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State constitutions have been amended, but ______ affect the basic principles.

A.not so much as

B.not so as to

C.in order to

D.so long as to

提问人:网友F18229872366 发布时间:2022-01-07
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  • · 有4位网友选择 A,占比44.44%
  • · 有3位网友选择 B,占比33.33%
  • · 有2位网友选择 D,占比22.22%
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[144.***.***.137] 1天前
更多“State constitutions have been …”相关的问题
George Mason must rank with John Adams and James Madison as one of the three Founding Fath
ers who left their personal imprint on the fundamental law of the United States. He was the principal author of the Virginia Declaration of Rights, which because of its early formation greatly influenced other state constitutions framed during the Revolution and, through them, the Federal Bill of Rights of 1791.

Yet Mason was essentially a private person with very little inclination for public office or the ordinary operation of politics beyond the country level. His appearances in the Virginia colonial and state legislatures were relatively brief, and not until 1787 did he consent to represent his state at a continental or national congress or convention. Polities was never more than a means for Mason. He was at all times a man of public spirit, but politics was never a way of life, never for long his central concern. It took a revolution to pry him away from home and family at Gunston Hall, mobilize his skill and energy for constitutional construction, and transform. him, in one brief moment of brilliant leadership, into a statesman whose work would endure to influence the lives and fortunes of those "millions yet unborn" of whom he and his generation of Americans spoke so frequently and thought so constantly.

The author ascribes importance to the Virginia Declaration of Rights primarily because ______.

A.Mason was its principal author

B.it was later adopted as the Federal Bill of Rights

C.through wide circulation it influenced the writing of other state constitutions during the Revolution

D.through other state constitutions it eventually influenced the writing of the Federal Bill of Rights

George Mason must rank with John Adams and James Madison as one of the three Founding Fath
ers who left their personal imprint(印记) on the fundamental law of the United States. He was the principal author of the Virginia Declaration of Rights, which, because of its early formation, greatly influenced other state constitutions framed during the Revolution and, through them, the Federal Bill of ]Rights of 1791.

Yet Mason was essentially a private person with very. little inclination for public office or the ordinary operation of politics beyond the country level. His appearances in the Virginia colonial and state legislatures were relatively brief, and not until 1787 did he consent to represent his state at a continental or national congress or convention. Politics was never more than a means for Masson. He was at all times a man of public spirit, but politics was never a way of life, never for long his central concern. It took a revolution to pry him away from home and family at Gunston Hall, mobilize his skill and energy for constitutional construction, and transform. him, in one brief moment of brilliant leadership, into a statesman whose work would endure to influence the lives and fortunes of those" millions yet unborn" of whom he and his generation of Americans spoke so frequently and thought so constantly.

The author regards George Mason's personal contribution to American law as ______. ()

A.not comparable to that of Adams or Madison

B.greater than that Of either Adams or Madison

C.of the same importance as that of Adams and Madison

D.second in importance only to that of Adams and Madison

根据下列文章,请回答 26~30 题。 Text 2 Education is primarily the responsibility of the

根据下列文章,请回答 26~30 题。

Text 2

Education is primarily the responsibility of the states. State constitutions set up .certain standards and rules for the establishment of school. State laws require children to go to school until they reach-a certain age. The actual control of the schools, however, is usually a local matter.

The control of the schools does not usually come directly from the local government. In each of the three types of city government, public schools are generally quite separate and independent.They cooperate with local officials but are not dominated by the municipal government. Most Americans believe that schools should be free of political pressures. They believe that the separate control of the school systems preserves such freedom.

Public schools are usually maintained by school districts. The state often sets the district boundaries. Sometimes the school district has the same boundaries as the city. Sometimes it is larger than the city.

In the South, county boards of education members are elected. In some places they are appointed by the mayor or city council. The state legislature decides which method should be used.

Most district boards of education try to give all pupils a chance to get a good education. A good education prepares a person to live a better life. It helps him to become a better citizen.

Nearly all states give financial aid to local school districts. State departments of education offer other kinds of aid. States offer help with such things as program planning and the school districts.

