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when i was studying in the united states, i saw how amerian people celebrate halloween


A、When I was studying in the United States, I saw how American people celebrate Halloween.

B、When I was studying in the United states, I saw how American people celebrate Halloween.

C、when I was studying in the United States, I saw how American people celebrate Halloween.

D、When I was studying in The United States, I saw how American people celebrate Halloween.

提问人:网友黄静 发布时间:2022-08-02
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更多“when i was studying in the uni…”相关的问题
Bread and butter ______ my favourite breakfast when I was studying in the States.A.areB.we

Bread and butter ______ my favourite breakfast when I was studying in the States.





I think the advantages of studying abroad o__________ the disadvantages greatly, so I'll send my child abroad when he graduates from high school.
I in university when I am 20 years old()

A.am studying

B.will study

C.have studied

D.will be studying

It was the four years from 2005 to 2008, ______I spent studying for a bachelor's degree, _
_____ I will never forget.

A.when; that

B.when; when

C.that; that

D.which; that

At 19, when I began studying astrophysics(天体物理学), it did not bother me__________ to be the only woman in the classroom.

A、at least

B、to the least

C、in the least

D、for least

听力原文:M: You have never told me about it that. When were you studying in Paris?W: A lon

听力原文:M: You have never told me about it that. When were you studying in Paris?

W: A long time before you were born. It was before I met your father. I was studying art.

Q: What's the probable relationship between the man and woman ?


A.Father and daughter.

B.Husband and wife.

C.Mother and son.


Man: Someone said that there was a really good documentary on television last night about
killer whales. I wish I had seen it since that was what we were studying in my zoology class.

Woman: I'm sorry. If I had known you were interested in that sort of thing I would have told you when it was going to be on.

Question: What does the woman imply?

A.She didn't watch the program.

B.She is not usually interested in watching documentaries.

C.She doesn't have time to help the man with his project.

D.She knew that the program was being shown.

I am Lee, a Chinese student studying in the US. La...

I am Lee, a Chinese student studying in the US. Last week while I was getting on a bus I dropped one of my packages and a young man who was also getting on the bus picked it up for me. He seemed nice, so I chatted with him a bit. He said his name is Sam , he was 18 years old and has always lived in this town. His family also lives in town, but he lives alone in a small apartment. He just graduated from high school this year and is now a student at the local university. I asked where he was going, and he said that he was going to work-he has an evening job at a restaurant to make money to pay for university. He said that he doesn’t want to live with his family or ask them for money. I don’t understand why American young people leave home when them reach 18. Is this true for most Americans?

听力原文:Baker: Since so many of you have asked me about how to learn a language, I though
t that it might be useful to take some class time today to discussit. Betty, you speak several languages, don't you?

Betty: Yes, I speak Spanish and French.

Baker: And what helped you most in learning those languages?

Betty: What helped me most.... Well, I studied both languages in high school, and I'm still studying Spanish here at the university, but I think that travel has probably been the most help to me. You see, I've been lucky in that I've lived in Europe. Believe me, I didn't speak very well before I moved there.

Bill: You're fight, Betty. After studying a language, practice is very useful. When you live in a country where the language is spoken, it's ideal. But, you know, sometimes it's difficult to make friends in a new place, even when the people axe very friendly.

Betty: Yes, I know what you mean. Especially if you don't speak my language too well. I had some problems when I first moved to Europe.

Baker: And, of course, some people are shy.

Betty: That's true.

Bill: Professor Baker, whether or not I'm living in a country where the language is spoken, I always go to movies, and whenever I can, I watch TV or listen to the radio in the language I'm trying to learn.

Betty: Me too. And reading is another good way to learn. Books are good, but I think that newspapers and magazines are even better.

Baker: Probably the best way to learn is to combine all of these ideas: traveling, talking with people, going to movies, watching TV, listening to the radio, and reading books, newspapers and magazines. What do you think?

Betty: I agree with that, Professor Baker.

Bill: So do I. But I don't believe that it's possible to take advantage of practice opportunities without some knowledge of the language first.

Betty: Sure. First it's a good idea to study grammar, vocabulary.

Bill:... and listening, perhaps even reading.

Betty: Then practice is very, very helpful.

What do the speakers mainly discuss?

A.Making friends in a foreign country.

B.Spanish and French.

C.Foreign TV, radio and other media.

D.Learning a foreign language.

Some people were queuing outside the Scala Theatre for tickets for a very popular show. Th
ey had to wait for several hours, and during that time they were entertained by a young man who was playing very nicely on a trumpet. The queue enjoyed his music and put quite a lot of money in the box that he had on the ground in front of him.

At last one of the people in the queue said to him, "You play too well to be a beggar."

"I' m not a beggar", the young man said. "I' m studying to be a trumpet player in a big band, and I have to practise several hours every day, so I thought it would be nice to do it in the fresh air instead of in my small room on days when the weather was nice- and also to get a bit of money at the same time."

The tickets for the show ______.

A.were difficult to buy

B.were easy to get

C.were sold out in a short while

D.were not to be sold out

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