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What causes the central problem that so much water is wasted mainly by farmers?A.Because f

What causes the central problem that so much water is wasted mainly by farmers?

A.Because farmers can use water for agriculture free.

B.Because agriculture uses 75% of the world"s water.

C.Because most farmers are not aware of water shortage.

D.Because too many thirsty crops are grown in dry countries.

提问人:网友sosoliuhu 发布时间:2022-01-06
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SECTION CNEWS BROADCASTDirections: In this section, you will hear several news items. List


Directions: In this section, you will hear several news items. Listen to them carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

听力原文: India's industrial growth rate fell more than 3 percentage points in the nine months to December 1998 from the corresponding period the previous year, reports said yesterday. According to the Finance Ministry, industrial production growth fell to 3.5 per cent between April and December 1998, from 6.7 per cent during the previous year. Several infrastructure and core industries involving items such as electricity, coat, steel, crude oil, cement and fertilizer reported a growth rate of just 2 per cent, compared with 5 per cent during the same period the previous year.

What is the news about?

A.Making comparisons of industrial growth rates.

B.Analyzing causes of drop in industrial growth rate.

C.Suggesting solutions to economic recession.

D.Speculating on future industrial growth rate.

Only three strategies are available for controlling cancer, prevention, screening and trea
tment. Lung cancer causes more deaths than any other type of cancer. A major cause of the disease is (51) known; there is no good evidence that screening is of much help; and treatment fails in about 90 per cent of all cases. At present, therefore, the main strategy must be (52) . This may not always be true, of course, as for some other types Of cancer, research (53) the past few decades has produced (or suggested) some important progress in prevention, screening or treatment. (54) , however, we consider not what research may one day offer but what today's knowledge could already deliver that is not being delivered, then the most practicable and cost-effective opportunities for avoiding premature death from cancer, especially lung cancer, probably involve neither screening nor improved (55) , but prevention.

This conclusion does not depend on the unrealistic assumption that we can (56) tobacco. It merely assumes that we can reduce cigarette sales appreciably by raising prices or by (57) the type of education that already appears to have had a (58) effect on cigarette consumption by white-collar workers, and that we can substantially reduce the amount of tar delivered per cigarette. The practicability of preventing cancer by such measures applies not only in those countries, (59) the US, where, because cigarette smoking has been common for decades, 25~30 per cent of all cancer deaths now involve lung cancer, but also in those where it has become (60) only recently. In China, for example, lung cancer (61) accounts for only about 510 per cent of all cancer deaths. This is because it may take as much as half a century (62) the rise in smoking to increase the incidence of lung cancer. Countries where cigarette smoking is only now becoming widespread can expect enormous increases in lung cancer during the 1990s or early in the next century, (63) prompt effective action is taken against the habit--indeed., such increases are already plainly evident in parts of (64) .

There are four reasons why the prevention of lung cancer is of such overwhelming importance: first, the disease is extremely common, causing more deaths than any other type of cancer now does; secondly, it is generally incurable; thirdly, effective, practicable measures to reduce its incidence are already reliably known; and, finally, (65) tobacco consumption will also have a substantial impact on many other diseases.

51. A. hardly

B. never

C. less

D. reliably

Text 3Under certain circumstances, the human body must cope with gases at greater-than-nor

Text 3

Under certain circumstances, the human body must cope with gases at greater-than-normal atmospheric pressure. For example, gas pressures increase rapidly during a dive made with scuba gear because the breathing equipment allows divers to stay underwater longer and dive deeper.

The pressure exerted on the human body increases by 1 atmosphere for every 10 meters of depth in seawater, so that at 30 meters in seawater a diver is exposed to a pressure of about 4 atmospheres. The pressure of the gases being breathed must equal the external pressure applied to the body, otherwise breathing is very difficult. Therefore all of the gases in the air breathed by a scuba diver at 40 meters are present at five times their usual pressure. Nitrogen, which composes 80 per cent of the air we breathe, usually causes a balmy feeling of well-being at this pressure. At a depth of 5 atmospheres, nitrogen causes symptoms resembling alcohol intoxication, known as nitrogen narcosis. Nitrogen narcosis apparently results from a direct effect on the brain of the large amounts of nitrogen cause under these pressurized helium does not exert a similar narcotic effect.