The federal government also helps. The National Defense Education Act allows school districts to get financial aid for certain purposes. The Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 added many other kinds of financial help. But neither the state nor the federal government dictates school policy. This is determined by local school boards.

第 26 题 Which of the following law is related to education?

A.The National Defense Education Act.

B.The Elementary and Secondary Education Act.

C.The Independence Act.

D.Both A and B.

The Frontier and the Family The impact (影响) of the frontier has been traditionally assum

The Frontier and the Family

The impact (影响) of the frontier has been traditionally assumed by historians, who have studied its effects on mountain men and cowboys, political and social institutions. Yet the impact of the frontier on the most common dimension of life--upon the family--remains largely unexamined. Although family has been especially significant in the historical process, it is a relatively new area of historical research.

In terms of westward migration, family played a special role. For a people who mistrusted the church as much as the state, family was the only institution that could be entrusted with the enterprise of settling the continent. A Christian family was enough of the church; a Christian family was sufficient expression of political and social order. In 1862, Congress provided for the distribution of lands to heads of households in a law, but that law merely recognized that settlement had been the business of families since the seventeenth century.

Families took up the challenge of the western lands in a variety of ways. Some families moved west in loosely organized groups made up of families in similar directions. They drew up constitutions and elected leaders and generally applied the democratic process to the journey west. The government, for its part, provided little help-no maps or transportation, no tools or agricultural information, no medical services and little protection. Beyond the westward-running rivers there was no road until wagons left deep tracks on the ground so that one could see a trail--or until enough wagons became lost and doubled back to warn others against their mistakes. Nonetheless, the attraction of "free land" was irresistible. One day or another, in a wagon train or all alone, a family packed its belongings and its livestock and set off toward the next "empty" space.

In the author's opinion, the role played by the family ______.

A.received little attention

B.was insignificant, if compared with the impact of the frontier on cowboys

C.was not so important as the church or the state

D.was overlooked completely

Yes, that college tuition bill is bigger this year.Confirming what students and their pare

Yes, that college tuition bill is bigger this year.

Confirming what students and their parents already knew, an influential education think tank (智囊机构) says that states are passing along their budget woes (因难) to public university students and their families. Tuitions are rising by double digits in some states, while the amount of state funded student aid is dropping.

The result, says the National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education in San Jose, Calif., is "the worst fiscal news for public higher education institutions and their students in at least a decade."

Although incomes are rising by only 1% to 2% in most states, tuition at four-year public schools leapt by 24% in Massachusetts, 20% in Texas and 7% nationally since the 2001-2002 school year, the center says.

State budget deficits (预算赤字) are the cause. Nationally, states spend about 48% of their revenue on education, or about $235 billion in 2001 for kindergarten through college, says the National Governors Association. Elementary and secondary education budgets are protected in many state constitutions, which means they are generally the last expense that states will cut. But higher education is vulnerable to budget cuts--and tuition increases: After all, no one has to go to college.

Colleges and universities "have clients they can charge," says the National Center's president, Patrick M. Callan. Tuition "is the easiest money to get," he adds.

The pressure to raise tuition is particularly intense because states froze or even cut state university tuition during the 1990s. With its eye on the knowledge-driven economic boom, the University of Virginia cut tuition by 20% in 1999. This year, although per-capita income grew by less than 1% in Virginia, the state raised tuition at its four-year colleges by 9% and cut student aid by 8%, about $10 million.

The rising cost of public education, and the fear that it is financially squeezing some students out of an education, have prompted some state universities to adopt a practice long used by private schools to attract students: tuition discounting. In tuition discounting, colleges turn around a share of the tuition paid by some students, and use it to pay for scholarships for others. Private colleges typically return $35 to $45 in scholarships for every $100 they collect in tuition revenue. But until recently, states have viewed discounting as politically unpopular.

There are a few steps students and their families can take to offset rising tuitions, but not many. Because colleges are always interested in raising academic quality, talented students can pit one college against another in hopes of raising their financial-aid offer. Some colleges now invite students to call and renegotiate their aid packages if they get a better offer from another institution.

