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The following four options do not belong to the new public service indicators are___(以下四个选项中不属于新公共服务指标的是___)





提问人:网友dandancat 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“The following four options do …”相关的问题
2. There are four set exercises for women: ______ exercises, vault, balance beam and uneven bars. 女子规定动作有4项:自由体操,跳马、平衡木和高低杠。





Which of the following does NOT involve the difference of pronunciation between RP and GA?





Directions:There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C), D) on the right side of the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

Although Henry Ford's name is closely associated with the concept of mass production, he should receive equal credit for introducing labor practices as early as 1913 that would be considered67 even by today's standards.Safety 68 were improved, and the work day was 69 to eight hours, compared with the ten-or-twelve-hour day common at the time.In order to accommodate the shorter work day,the 70 factory was converted from two to three 71 .

72 , sick leaves as well as improved medical care for those injured 73 the job were instituted. The Ford Motor Company was one of the first factories to develop a 74 school to train specialized skilled laborers and an English language school for immigrants. Some 75 were even made to hire the handicapped and provide jobs for former convicts(服刑囚犯).

The most 76 acclaimed innovation was the five-dollar-a-day minimum wage that was 77in order to recruit and 78 the best mechanics and to 79 the growth of labor unions. Ford explained the new wage policy in 80 of efficiency and profit sharing. He also mentioned the fact that his employees would be able to purchase the automobiles that they produced-in effect 81 a market for the product. In order to quality for the minimum wage, an employee had to establish a decent home and 82 good personal habits,including sobriety,thriftiness,industriousness,and dependability.83 some criticism was directed at Ford for involving himself too much in the 84 lives of his employees, there can be no doubt that, at a time when immigrants were being taken 85 of in frightful ways, Henry Ford was helping many people to 86 themselves in America.


A. advanced

B. appropriate

C. accessible

D. acute

In business letter, there are many ways of complementary close to show respect.
It’s _______ (definite) the perfect setting for Harry Potter’s magical adventures.
Which of the following may not characterize high negative affectivity?

A、The state of being self-conscious.

B、The state of being impatient.

C、The state of being anxious.

D、The state of being inferior.


Task: Read the passage organized in the point-by-point format and answer the questions. UK vs. USA Education System According to the world university rankings compiled by the Times Higher Education, more than half of the world’s top 200 universities are located in either the US or the UK. Both countries share a rich tradition of quality higher education, excellent research facilities, and a culture that promotes intellectualism as well as academic freedom. However, while both certainly provide an excellent environment for learning, there are many differences between the two countries regarding the structure of the university as well as student life. In this article, we will explore the primary differences between the American and British systems of education. Length of Time Perhaps the most important difference between the education system in the US, and the UK, is the amount of time it takes to finish your degree (except in Scotland, where a bachelor’s degree also lasts four years). In general, degree programs in the US take about one year longer than programs in the UK, although this varies depending upon whether you receive a Master’s degree prior to a PhD. In both systems, you can go directly to a PhD program out of your undergraduate program, but in the UK it is more common to complete a Master’s degree program before moving on to a PhD. Courses of study are shorter in the UK because the course programs are generally much more focused than in the US. Academic Term Most universities in the US begin their terms in mid to late August, although smaller liberal arts colleges may start later. Most take a rather lengthy break beginning in mid-December and begin the second semester in early to mid-January. However, universities that are on different calendars, such as a trimester or quarter-based system, may begin their winter break at the Thanksgiving holiday, which falls at the end of November. The academic term in the UK is a bit more varied. While most also use the semester system, the trimester and quarter systems are used in some universities. Many schools start in September or October and end in May or June, making for a slightly longer academic year. However, the academic term is less standardized throughout the United Kingdom; if you choose to study there, your university might use a much different calendar. University Organization Many universities in the UK are made up of “colleges” which are dedicated to a specific subject matter. While the colleges are still governed by the university, each college has quite a lot of autonomy from each other as well as the university itself. You live with others in your college, eat with others from your college, and generally stay within your college for the duration of your studies. Rather than applying to the central university admissions department, like you do in the US, you either apply directly to the college of the subject you want to study, or in the case of undergraduate programs, you apply through a centralized system which allows you to apply to several colleges at once. This system is called the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service, or UCAS. This means that you have to know what you want to study before you even apply. By contrast, in the US, you apply to the larger university and for the first year or more, you take courses from a variety of fields and only declare a major at the end of the first year or perhaps even during the second year. American universities have different “schools,” or departments, such as the School of Arts and Sciences, which houses a number of related majors. However, even after you declare a major at an American university, you are still expected to take classes outside of that field, known as “electives.” For this reason, we can say that the general emphasis of higher education in the US is breadth, or getting a range of knowledge from a variety of different subjects. In the UK, the emphasis is more on depth; getting a very thorough understanding of your chosen subject. Homework and Grades Because the US system emphasizes breadth, courses require weekly or even biweekly readings as well as other assignments such as small writing projects, major research papers, and oral presentations throughout the course. In the UK, most schools are much more lecture-based, with only occasional assignments throughout the semester. In some cases, there may be no actual required assignments and instead your entire grade may be based on one final exam. In the US, your grade will be based on your performance on the variety of assignments, with a final exam making up only a percentage of your total grade. Cost The cost of education in both countries is far from cheap, but the cost of an education in the United States is generally higher. According to a law passed in 2012, universities in England may charge up to £9000 (approximately $14,300) per year. Of course, this applies only to citizens of the UK and the EU, not international students. Fees for international students can be significantly higher. The government sets the limits for tuition fees, and each individual school sets its own fee up to that limit. By contrast, the government has very little control over what universities charge in the United States. The US differentiates between in-state tuition fees and out-of-state tuition fees, as well as between private and public universities. These distinctions determine the tuition fee. The average tuition fee for public two-year institutions is around $3000 per year, while the average fee for private four-year institutions is around $29,000 per year. Finally, some private four-year institutions can cost up to $50,000 per year. In order to help students cover the cost of tuition in both countries, loans are available through the government with favorable terms and interest rates. Accommodation Both countries provide students with residence halls in which to live. They are roughly equivalent, although in the UK it is more normal to have a bedroom by yourself, whereas in the US, you may very well share a bedroom with at least one other person. However, after the first year, students in the US may have additional housing options available to them, such as private housing or off-campus housing. It is also more common for dormitories to be self-catered in the UK, while the US normally provides a range of full dining options for its students. One potentially significant difference is that maid service is common in the residence halls in the UK, although students pay a nominal fee for this service. Conclusion While both countries provide a great education, each system approaches education slightly differently, and there are advantages and disadvantages to each. If you are considering getting your education in either the US or the UK, you should take into consideration the various differences mentioned in this article, especially the amount of time it takes to finish the degree, the tuition fees and whether you prefer more depth or more breadth in your degree program. Questions: 1. In general, how is the length of time of degree programs in the US different from that in the UK?

