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How do most women perceive their own looks?()




D、Not good enough

提问人:网友Dume2021 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“How do most women perceive the…”相关的问题
How do most Millennial women feel about their treatment in the workplace?

A、They are the target of discrimination.

B、They find it satisfactory on the whole.

C、They think it needs further improving.

D、They find their complaints ignored.

Most women in Ghana--the educated and illiterate (文盲), the urban and rural, the young an

Most women in Ghana--the educated and illiterate (文盲), the urban and rural, the young and old--work to earn an income in addition to(此外,除了)maintaining their roles as housewives and mothers.

Nine out of ten women fifteen years of age and over are married. Women say they would like to have six or more children, and in fact an average of seven children is born to every woman. In short, the normal life pattern for most Ghanaian women is to combine (结合)an active role in the economy(经济)with an active role as wife and mother of a large family.

How do these working mothers cope with their different roles in the home and on the job? Some new ideas are being tried. One of these of family planning to help reduce family size. Another helpful measure is the day-care center, but usually the fees are too high for the poor. Ghanaians realize that more day-care centers are needed. Ghana today is looking for new ways to meet the needs of women and their families, so women can continue to play their roles both in the home and in the economy.

What's the main idea of paragraph 1 ?

A.Ghanaian women are quite unlucky.

B.Women in Ghana are independent(独立的).

C.Women in Ghana have double tasks.

D.Most mothers in Ghana are young.

How do Soffer's theories compare with those of more conservative researchers?A.They are in

How do Soffer's theories compare with those of more conservative researchers?

A.They are in agreement for the most part regarding the activities that women performed.

B.Softer has based her theories on archeological evidence that her colleagues had not considered.

C.Conservative researchers are doubtful about the studies of stone tools and big-game bones.

D.Her theories are much more difficult to prove because she relies on modern cultural evidence.

Most women in Ghana—the educated and illiterate(文盲) ,the urban and rural, the young and

Most women in Ghana—the educated and illiterate(文盲) ,the urban and rural, the young and old—work to make money in addition to (此外,除了) maintaining their roles as housewives and mothers.

Ninety Percent women 15 years of age and over are married. Women say they would like to have six or more children, and in fact an average of seven children is born to every woman. In short, the normal life pattern for most Ghanaian women is to combine (结合)an active role in the economy(经济) with an active role as wife and mother of a large family.

How do these working mothers deal with their different roles in the home and on the job? Some new ideas are being tried. One of these is family planning to help reduce family size. Another helpful measure is the day-care center, but usually the fees are too high for the poor. Ghanaians realize that more day-care centers are needed. Ghana today is looking for new ways to meet the needs of women and their families, so women can continue to play their roles both in the home and in the economy.

What's the main idea of paragraph 1 ?

A.Ghanaian women are quite unlucky.

B.Women in Ghana are independent(独立的).

C.Women in Ghana have double tasks.

D.Most mothers in Ghana are young.

Most women in Ghana -- the educated and illiterate(文盲的) ,the urban and rural, the young

Most women in Ghana -- the educated and illiterate(文盲的) ,the urban and rural, the young and old -- work to make money in addition to(此外,除了)maintaining their roles as housewives and mothers.

Ninety percent of women of 15 years of age and over are married. Women say they would like to have six or more children, and in fact an average of seven children is born to every woman. In short, the normal life pattern for most Ghanaian women is to combine(结合) an active role in the economy(经济) with an active role as wife and mother of a large family.

How do these working mothers deal with their different roles in the home and in the job? Some new ideas are being tried. One of these is family planning to help reduce family size. Another helpful measure is the day-care center, but usually the fees are too high for the poor. Ghanaians realize that more day-care centers are needed. Ghana today is looking for new ways to meet the needs of women and their families, so women can continue to play their roles both in the home and in the economy.

What's the main idea of Paragraph 1 ?

A.Ghanaian women are quite unlucky.

B.Women in Ghana are independent(独立的).

C.Women in Ghana have double tasks.

D.Most mothers in Ghana are young.

听力原文:How many men do housework? Recently, a European commission tried to find out peop

听力原文: How many men do housework? Recently, a European commission tried to find out people's ideas and reactions to the women's movement. As part of their survey, they asked many men and women the ques-tion,"Who does the house work?" The men answered very' differently from the women!

The housework they asked people about was: preparing meals, washing dishes, cleaning the house and babysitting. 48% of British husbands said they did these kind of housework, 37% of Danish men helped in the house, 15% of Italian men said they did the housework.

But there was an interesting point of view from the wives. According to British wives, only 38% of their husbands helped in the house. And Italian wives complained that their husbands hardly ever help: The Italian and British husbands did net tell the truth! The commission found that Danish men were the most truthful husbands: their answers were the same as their wives.


A.Who docs the housework in the family?

B.Do husbands help their wives in tile house?

C.How many husbands do housework in your country?

D.What's the reaction of women's movement?

听力原文:How many men do housework? Recently a European commission tried to find out peopl

听力原文: How many men do housework? Recently a European commission tried to find out people's ideas and reactions to the women's movement. As part of the survey, they asked many men and women the question, "Who does the housework?" The men answered very differently from the women!