College education becomes costlier because______.

A.the state-funded student aid is increased

B.the budgets for elementary and secondary education are increased

C.colleges can no longer depend on states for fund

D.higher education budget will get cut by states

The phase constitutions _________ these ashes were investigated using X-ray diffraction.





A socialist country like Chinastill protects private with its constitutions().





The Constitutions, vague nature has given it theflexibility to be adapted when circumstanc
es change.

A. imprecise

B. concise

C. unpolished

D. elementary

Legislation, Lawsuits Cover Both Sides on Same-sex Marriage 法律,在同性婚姻问题上诉讼两边

Legislation, Lawsuits Cover Both Sides on Same-sex Marriage


In courtrooms and state capitols nationwide, opponents and supporters of gay marriage have embarked on a collision course, pursuing lawsuits and legislation so deeply at odds that prolonged legal chaos is likely.

One plausible result:a nation divided, at least briefly, between a handful of states recognizing gay marriage and a majority which do not.

The most clear-cut option for averting such chaos is a federal constitutional amendment banning gay marriage. However, despite support from President Bush, the amendment is given little chance of winning the needed two-thirds support in both the House and Senate this year.

Without it, experts say, the rival sides are likely to litigate so relentlessly that the US Supreme Court will eventually be compelled to intercede and clarify whether a legal same-sex union in one state must be recognized in other states.

"It's going to be complicated for many years—we're going to have some free-marriages states, and some that are not," said Matt Foreman, executive director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force.

"This is not a new situation in our country," Foreman addeD."We have had a hodgepodge of laws on different social issues. Invariably, we come to widespread consensus, and that's going to happen to this issue. "

For now, though, consensus seems distant as two contrasting legal offensives take shape.

On one hand, courts in five relatively liberal states—California, New Jersey, New York, Oregon and Washington—are being asked to consider whether same-sex marriages should be alloweD.

In each of these states, local officials have recently performed gay marriages. Gay-rights supporters predict the supreme courts in at least a couple of the states will join Massachusetts' Supreme Judicial Court in authorizing such marriages.

Meanwhile, legislators in many states are moving to amend their constitutions to toughen existing bans on gay marriage and explicitly deny recognition to same-sex unions forged elsewhere.

Four states—Alaska, Hawaii, Nebraska and Nevada—already have such constitutional amendments. Similar measures are either certain or likely to go before voters in several other states in November or thereafter, including Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, Utah and Wisconsin.

In 10 other legislatures, proposed constitutional amendments are pending—their fate not yet certain.

Matt Daniels, who as head of the Alliance for Marriage helped draft the proposed federal constitutional amendment, sees the developments in state,legislatures as proof of strong grass-roots opposition to gay marriage.

"As the courts push the envelope, public opinion moves in our direction," he said, "It's a great national referendum...on whether we as a society are going to send a message through our laws that there's something uniquely special about marriage between a man and a woman. "

However, Daniels is convinced that without an amendment putting that definition in the US Constitution, the courts will eventually strike down state down state laws banning gay marriage, as well as the federal Defense of Marriage Act. That measure, signed by President Clinton in 1996, allows states to refuse to honor same-sex unions performed elsewhere, and denies federal recognition to such unions.

Daniels said the proposed federal amendment, if it did clear Congress, would easily win the required ratification by at least 38 state legislatures.

He acknowledged that the measure may have difficulty getting two-thirds backing in the current Senate, where few Democrats support it. But he predicted that pressure on politicians to approve the amen

A.It might be a long time before the matter could be settled.

B.There are more states that do not support gay marriage than those that do.

C.The nation might be separated into two different nations.

D.Banning gay manrriage constitutionally is highly unlikely to happen currently.

In Drosophila, flies that are XXY but have a normal diploid set of autosomes have been found. Such XXY chromosome constitutions have also been found in humans. The sex of such individuals is expected

A、male in both Drosophila and humans.

B、female in both Drosophila and humans.

C、male in Drosophila but female in humans.

D、female in Drosophila but male in humans.

E、intersexes in Drosophila and males in humans.

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