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In T.G, the structure that contains all the unit and relationships that are necessary for

interpreting the meaning of the sentence is ______.

A.temporary structure

B.deep structure

C.surface structure

D.syntactic structure

提问人:网友cailim 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“In T.G, the structure that con…”相关的问题
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A、The local newspaper

B、The locals

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What does Mike find most attractive in baseball?

A.It is a spectator sport.

B.It is fun to win.

C.It is what he exactly likes.

D.It is a professional sport.


Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.

Now listen to the interview.

听力原文:INTERVIEWER: On the matter of careers, a lot of the jobs that people go into are sort of lifetime careers. What about baseball? Is it a full life-time career?

MIKE: It's been—I mean, it's been my life so far, you know. I know someday—could be tomorrow--that I'm going to be out of it.

INTERVIEWER: But how long can you really expect to... to play, let's say, actively?

MIKE: Well, I think I've set goals, and I made my first goal, which was to make it to the big leagues. And now, my next goal is to make it through four years... to get my pension. And after that, everything is...

INTERVIEWER: But how many years can you expect to play professional ball?

MIKE: It's... I'm a pitcher, and it's difficult, as a pitcher to really say how many years... because you never know whether you're going to have a sore arm, whether it's going to go on you or what the problem may be. But as a pitcher, I guess the prime—I'm 24 years old now, and this is my sixth year—and the prime time for a pitcher is 27 to 30.

INTERVIEWER: Well, is there any problem with a sort of feeling of insecurity?

MIKE: Yeah, there is, especially, like I said—my first year. I disciplined myself, and I worked hard—and that's what got me here. And I realize that I have to work hard to stay here. And there is the insecurity.

INTERVIEWER: You're under contract?

MIKE: Right, I'm under contract. But that doesn't necessarily—I mean, they could send me down tomorrow. They could do whatever they wanted with me.

INTERVIEWER: What does it take to play professionally? I'm thinking about the skill. Is it something that you just work hard to get, or is there a natural sort of ability?

MIKE: Well, there's people that have the natural ability, you know. I feel like I didn't have.

INTERVIEWER: So, you think there is something natural... a natural ability.

MIKE: There's a natural ability.

INTERVIEWER: I mean, just working hard isn't enough.

NUKE: I think that's what got me here. I really do. I know there was bad times and then— at one time in this organization, I was a suspect instead of a prospect. And I was told that.

INTERVIEWER: Well, what about the... on the personal side? What's the schedule like for a... for a professional baseball player? Is it full time around the year, or... ?


INTERVIEWER: Are there some seasons... ?

MIKE: Well, it depends. Like last winter, after the season was over, I got a phone call from a team in Obregon, Mexico, and they asked me if I wanted to go down and play winter ball down there. So, I...


MIKE: I thought, well it'd be a good chance because there's a lot of big league ball players down there, and I'll get a chance to face big league hitting, so I decided to go down there. And I think it helped me.

INTERVIEWER: How long does the season last here?

MIKE: Okay. This season lasts from April... let's see, April sixth until October second— depending on whether or not you're going to be in the playoffs, and then it runs till, like, October sixteenth, or something like that.

INTERVIEWER: So, you then went to Mexico.

MIKE: Right.

INTERVIEWER: Well, when kids play baseball, it's kind of mostly for fun. Is it still the same when you're a professional?

MIKE: It's always fun when you're winning, and right now, you know, we're having our tough time, but I mean, I still enjoy going out every day, and running, and throwing.

INTERVIEWER: What's the main attraction, would you say? Uh... because you're doing exactly what you want to do?

MIKE: I think that's the big thing.

INTERVIEWER: About the game.., baseball itse





Mike went to Mexico to play the winter season primarily because ______.

A.it helped him earn extra money

B.his season was over

C.he needed more experience

D.he could improve his skills

Frederic McHale implies that if the test taker is unique, he would ______.

A.get a top grade

B.get an average grade

C.be at an advantage

D.be at a disadvantage

Why are the lions in the Git Forest especially vulnerable to disease?

A.They are physically weaker than the African lions.

B.They are small in size.

C.They do not have enough to eat.

D.They have descended from a dozen or so ancestors.


Most people think of lions as strictly African beasts, but only because they've been killed off almost everywhere else. Ten thousand years ago lions spanned vast sections of the globe, and so did people, who--as they multiplied and organized—put pressure on competitors at the top of the food chain. Now lions hold only a small fraction of their former habitat, and Asiatic lions, a subspecies that split from African lions perhaps 100,000 years ago, hang on to an almost impossibly small slice of their former domain.

India is the proud steward of these 300 or so lions, which live primarily in a 560-square-mile (1,450-square-kilometer) sanctuary. It took me a year and a half to get a permit to explore the entire Gir Forest—and no time at all to see why these lions became symbols of royalty and greatness. A tiger will slink through the forest unseen, but a lion stands its ground, curious and unafraid—lionhearted. Though they told me in subtle ways when I got too close, Gir's lions allowed me unique glimpses into their lives during my three months in the forest. It's odd to think that they are threatened by extinction; Gir has as many lions as it can hold—too many, in fact. With territory in short supply, lions prowl the periphery of the forest and even leave it altogether, often clashing with people. That's one reason India is creating a second sanctuary. There are other pressing reasons: outbreaks of disease or natural disasters. In 1994 canine distemper killed more than a third of Africa' s Serengeti ]ions—a thousand animals—a fate that could easily befall Gir's cats. These lions, saved by a prince at the turn of the 20th century, are especially vulnerable to disease because they descend from as few as a dozen individuals. "If you do a DNA fingerprint, Asiatic lions actually look like identical twins," says Stephen O'Brien, a geneticist who has studied them. Yet the perils are hidden, and you wouldn't suspect them by watching these lords of the forest. The lions exude vitality, and no small measure of charm.

Though the gentle intimacy of play vanishes when it's time to eat, meals in Gir are not necessarily frenzied affairs. For a mother and cub sharing a deer, or a young male relishing an antelope, there's no need to fight for a cut of the kill. Prey animals are generally smaller in Gir than they are in Africa, and hunting groups tend to be smaller as well. The lions themselves aren't as big as African lions, and they have shorter manes and a long fold of skin on their undersides that many lions in Africa don't have.

What impressed the author most when he went to watch the lions in the Gir Forest?

A.The lions were on the brink of extinction.

B.They were suffering from a fatal disease.

C.They allowed him to see their vitality and charm at close quarters.

D.Mother lion and her cub shared a deer.

According to Fischer, what is the most important thing about the EU Constitution?

A.The Tax Articles in the Basic Law.

B.The procedures are becoming clear.

C.The threat of terrorism.

D.The fundamental rights have been defined clearly.

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