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One reason we need government, even in a market economy, is that

A、there is insufficient market power in the absence of government.

B、property rights are too strong in the absence of government.

C、the invisible hand is not perfect.

D、Both a and b are correct.

提问人:网友nanyyy 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“One reason we need government,…”相关的问题
A lot of attention is being given to children who leave school unable to read or write. I
think there should be equal concern for those who are unable to cope with simple mental arithmetic — particularly girls.

It is often stated that today's children are growing up in a computer world and they don't need the same skills that their grandparents did. But is it any wonder that many young girls trying to cope with budget housekeeping fail for the simple reason they cannot keep accurate checks on their purchases?

Shopping in markets is no source of cheap purchasing unless one is able to keep pace with the apparent mental agility of the vendor.

Must we face the thought that at some time in the distant future everyone will need to carry in their handbag or pocket one of the miniature calculators?

The writer is concerned about______.

A.budget housekeeping.

B.the retail trade.

C.computer skills.

D.mental arithmetic.


All of us have felt pain. We have cut ourselves. We have been burned. Or we have had headaches. Some of us suffer pain rarely_______46)

Pain can take complete control of our body and mind, making it impossible to move and even to think. Yet we need pain. Without it, we would not know if we have hurt ourselves. It is our body's warning system________­­­­_47)

Pain is the most common reason we go to a doctor. It is the most common reason we take medicines. Until recently, however, most doctors knew of only a few drugs that stopped some pains_________(48) But new knowledge about the process of pain is helping them to control pain better.

Scientists have learned that the sense of pain is made up of both chemical and electrical signals_________(49) Scientists also have learned that the nervous system sends two different kinds of pain messages to the brain: one very fast, the ether slow.

The first message is the warning signal. It moves at a speed of 30 meters a second. In less than a second, the brain understands that part of the body is hurt and how badly it is injured________(50) It tells us not to use the injured part until it heals.

A.And others have painful attacks all the time.

B.These signals travel from nerve cells in the injured area, up the spinal cord (脊髓) to the brain, and back down again.

C.It tells us that we are injured and should do something about it.

D.They knew little about the process of pain itself.

E.The other message moves at a speed of only one meter a second.

F. And they send the second, slower message of pain to the brain.

第 46 题 请选择(46)处的最佳答案.

听力原文:M: One of the most common questions we ask about people's behavior. is why. Why d
oes she say this? Why does he do that? Sometimes the reason is obvious. For example, someone is driving down the street, the light turns red, and he stops, why?

W: Because he has to, legally I mean.

M: Exactly! In this case the reason is obvious, so we usually don't question it. But when the reason is not so obvious and especially when the behavior. could have negative consequences, we're more likely to feel a need to explain the catkins of the behavior. Social psychologists have a term for this, for the process of explaining the muses of behavior. It's called causal attribution. And one theory suggests there's a pattern in the way we go about attributing causes to people's behavior. According to this theory, there are two categories of reasons: internal factors and external factors. Again, Lisa, say you're driving down the road and all of a sudden some guy turns into the lane right in front of you, and you have to slam on your brake to avoid an accident. How do you react?

W: I'll probably get very angry.

M: Because.

W: Well, he's not paying attention; he's a bad driver.

M: So you automatically attribute the driver's behavior. to an internal factor. He himself is to blame because he is careless.

W: So if I said it was because of heavy traffic or something. I'd be attributing his behavior. to an external factor, something beyond his control.

M: Good. Now how will you explain your own negative behavior?

W: I should blame external factors.

M: That's right.


A.Judging people's behavior.

B.Common causes of anger.

C.Changing people's attitudes.

D.The effects of negative behavior.

The Power of Positive

Thinking Human emotion is one of those factors that cannot he definedexactly. The reason is that it is quite uncertain. We cannot change thefeelings that are roused when we experience different things.

(26)Some people forget that they arc in control. They make their choicesbased on their emotions. I hey experience failure and loss and let theiremotions rule their decisions. They are trapped in their sadness and thus. experience more failure. Some people say they need a lucky break to recover from 、theirfailures.

