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Culture is like i______________ and w____________; culture is our s___________ and g____________.

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更多“Culture is like i_____________…”相关的问题
Learning how to write is like taking a course in public speaking. I ’d ask whether anyone in class had ever taken such a course. Invariably a few hands would go up.

“What did you learn in that course?” I’d ask.

“Well, the main thing was learning how to face an audience, not to be inhibited (拘谨;抑制), not to be nervous, ”

Exactly, when you take a course in public speaking nowadays, you don’t hear much about grammar and vocabulary. Instead, you’re taught how not to be afraid or embarrassed, how to speak without a prepared script, how to reach out to the live audience before you. Public speaking is a matter of overcoming your longstanding nervous inhibitions.

It is the same in writing. The point of the whole thing is to overcome your nervous inhibi- tions, to break through the invisible barrier that separates you from the person who’ll read what y- ou wrote. You must learn to sit in front of your typewriter or dictating machine and reach out to the person at the other end of the line.

Of course, in public speaking, with the audience right in front of you, the problem is easier. Y ou can look at them and talk to them directly. In writing, you ’re alone. It needs an effort of your experience or imagination to take hold of that other person and talk to him or her. But that effort is necessary or at least it’s necessary until you’ve reached the point when you quite naturally and unconsciously “talk on paper.”

The main task of a public speech course is to ________.

A.teach spoken-language experience

B.teach how to use gestures to assist speech

C.help the learners overcome nervousness

D.teach how to control the volume of the speaker’s voice

Learning how to write is similar to learning how to speak in public in that a writer should ___________.A.overcome his or her nervousness in the first place

B.watch his or her grammar and vocabulary

C.collect a lot of data before writing

D.take hold of a reader and talk to him or her before writing

In the author’s opinion_________.A.writing needs more experience and skill than public speaking

B.both writing and public speaking require effort

C.writing is imaginative

D.public speaking is not so natural as writing

Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A.Not many students feel the need to learn public speaking

B.Training is necessary before you can speak with script

C.In public speaking, the audience are more nervous than the speaker

D.Writing is just like making a public speech on paper

This selection is mainly about learning how to _______.A.make a public speech

B.talk on paper

C.behave properly in public speech

D.express strong emotion on paper


Tengo estas tres fotografías, ¿_____ te gusta más?



C、la cual


( )or ( ) packing may cause failures in international transactions, and may even result in unexpected and unpleasant disputes between t he seller and the buyer, which can only be solved through negotiation or arbitration.

A、Good , appropriate

B、Poor , inappropriate

C、Good , inappropriate

D、Poor , appropriate

Words of sensation associated with one sense are sometimes used to describe another sense. This kind of transfer is known as_____.

A、figurative transfer




Cyber crime is likely to bring about as much destruction as the credit crisis in the coming years if international regulation is not improved, some of the world’s top crime experts said. Damage caused by cyber crime is estimated at $100 billion annually, said Kilian Strauss, of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). “These criminals outsmart us ten, or a hundred to one,” Strauss told Reuters, adding more Internet experts were needed to investigate and tackle cyber crime.

C、riminal organizations are exploiting a regulatory vacuum to commit Internet crimes such as computer spying, money-laundering and theft of personal information, and the scope for damage is vast, experts told a European Economic Crime conference in Frankfurt. “We need multilateral understanding, account and oversight to avoid, in the years to come, a cyber crisis equivalent to the current financial crisis,” Antonio Maria Costa, Executive Director of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, said.

Internet crime is also a threat to national security, they said. Several countries, including the United States, have voiced concern over some hackers’ abilities to electronically spy on them and disrupt computer networks.

C、alls for greater regulation of the Internet come at a time of regulatory renaissance, with policymakers looking to support the powers of financial sector watchdogs in the wake of the global financial crisis. “Because of the transnational nature of identity-related crime, and especially of cyber-crime, if we do not tackle the crime everywhere we will not solve it anywhere,” Costa said.

The President of Interpol, Khoo Boon Hui, said increasingly highly technological gangs from Asia, Eastern Europe and Africa were coming up with ever more sophisticated ways of swindling money from vulnerable people. He also said there was a trend of company bosses being bribed by fraudsters claiming to have guilty evidence about their firms.

Strauss, who works as Senior Program Officer at the Office of the Coordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental activities, said Internet crime watchdogs could learn a lot from criminals willing to switch sides.

(1)、The main idea for the passage is that ___________.

A、cyber crime is as destructive as the credit crisis in the coming years

B、damage caused by cyber-crime is very serious and will get worse

C、to fight cyber crime requires enhanced international regulation

D、international organizations should be established to crush cyber-crime

(2)、Criminal organizations can commit internet crimes because ___________.

A、there is no effective regulation

B、they can exploit the present regulations

C、no country has paid enough attention to them

D、the current financial crisis has put the authorities at a loss

(3)、To win the war against cyber crime, __________.

A、policymakers should support their governments financially

B、each country should solve its own problems effectively

C、the United States should play a very important role

D、international cooperation is crucial

(4)、The underlined word swindling (in Para. 5) is closest in meaning to “__________”.





(5)、Strauss believes that ___________.

A、Internet security experts can learn a lot from cyber criminals

B、if cyber criminals will cooperate with the policy, they can be helpful

C、Internet crime watchdogs will make cyber criminals shift grounds

D、international organizations can solve the problems of cyber crime

面对两位民警的制止行动,一伙人置之不理,其中一人挥拳向民警小张打来,另一人则突然抽出一把尖刀向民警老李刺来。 问题4:此时,民警老李和小张应当如何行动?
—Do you know how to pronounce this new word —Yes. I __________ in the dictionry just now.looked—Do you know how to pronounce this new word —Yes. I __________ in the dictionry just now.looked it up B.used it up C.clened it up D.picked it up

A.looked it up

B.used it up

C.cleaned it up

D.picked it up

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