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提问人:网友李惠 发布时间:2022-01-07
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【填空题】Lesson 4 课后作业-词汇填空 marking Rejected takeoff Runway incursion consequence sign expeditiously airstrip stopway 1. The________is an area beyond the runway which can be used for deceleration in the event of a rejected takeoff. 2. A_________is an incident where an unauthorized aircraft, vehicle or person is on a runway, which adversely affects runway safety, as it creates the risk that an airplane taking off or landing will collide with the object. 3. In order to avoid the conflicting traffic, Airbus 320 was instructed by the ATC to climb _______to and maintain 7000 meters. 4. There can be many reasons for deciding to perform a _________, but they are usually due to suspected or actual technical failures, like an engine failure such as a compressor stall occurring during the takeoff run. 5. An_________ is a small aerodrome that consists only of a runway with perhaps fueling equipment. 6. The light array is located at the intersection of two runways and a taxiway. This _________indicates where an aircraft is to hold before entering a runway. 7. Layouts with parallel runways and/or intersecting runways increase the probability of both ATC issuing conflicting clearances and, occurrence of incursions as a__________ of flight crew errors. 8. Airport guidance_________provide direction and information to taxiing aircraft and airport vehicles.


【填空题】Task 4 - Make Backups of Important Files and Folders Whether you (1) it or not, you’ve divided everything you own into(2) broad categories: those (3) you can replace and those you can’t. For the items you can’t (4), you’ve probably (5) them in a safe place, either somewhere in your living (6). As you computerize the (7) aspects of your daily life, making (8) copies of important files and foods become critical. Even if you can’t store the backup (9) in a (10) container or somewhere outside your home, make backups anywhere anyway. Any backup is better than none.


【填空题】Task: Audio-visual Exercises AV Clip 4:AV 4.mp4 Watch the second part of the video clip and fill in each blank with the number mentioned in the video. When food is ingested, it travels along the (1) _____________where it is broken down into its (2) ___________________in order to be absorbed into the bloodstream. One such nutrient is (3) _______________, a simple sugar. Glucose gets absorbed by the stomach and (4) ________________and then enters the bloodstream. It travels through the (5) _____________ to all body cells. Once absorbed into the bloodstream, glucose circulates, causing the blood sugar level to rise. An increased level of blood sugar sends a signal to the (6) _________________ which respond by secreting the hormone insulin into the circulation. Insulin is necessary for glucose to reach and be used by several important (7) _______________tissues throughout the body. These include the liver muscle and (8) _____________ . Insulin is necessary to keep blood glucose levels stable in the body. Glucose enters the cell through a process called facilitated diffusion.


【填空题】AV Clip 4 How Does Stress Affect the Body When We Don’t Manage ItAV 4 How Does Stress Affect The Body When We Dont Manage It.mp4 Watch the video clip and fill in the blanks with the exact words you have heard. Possible risks caused by stress Supplementary descriptions 1. mental health Prolonged mental stress increases levels of the stress hormone cortisol to an undesired level. Cortisol is known to (1)_____________ in your hippocampus, an important brain structure that (2)_____________ . Cortisol also (3)_____________ at which new brain cells are made. As a result, stress increases your chances of having memory problems, sleep problems, anxiety and even (4)_______________ . 2. heart disease When you are stressed, your (5)________________ rises. Eating fatty foods in stressful times also results in (6)________________ . You are also more likely to smoke or (7) ________________ when stressed. Altogether stress increases the (8) _______________ that contribute to heart disease. 3. diabetes High level of cortisol can reduce the actions of (9) ________________ . This can further cause an increase in your blood sugar levels, a major (10) ________________ and a (11)________________ to type 2 diabetes. 4. back pain Prolonged stress causes the adrenal glands located above your kidneys to get fatigued as they (12)_________________ cortisol for a long time. As a result, the nerves as well as muscles in your lower back (13)________________ and result in back pain. In addition, stress also reduces your pain threshold or ability to cope with pain. Pain and stress follow a (14)________________ , thus pain causes stress which causes more pain. 5. infections at lifestyle diseases Stress increases levels of (15) __________________ in your body that are capable of damaging (16) ________________ . Increased levels of free radicals results in oxidative stress, a state of imbalance between free radicals and (17)_________________ in the body. Oxidative stress contributes to some of the major (18) ________________ illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Increased level of cortisol can also affect the production of white blood cells and reduce the (19) ________________of your body. As a result, you may (20) ____________________ easily and fall sick very often. 6. weight gain Rise in cortisol level causes the brain to use (21) _______________ too fast. As a result, your body (22) _____________________ sugary and high-calorie food when stressed. (23) _____________________of fatty food results in fat deposition and eventually causes weight gain. Thus ignoring stress can affect your health physically and mentally.