(27) They need to get over their failures on their own. But how do they dothat? I he answer is: positive thinking. People often fail to realize the power of positive thinking.

(28 )Theyfail to realize that they only need to overcome their fears in order to trulysucceed in life. They just have too much pride and are blinded of theirown shortcomings. The power of positive thinking lies in belief.

(29)You make thedecisions that affect your life. You may not be able to change yourenvironment, but you are able to change the way you react to it. The power of positive thinking lies beyond false courage. You need lotake another look at the world around you.

(30)You can&39;t rest on yoursuccess. or foolish pride will cause you to make wrong decisions. They fail to realize that their worst enemy lies within themselves. However. we must always remember that we can control ourreactions. You can’t just take a look at your failures, or you will lose hope.

D. We can benefit a lot from positive thinking.

E.However, life rarely gives people a break.

F.You need to believe that you arc in control.






听力原文:M: One of the most common questions we ask about people's behavior. is why. Why d
id she say this? Why did he do that? Sometimes the reason is obvious, for example, someone is driving down the street, the light turns red, and they stop, why?

W: Because they have to, legally I mean.

M: Exactly! In this case the reason is obvious, so we usually don't question it. But when the reason is not so obvious and especially when the behavior. could have negative consequences, we'll more likely to feel a need to explain the causes of the behavior. Social psychologists have a term for this, for the process of explaining the causes of the behavior, it's called "causal attribution". And one theory suggests, there's a pattern in the way we go about attributing causes to people's behavior. According to this theory, there are two categories of reasons: internal factors and external factors. Again, Lisa, say you're driving down the road and all of a sudden some guy turns into the lane right in front of you, and you have to slam on your brakes to avoid an accident. How do you react?

W: I'll probably get very angry.

M: Because...

W: Well, he's not paying attention, he's a bad driver.

M: So you automatically attribute the driver's behavior. to an internal factor. He himself is to blame because he is careless.

W: So if I said it was because of heavy traffic or something, I'd be attributing his behavior. to an external factor, something beyond his control.

M: Good. Now how do we usually explain our own negative behavior?

W: We blame external factors.

M: That's right.


A.Common causes of anger.

B.Judging people's behavior.

C.Changing people's attitudes.

D.The effects of negative behavior.

No one can deny that pesticides have improved the ability of farmers to bring their crops
to market. (1)_____ pesticides, farmers no longer have to worry that they will lose an entire crop (2)_____ an army of cut Worms or fruit flies. (3)_____, Americans can rely on a large and varied food supply.

However, we Americans need to become more (4)_____ about the effects those pesticides on our food. More (5)_____, we need to think about what new (6)_____ is necessary to protect ourselves from a (7)_____ too rich in Pesticide residue. If we don't demand greater (8)_____ on pesticide use, we may be surprised, dismayed, and (9)_____ horrified by the consequence of its use.

On the most obvious level, farm workers who continue to use the pesticides (10)_____ their present rate will (11)_____ serious diseases. It's no (12)_____ that farmers (13)_____ to herbicides have a six times greater risk of getting cancer. (14)_____, children who live in homes where pesticides are used have an increased chance of getting childhood leukemia(白血病).

But the farmers are not the only ones (15)_____ risk. Consumers may also suffer serious side effects from daily (16)_____ of foods tainted(污染) by pesticides. Although scientists have yet to prove the link (17)_____, they are concerned that pesticide use may be one reason for the startling increase in various forms of cancer like breast and colon(结肠) cancers.

We need new legislation that (18)_____ stricter standards governing pesticide residues in food. Much of the current legislation is based on ignorance. Simply (19)_____, we allow high levels of carcinogens in our food because we don't know for sure that they do cause cancer in humans. Yet, why should we take the risk? If there's a chance that a pesticide causes cancer, then it should be (20)_____ from use.

