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听力原文: What I mainly feel, really, is nervous. You know, like I am being sent back to s

chool or some thing. I am feeling very lacking in confidence, which is of course not the best starting position. After all these years of doing the job, and doing it well, I'm proud to say, and picking it up as I've gone along. It seems embarrassing to be told to go get a piece of paper, to have to have a certificate, especially when you feel you know what you're doing. Yes, of course, I do realize there'll be things on the course I haven't done before. And that concerns me too. Because I don't know how well I'll retain it all, if I'll be able to recall it afterwards. Oh, perhaps it will all be OK in the end. I certainly hope so.


提问人:网友liudptl 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“听力原文: What I mainly feel, real…”相关的问题
听力原文:M: How's the response to our advertisement for supervisors? W: Well, we have abou

听力原文:M: How's the response to our advertisement for supervisors?

W: Well, we have about forty applications, but there's hardly anyone with experience.

M: I think we should contact an agency to help us find the right people.

What are the speakers mainly discussing?

A.Work bonuses.

B.Marketing policies.

C.Production figures.

D.Hiring new staff.

听力原文:M: What will happen if a draft is not presented for payment when due?W: If this i

听力原文:M: What will happen if a draft is not presented for payment when due?

W: If this is the case, all the signatories on the bill will be discharged except the acceptor.

Q: What are the two people mainly talking about?


A.How to present the bill for payment.

B.The presentation of bills for payment.

C.The solution to the injured drawer.

D.The payment of the cheque.

听力原文:M: I hear you mainly manufacture TV sets and radios.W: Yes, they make up about 70

听力原文:M: I hear you mainly manufacture TV sets and radios.

W: Yes, they make up about 70% of our products. Besides, we also make VCD.

What are the two speakers talking about?

A.A factory.

B.A shop.

C.A school.

听力原文:M: I want to find a part-time job during the summer vacation and earn some money.
How about you?

W: I am going to take a few summer courses so that I can graduate early next year.

Q: What are they mainly talking about?


A.Graduation date.

B.Vacation plans.

C.School courses.

D.Job hunting.

听力原文:W: How was the English exam you took yesterday?M: Not as easy as I expected, I di

听力原文:W: How was the English exam you took yesterday?

M: Not as easy as I expected, I did fairly well on the reading section but I made quite a few mistakes on grammar.

Q: What did the man say about his test?


A.His errors were mainly in the reading part.

B.It wasn't very challenging to him.

C.It was more .difficult than he had expected.

D.He made very few grammatical mistakes in his test.

听力原文:A: I want to find a part-time job during the summer vacation and earn some money.
How about you?

B: I'm going to take a few summer courses so that I can graduate early next year.

What are they mainly talking about?

A.Graduation date.

B.Vacation plans.

C.School courses.

D.Job hunting.

听力原文:W: How was the English exam you took yesterday?M: Not as easy as I expected. I di

听力原文:W: How was the English exam you took yesterday?

M: Not as easy as I expected. I did fairly well on the reading section but I made quite a few mistakes on grammar.

Q: What did the man say about his test?


A.His errors were mainly in the reading pan.

B.It wasn't very challenging to him.

C.It was more difficult than he had expected.

D.He made very few grammatical mistakes in his test.

听力原文:M How did your interview go with the community development center? W I thought it

听力原文:M How did your interview go with the community development center?

W I thought it went well. I found out that Jessie Fox is a development director there. She's done a lot, in terms of attracting investment money to East Liberty and downtown. She's really good at raising money.

M So if you're hired, what exactly would you do there?

W Mainly accounting-type work. And that's fine, I like it, but I'd also be analyzing investment properties, which is really what I want to do. Analysis is more interesting to me than accounting.

What did the woman recently do?

A.Move to a new city

B.Interview for a job

C.Purchase a new house

D.Move to a different department

听力原文:WB What business magazine do you usually read?MB I have a subscription to Monthly

听力原文:WB What business magazine do you usually read?

MB I have a subscription to Monthly Entrepreneur, so I usually read that one. But, I also pick up a copy of Business Universe every once in a while. They have excellent stock and trading tips.

WB I see. I've read Business Universe before, but I'm not very familiar with Monthly Entrepreneur. Could I look at one of your issues sometime?

MB Sure. Actually, I think I have the last issue in my office. I'll check and give it to you after lunch.

What is the conversation mainly about?

A.A magazine

B.A news story

C.Company stock

D.A public relations agency

听力原文:M: Isn't that a new restaurant? Right across from our office, too! I wonder how i
t is!

W: Sam said the food was just great. Shall we have lunch there this afternoon?

M: Sorry, but I have a meeting at noon and I'm sure it's going to be a long one.

W: Well then, maybe we could go and get a snack after work this evening.

What are the speakers mainly discussing?

A.A memo from Sam.

B.Staying back to finish work.

C.A meeting later in the day.

D.A new eating place.

听力原文:(Woman)Have you made arrangements to attend the sales conference in London?(Man)

听力原文:(Woman) Have you made arrangements to attend the sales conference in London?

(Man) Sort of. I've registered to attend the conference, but I haven't booked a room yet.

(Woman) You should really do that soon. I made my reservations last week, and the conference hotels are already full. I'm staying several miles from the convention center.

(Man) Well, if I can't get a hotel room, I'll just stay with my brother-in-law. He has an apartment downtown.

What are the speakers mainly discussing?

A.Plans to attend a conference

B.A visit to their families

C.The cost of hotel rooms

D.Reservations for a vacation

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