【填空题】4.PLC按结构可分 和 。
【填空题】[图] 1:( )2:( )3:( )4:( )5:( )6:( )7:( )8:...

【填空题】1:( )2:( )3:( )4:( )5:( )6:( )7:( )8:( )

【填空题】AV Clip 17: [图]AV 17.mp4 Watch the video ...

【填空题】AV Clip 17:AV 17.mp4 Watch the video clip three times and complete each statement according to the information from the video clip. There are medical (1) _______________ that are available. A lot of these children have (2)___________, so as far as treatments goes, we are treating the sleep issue. The only medication approved for treatment is really for a symptom of autism, which is for the (3)___________, which is Risperdal. That is not a cure. We are treating a symptom, I think that is very important to (4)_____________, as we are talking about treatments. There are also (5)____________that are being offered, which is looking at what is happening with a child at a (6)__________ and addressing that. A lot of children with the autism spectrum, for example, have low (7)______________ levels, and that needs to be corrected. Because vitamin D affects the(8)______________________, and kids with autism have immune function problems.

【填空题】AV Clip 13: [图]CV 13.mp4 Watch the video ...

【填空题】AV Clip 13:CV 13.mp4 Watch the video clip three times and fill in each blank with the information mentioned in the video. (1) __________in hands and feet. If you have had diabetes for a few years, you may start to notice numbness or tingling in your lower legs or feet. This is neuropathy. Neuropathy is a (2) ______________________of diabetes over many years. Glucose can damage the blood (3) ___________________in the feet, lower legs and hands. Numbness and tingling (4) ____________________ to touch or muscle weakness may develop. Sometimes you can control your blood glucose levels but neuropathy will still develop. The longer you have diabetes, the higher the risk of developing neuropathy. You always feel thirsty. (5) _________________ is the reason the diabetics experience (6) ________________ thirst. Your (7) _______________act as a filter and normally absorb the glucose in your blood and recycle it for your body's use. When your blood glucose is high, your kidneys cannot absorb all sugar, instead the excess sugar is (8) ______________ your urine and your body tries to flush it out of your system by producing more urine. The increased urine production and resulting dehydration causes you to be extremely thirsty.

【填空题】AV Clip 23: [图]AV 23.mp4 Watch the video ...

【填空题】AV Clip 23:AV 23.mp4 Watch the video clip three times and complete the following passage by filling in each blank with the word from the video clip. I first found out that I had type 1 diabetes when I was (1) ________years old. It was a difficult adjustment period for me. It was hard not to feel a little bit different given that I had to test my blood sugar several times a day, take (2) ________________, pre-planning what I was going to be eating for meals, bringing (3) _______________ and insulin to restaurants and things like that. Michael's regimented life seemed like it could all change the day he read a newspaper article about (4) __________________, a rare form of diabetes discovered back in the 1990's. According to the article, if Michael had this type he would only have to take a pill once a day and could toss out the syringes and the hours spent planning his meals. I cut that article out of the Tribune and brought it in to my endocrinologist to see if there was any way that this type of the disease had applied to me and my doctor looked at the article and quickly dismissed the possibility. Not giving up, Michael went to see Dr. Lou philipson, director of Kobler Diabetes Center at the University of Chicago, one of the first research centers for monogenic diabetes in the world. It's reasonably rare but over the last few years we found that somewhere between (5) _________________ people in United States probably have monogenic diabetes. Oh geez! I'll never forget the day that I got the call from him and he said are you sitting down? The test just came back and you tested positive for this (6) _____________ and I was just completely shocked! I had really just been (7) ______________ this whole time I had a monogenic form of diabetes. Monogenic diabetes is different than type 1 or type 2 diabetes because it's caused from a gene mutation so it's like having a gene for blue eyes or brown hair and when that gene is broken in a very special way the blood sugar can't be regulated.

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