friend and friend.

C.Husband and wife.

D.Mistress and servant.

听力原文:M: Hello. How can I help you?W: I'd like to rent a car for some time.M: We rent m

听力原文:M: Hello. How can I help you?

W: I'd like to rent a car for some time.

M: We rent many different brands, types, and sizes. Do you have a preference?

W: Yes. Do you have any GM Buicks?

M: Yes. How about a red one?

W: Let me see.

M: As a matter of fact, we have two left. Both are red 2003's.

W: Great! What is the per day charge, and does that include mileage?

M: The charge is $ 67. 5 per day plus sales tax and there is no mileage charge for the first 500 miles. After that the charge is 9 cents per mile. Do you have auto insurance?

W: Yes.

M: Please be sure to fill in all asked-for information regarding your insurance coverage.

W: What if I'm in an accident? Is the car insured?

M: Yes, it is insured. The details are on the back of the rental contract. Please read it first, and then I'll answer any question you may have.

W: Here is 140 bucks.

M: Here is the key. The car's over there. Remember to be back by 12 midnight to avoid being charged a third day.

W: Thanks.

What does the conversation say about the car the woman rented?

A.It is a red 2002 Toyota.

B.It is a green 4-wheel-drive.

C.It is a red 2003 TM.

D.It is Buick-branded.

Here we have an inevitable distinction. There must be work done by the arms, or none of us

Here we have an inevitable distinction. There must be

work done by the arms, or none of us could live. There must

be work done by the brains, or the life we get would not be

worthy having. And the same men cannot do both. There is 【M1】______

rough work to be clone and rough men must do it; there is gentle

work to be done and the gentle men must do it; and it is physically【M2】______

possible that one class can do both well and skillfully. 【M3】______

And it is of no use trying to conceal this sorrowful

fact by fine words, and to talk to the workman about

the necessity of manual labor, and the dignity of the humanity. 【M4】______

Rough work, honorable or not, takes the life of us. 【M5】______

The man who has been driving an expressive train against the north 【M6】______

wind all night, or holding a ship's helm in a gale, is not the same

man at the end of his day, as one who has been sitting in a quiet

room, with everything comfortable about on him. ff it is any 【M7】______

comfort to you to be told that the rough work is the most

honorable of two, I should be sorry to take that consolation 【M8】______

from you, and in some sense I need not. The rough work is, by all

mean, real, honest, and generally useful, while the fine work 【M9】______

is, to great extend, foolish and false as well as fine, and therefore,【M10】______

dishonorable. Nonetheless, when both kinds are equally well

and worthily done, the head's is the noble work and the hand's

the ignoble.


Thank you all. Mr. Vice President; Secretary Gates; Madam Speaker; Justices of the Supreme
Court; members of my Cabinet and administration; members of Congress; Admiral Mullen and the Joint Chiefs; Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, a first responder on September the 11th, 2001; directors of the Pentagon Memorial Fund—Mr. Chairman, families and friends of the fallen; distinguished guests; fellow citizens: Laura and I are honored to be with you. //

Seven years ago at this hour, a doomed airliner plunged from the sky, split the rock and steel of this building, and changed our world forever. The years that followed have seen justice delivered to evil men and battles fought in distant lands. But each year on this day, our thoughts return to this place. Here, we remember those who died. And here, on this solemn anniversary, we dedicate a memorial that will enshrine their memory for all time. //

Building this memorial took vision and determination—and Americans from every corner of our country answered the call. Two young architects in New York City came up with the design. A foundry near St. Louis cast the steel. An Iraqi immigrant in Illinois gave the metal its luster. And citizens from across our nation made contributions large and small to build this graceful monument. //

The Pentagon Memorial will stand as an everlasting tribute to 184 innocent souls who perished on these grounds. The benches here bear each of their names. And beneath each bench is a shimmering pool filled with the water of life—a testament to those who were taken from us, and to their memories that will live on in our hearts. //

For the families and friends of the fallen, this memorial will be a place of remembrance. Parents will come here to remember children who boarded Flight 77 for a field trip and never emerged from the wreckage. Husbands and wives will come here to remember spouses who left for work one morning and never returned home. People from across our nation will come here to remember friends and loved ones who never had the chance to say goodbye. //

A memorial can never replace what those of you mourning a loved one have lost. We pray that you will find some comfort amid the peace of these grounds. We pray that you will find strength in knowing that our nation will always grieve with you. For all our citizens, this memorial will be a reminder of the resilience of the American spirit. As we walk among the benches, we will remember there could have been many more lives lost. //

On a day when buildings fell, heroes rose: Pentagon employees ran into smoke-filled corridors to guide their friends to safety. Firefighters rushed up the stairs of the World Trade Center as the towers neared collapse. Passengers aboard Flight 93 charged the cockpit and laid down their lives to spare countless others. One of the worst days in America's history saw some of the bravest acts in Americans' history. We'll always honor the heroes of 9/11. And here at this hallowed place, we pledge that we will never forget their sacrifice. //

We also honor those who raised their hands and made the noble decision to defend our nation in a time of war. When our enemies attacked the Pentagon, they pierced the rings of this building. But they could not break the resolve of the United States Armed Forces. Since 9/11, our troops have taken the fight to the terrorists abroad so we do not have to face them here at home. Thanks to the brave men and women, and all those who work to keep us safe, there has not been another attack on our soil in 2,557 days. //

For future generations, this memorial will be a place of learning. The day will come when most Americans have no living memory of the events of September the llth. When they visit this memorial, they will learn that the 21st century began with a great struggle between the forces of freedom and the force

听力原文:M: I'm longing to hear about your tour of America, Jenny. You must be terribly ex

W: Oh, I am. I've never been to America before, so I'm really looking forward to it. I thought it would be better to go on a more organized holiday.