The housework they asked people about was: preparing meals, washing dishes, cleaning the house and baby-sitting. 48% of British husbands said they did these things. 37% of Danish men helped in the house. But only 15% of Italian men said they did the housework; many of them said they never helped at all.

But there was an interesting point of view from the wives. According to British wives, only 38% of their husbands helped in the house. And Italian wives said that their husbands hardly ever helped. The Italian and British men did not tell the truth! The commission found that Danish men were the most trustful husbands; their answers were the same as their wives' answers.


A.In Britain.

B.In Italy.

C.In Denmark.

D.In Europe.

Text 4There have been rumors. There’s been gossip. All Hollywood is shocked to learn that
Calista Flockhart, star of Fox’s hit TV show Ally McBeal, is so thin. And we in the media are falling all over ourselves trying to figure out whether Flockhart has an eating disorder, especially now that she has denied it. Well, I’m not playing the game. If the entertainment industry really cared about sending the wrong message on body image, it wouldn’t need so many slender celebrities in the first place.

But the fact remains that 2 million Americans—most of them women and girls—do suffer from eating disorders. In the most extreme cases they literally starve themselves to death. And those who survive are at greater risk of developing brittle bones, life-threatening infections, kidney damage and heart problems. Fortunately, doctors have learned a lot over the past decade about what causes eating disorders and how to treat them.

The numbers are shocking. Approximately 1 in 150 teenage girls in the U. S. falls victim to anorexia nervosa, broadly defined as the refusal to eat enough to maintain even a minimal body weight. Not so clear is how many more suffer from bulimia, in which they binge on food, eating perhaps two or three days’ worth of meals in 30 minutes, then remove the excess by taking medicine to move the bowels or inducing vomiting. Nor does age necessarily protect you. Anorexia has been diagnosed in girls as young as eight. Most deaths from the condition occur in women over 45.

Doctors used to think eating disorders were purely psychological. Now they realize there’s some problematic biology as well. In a study published in the Archives of General Psychiatry recently, researchers found abnormal levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter in the brain, in women who had been free of bulimia for at least a year. That may help explain why drugs have allowed a lot of people to stop swallowing in large doses of food. Unfortunately, the pills don’t work as well for denial of food. Nor do they offer a simple one-stop cure. Health-care workers must re-educate their patients in how to eat and think about food.

How can you tell if someone you love has an eating disorder? “Bulimics will often leave evidence around as if they want to get caught.” Says Tamara Pryor, director of an eating-disorders clinic at the University of Kansas in Wichita. Anorexics, by contrast, are more likely to go through long periods of denial.

第36题:We can infer from the first paragraph that _____.

[A] the media has mislead the public’s view of celebrities

[B] there is much misunderstanding about eating disorders

[C] body image concerns are an indication of eating disorders

[D] the entertainment industry is combating eating disorders

The great treasure of America is not the land, as bountiful as it is. Nor is it the gold a
nd paper currency in bank vaults.

America’s greatest treasure can be found in any telephone directory that lists a representative sample of the millions of skilled working men and women who make this country go.

As with most blessings, we take these people for granted. Were it not for this great army of people who know how to do things and how to do them fight America would collapse overnight. But they are mostly absent from television, movies and newspapers. When a new high - rise office complex is announced, the emphasis is on who will occupy it and who is financing it, Virtually nothing is said about the team of workers who, from bare ground and blueprints, will build it.

Those in the building trades are only part of the treasure. The millions of men and women who make our industries, businesses and service organizations work are also part of this largely untold story.

It’s fashionable these days to talk about American’s decline. It’s also fashionable to talk about the loss of the work ethic. Fashionable bunk.

America is not in decline. Since 1982 the economy has grown at an impressive average annual rate of four percent; and the productivity of workers in our manufacturing industries has risen at the fastest rate since World War II——averaging an unheard-of five percent a year.

Nor has our work ethic dropped off. More Americans are working now than ever, and the unemployment rate is the lowest it has been in over 15 years. Look away from the TV screen at the real world. What do you see? Men and women, working day and night, seven days a week. They are the heart that pumps life into the American economy.

According to this passage, the great treasure of America is _________.

A.the telephone directory

B.the gold and paper currency in bank vaults

C.the team of workers of building trade

D.millions of skilled working men and women

听力原文:Most Americans don't like to get advice from members of their families. When they

听力原文: Most Americans don't like to get advice from members of their families. When they need advice, they don't usually ask people they know. Instead many Americans write letters to newspapers and magazines, they can get advice on many different subjects, such as family problems, the use of language, health, cooking, child care, clothes, and how to buy a house or a car.

Most newspapers print letters from readers with problems. There are answers written by doctors, lawyers or educators. But two of the most famous writers of advice are women without special training for this kind of work. One of them is called "Dear Abby" by readers and the other is called "Dear Ann Landers". Experience is their preparation for giving advice.

What will most Americans do when they need advice?

A.Turn to their parents.

B.Write to newspapers and magazines.

C.Ask people who they don't know.

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