As a scuba diver descends, the pressure of nitrogen in the lungs increases. Nitrogen then diffuses from the lungs to the blood, and from the blood to body tissues. The reverse occurs when the diver surfaces; the nitrogen pressure in the lungs falls and the nitrogen diffuses from the tissues into the blood, and from the blood into the lungs. If the return to the surface is too rapid, nitrogen in the tissues and blood cannot diffuse out rapidly enough and nitrogen bubbles are formed. They can cause severe pains, particularly around the joints.

Another complication may result if the breath is held during ascent. During ascent from a depth of 10 meters, the volume of air in the lungs will double because the air pressure at the surface is only half of what it was at 10 meters. This change in volume may cause the lungs to distend and even rupture. This condition is called air embolism. To avoid this event, a diver must ascend slowly, never at a rate exceeding the rise of the exhaled air bubbles, and must exhale during as- cent.

31. What does the passage mainly discuss?

A) The equipment divers use.

B) The effects of pressure on gases in the human body.

C) How to prepare for a deep dive.

D) The symptoms of nitrogen bubbles in the bloodstream.

At no time in history has there been such a mass movement of people from countryside to ci
ty as is happening now. By the year 2030, it' s estimated that more than two thirds of the word' s population will be living in cities, twice as many as today. This means that the problems faced by cities to day-overcrowding, poor housing, unemployment, poverty, and lack of food water--will be twice as had in the next century, unless we find solutions soon.

Another serious issue is how to provide good transport to their citizens. Many world' s major cities are already struggling with out-of-date transport infrastructures. How can they deal with the additional demands in the 21stcentury?

London is a good example. It was the world' s first big city--the first with a population of a mil lion people. Its enlargement was made possible by the invention of the steam engine, which powered the world's first underground railway. But its transport systems are now hopelessly out-of-date, and need urgent modernization. London' s future success depends very much on transport.

Over a million people travel into central London every day from outside the city. They, and the people who live in London, want a public transport system that is fragment, safe and environmentally friendly. What they often get, however, falls far short of that ideal. Commuters complain about disorder, cost and pollution, while businesses worry about the problems their staff have in getting to work on time. Yet, the proportion of London households that own a car grew from just over 10 per cent in the early 1950s to over 60 percent today.

As the city has become increasingly crowded and polluted, there has been a growing realization that action is needed.

It is believed that ______.

A.overpopulation causes the problems in cities

B.two-thirds of the world' s population are living in cities today

C.it isn' t difficult to solve the problems faced by cities today

D.with fewer people, we would be free from any problems

What does the man say about complaints about travel agency?A.They account for the largest

What does the man say about complaints about travel agency?

A.They account for the largest proportion.

B.90 per cent of them are reasonable.

C.Most of them are for delayed air tickets.

D.Few of them are for poor accommodation.

What causes hypertension?
What are the causes of tool wear?
What is the correlation between body weight and heart disease and blood pressure?A.Ten per

What is the correlation between body weight and heart disease and blood pressure?

A.Ten per cent less body weight means ten per cent less risk of heart disease and high blood pressure.

B.Thirteen per cent more body weight means ten per cent more risk of heart disease and high blood pressure.

C.The more body weight one gains, the more risk of heart disease and high blood pressure he has.

D.The less body weight one gains, the more risk of heart disease and the less risk of high blood pressure he has.

What is worth noting from the example of Athens County is that ______.A.greater efforts sh

What is worth noting from the example of Athens County is that ______.

A.greater efforts should be made to improve people's living standards

B.70 per cent of the people there have been employed for two years

C.60 per cent of the population no longer relies on welfare

D.the living standards of most people are going down

Suppose Gerard moves his €1,000 demand deposit from Bank A to Bank B. If both banks operate with a reserve ratio of 10 per cent, what is the potential change in money supply as a result of Gerard’s ac





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