A、Degree programs in the US take about one year longer than programs in the UK.

B、Degree programs in the US take about one year shorter than those in the UK.

C、Courses of study are shorter in the UK.

D、(This is not an answer.)

【判断题】Machine languages are the only languages understood by computers. They are almost impossible for humans to use.
Part B (10 points)

In the following text, some sentences have been removed. For Questions 41-45, choose the most suitable one from the list (A、B、C、D、E、F、G……) to fit into each of the numbered blank. There are several extra choices, which do not fit in any of the gaps. (10 points)

The race to select the Beijing 2008 Olympic mascot is heating up and from all accounts the panda is out in front. According to news reports, the Sichuan panda team is pulling out all the stops to get the giant panda chosen—not surprisingly, as most of the pandas in China can be found in Sichuan. (41)______.

So what does an Olympic mascot represent to the world? The Sichuan team says that the giant panda represents the peace and harmony of the Olympic spirit, but is that what a panda really portrays? What, after all, does a giant panda do all day? It pulls down bamboo shoots and eats, and when it's not eating, it sleeps. That's it! That is all a panda does. (42)______.

Fortunately there are other candidates for the honor of representing the Beijing Olympics, including the Chinese tiger. Now there's a contrast with the panda! The tiger is sleek; the tiger is swift. When the tiger springs into action, one can see its muscles ripple with energy; When a tiger is hunting for food, first it stalks its prey, perhaps a herd of wild swine. Then it chooses a victim and cleverly plans its strategy for the chase. Carefully choosing its moment, the tiger takes off with power and speed, as much as 80 km per hour. (43)______. The tiger is sleek, strong, swift and uses clever strategy to achieve its goal. Is it not the ideal animal to represent the athletes who have planned and carried out Icing-term strategies to qualify for the Olympics?

(44)______. However, the tiger, like most predatory animals, is not truly vicious—this is a common misperception. Under normal circumstances it kills only for food. When hungry it goes after its prey with fierce determination. it not take fierce determination for an athlete to win a medal in the Olympics?

Some years ago, Shell carried out a very successful ad campaign in Canada and the US. The ads showed a tiger getting into the gas tank of an auto; the accompanying slogan was "Put a tiger in your tank!" (45)______. Nowadays China is amazing everyone with the power and speed of its economic development, far outstripping the other nations of the world. In the latest Olympics, the Chinese athletes surprised the world not only with the number of medals they won but also with the categories in which they won them. I would therefore argue that Beijing's 2008 Olympic mascot should be an animal that embodies the great qualities, power and speed, of the Chinese athletes and their homeland—the Chinese tiger.

A. One might say that the giant panda is fat and lazy! What if there is no bamboo? Does it find other food? No. When the panda's food disappears, the panda disappears. In fact, the giant panda is a very vulnerable animal and that is why today it is at risk of extinction. Do Chinese really want a fat, lazy animal for their Olympic mascot?

B. Everyone understood the message: the tiger meant extra power and speed for your car. The original Olympics in Greece brought together athletes in a fierce trial of power and speed.

C. Recently it was brought to my attention that the 1988 Seoul Olympics had a tiger mascot. Does this make the tiger ineligible for use in the 2008 Beijing Olympics? In an informal poll of my friends and colleagues, I discovered that no one remembered the mascot of the 1988 games. In fact, they did not remember the mascot of the Sydney Olympics or even of this year's Athens Olympics.

D. They have created 29 possible panda designs for consideration by the Beijing Olympic organizing committee, which will be making the choice.

E. To be sure, the giant panda seems loveable whereas the tiger might be thought by some t

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