M: What do you mean by "organized"?

W: Well, everything is arranged by a tour operator. You know, you are taken around and shown where to go and what to do. I would probably miss half of the sight otherwise.

M: Mm, where are you going anyway?

W: Orlando, in central Florida. Here, let me show you the brochure.

M: It looks pretty packed. Do you really have time to do all these things?

W: Oh, yes. It's all planned. Let's see. Day one, we arrive in Orlando. And after we've settled in our hotel, we have the afternoon free. I guess we could have a look around and do what we like. Then, day two, we go to the Disney World.

M: You mean Mickey Mouse and all that?

W: Yes, it's a kind of gigantic funfair with all the Disney characters and there's also the Epcot Center, uh, a sort of city of the future with all the latest developments.

M: Let's see what you do on day three. Oh, it seems to be free.

W: Yes, that's right. And then on the next day we go to the Kennedy Space Center. That should be interesting.

M: I wonder how much they let you see. That's where NASA is, isn't it?

W: Well, you shouldn't think you'd be able to see the latest spacecraft, but you might be allowed to glimpse some Mission Control, and perhaps how they receive messages from a satellite. Anyway, I bet you'll know a lot more about the space than you ever knew before.

M: Now, what's next? Oh, yes, day five. Circus world. That sounds fun. I love going to the circus.

W: So do I. And day six, we come home. Just as well, I'll be broke by then.

M: I suppose you've been saving up for ages for this holiday.

W: Well, I did think of putting in some extra hours at work, but the money wasn't really worth it after tax, and it would have meant I didn't get home until late. Dad offered to lend me some money but I know he really needs it himself. In the end, I went to see my bank manager. He was terribly nice, so here I am, all booked up and ready to go.


A.She'll visit a large funfair.

B.She'll see circus displays.

C.She'll visit a film studio.

D.She'll see a technology-advanced city.

听力原文:M: Juliet, you chose not to go to college. Why? Was it about money?W: Well. I don

听力原文:M: Juliet, you chose not to go to college. Why? Was it about money?

W: Well. I don't want to sit here to say I was too poor to go to college. But the fact is that we didn't have the money, though my mum probably could have made enough somehow. I probably could have worked harder at school and gotten better grades, so, it is really I didn't get to go to college. I had a wish to go to school every other week. It wasn't just my path.

M: At the time did you feel that you were missing something?

W: My best friend went off to university and I just remember every time I talk to her. It all sounded so fun and so great. Here I was Selling 10 shoes and getting on the bus every day to work in town. We both thought the other's life was so much more exciting. I was trying hard to make enough to pay for my own flat every two months and that seemed so exciting to her. And she would talk about studying for finals, and going to parties. and I thought, God, she is so perfect.

Why did the woman not go to college?

A.She didn't pass the exam.

B.She wasn't interested in college.

C.She couldn't afford college education.

听力原文:Last month I went to Manchester for a work meeting. I booked into a very nice hot

听力原文: Last month I went to Manchester for a work meeting. I booked into a very nice hotel for two nights, and I was very happy with it. My room was beautiful, and the restaurant served very good food--in fact my dinner there that first night was delicious. But when I came back from my meeting on the second day, I found my room empty. All my things had disappeared. I checked that I was in the right room, and then I rushed down to reception. I was really worried because I thought I'd been robbed. When I got to reception, I said, "My room's empty! All my things have been stolen!" But the receptionist said, very politely, "Oh, very sorry, sir. That was a little mistake of ours. We thought you were leaving the hotel this morning, so we packed your things and took the suitcase downstairs, so that the cleaner could clean the room for the next guest. Then we realized we had made a mistake. Here's your case. "And she handed me my case with all my things just thrown inside, all in a mess. I was angry, and I immediately asked to see the manager.

How did the man feel about the hotel on the first day?




听力原文:M: I am really excited at the prospect of starting my coming holiday!W: It sounds

听力原文:M: I am really excited at the prospect of starting my coming holiday!

W: It sounds good. It's a good idea to have relaxation after working so long.

M: Yes. I've been looking forward to it for ages. It seems such a long time since I had a holiday.

W: Then, what do you plan for the coming holiday?

M: You know, I have two kids. Both of them are keen on the idea of going camping.

W: Sounds great! Children are often active and like to have an adventure.

M: Absolutely. I like the idea, too.

W: You haven't decided where to go yet?

M: No, not exactly. Going abroad requires a large sum of money and I cannot afford it at the moment. Most probably I will choose a place not far from here so that we can go on a cycling tour.

W: Twenty days will be enough for your family to enjoy yourselves.

M: It would be far better if we could have a longer holiday. The holiday will last only two weeks. So we must seize every day to relax ourselves.

W: Still, two weeks is not bad. At least you are luckier than I am. We seldom have holidays because the bank seldom provides holidays for people who work for it.

M: As a teacher, I always keep busy with my teaching work and other work in the school. But the holiday provided by the school is good enough to recover my lost energy and give me refreshment.



B.Having a picnic.



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