A.In spite of

B.Thanks to



听力原文:M: One of the most common questions we ask about people's behavior. is why. Why s
he say this? Why he do that? Sometimes the reason is obvious, for example, someone is driving down the street, the light turns red, they stop, why?

W: Because they have to, legally I mean.

M: Exactly! In this case the reason is obvious, so we usually don't question it. But when the reason is not so obvious and especially when the behavior. could have negative consequences, we'll more likely to feel a need to explain the causes of the behavior. Social psychologists have a term for this, for the process of explaining the causes of behavior, it's called causal attribution. And one theory suggests, there's a pattern in the way we go about attributing causes to people's behavior. According to this theory, there are two categories of reasons: internal factors and external factors. Again, Lisa, say you’re driving down the road and all of a sudden some guy turn into the lane right in front of you, and you have to slam on your brake to avoid an accident. How do you react?

W: I'll probably get very angry.

M: Because….

W: Well, he's not paying attention, he's a bad driver.

M: So you automatically attribute the driver’s behavior. to an internal factor. He himself is to blame because he is careless.

W: So if I said it was because of heavy traffic or something, I'd be attributing his behavior. to an external factor, something beyond his control.

M: Good. Now how do you usually explain our own negative behavior?

W: We blame external factors.

M: That's right.


A.Judging people's behavior.

B.Common causes of anger.

C.Changing people's attitudes.

D.The effects of negative behavior.

听力原文:One of the reasons for our success as a species is our ability to eat and thrive

听力原文: One of the reasons for our success as a species is our ability to eat and thrive on a large variety of foods. Many animal species have become extinct or are on the edge of extinction partly because they lack this adaptability. They need to feed on a particular kind of plant or a particular kind of animal or insect. If this source of food is for any reason re- moved, then the animal concerned is unable to change to a different diet. Gradually it becomes extinct. We know that many animal species have died out, but so have some human species such as the early form. of mall that is called Neanderthal man. Perhaps part of the reason for his failure to survive was his lack of adaptability in diet. But modern man is almost entirely free from the limitation of any particular food requirements. We are able to survive on a wide variety of foods both animal and vegetable. For example, the Eskimos are almost totally meat eaters: seal, bear, whale meat and fish form. their whole diet; the Aborigines of Australia, living in dry desert regions, have learnt to survive by making use of forms of insect life as food to supplement their diet of fruits and roots. Men have learnt to survive in the deserts and in dense rain forests; they have learnt to raise domestic animals, which live at high altitudes so that they can inhabit the mountainous regions of the world like Tibet; and they have made the coconut their chief food on the Pacific islands.


A.It is all ability both man and animals possess.

B.It is the reason for man's superiority over animals.

C.It is one of the reasons for man's success as a species.

D.It is a proof of our superior intelligence.

听力原文:At present, human beings have used many devices to measure time. Perhaps, the sun

听力原文: At present, human beings have used many devices to measure time. Perhaps, the sundial was, one of the earliest and simplest devices. A sundial can measure the movement of the sun across the sky each day.

The sundial worked very well only when the sun was shining. So other ways of measuring the passing of time were invented at that time. One device was the hourglass. It used a thin stream of falling sand to measure time.

By the 1700s, people had already developed mechanical clocks and watches. And today many of our clocks and watches are electronic.

So we have devices to mark the passing of time. But what time is it now? Clocks in different parts of the world do not show the same time at the same time. As international communications and travel grew, it became clear we need a way to establish a common time for all parts of the world.

In 1884, an international conference divided the world into 24 time areas or zones. Each zone represents one hour. The astronomical observation in Greenwich, England, was chosen as the starting point for the time zone.

Most people have no trouble in agreeing that time moves forward. Some scientists believe there is one reason why time moves forward. It is clear we need a way to establish a common time for all parts of the world with scientific law: the second law of thermodynamics. The law says disorder increases with time.


A.It measures the length of a day and a night.

B.it measures the movement of the sun each day.

C.It measures the passing of hours, minutes and perhaps seconds.

D.It measures the shadow of the stick across the flat surface of the sundial.

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