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What does the author say about people's native and foreign languages?A.Foreign language sk

What does the author say about people's native and foreign languages?A.Foreign language sk

What does the author say about people's native and foreign languages?

A.Foreign language skills are of vital importance.

B.It's easier nowadays to learn a foreign language.

C.People today are not proud of their native language.

D.People's language skills are better than in the past.

提问人:网友highmayor 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“What does the author say about…”相关的问题
What does the author say about people’s views of an ideal romantic relationship?
A.They vary from culture to cultur


B.They ensure the reproductive success.

C.They reflect the evolutionary process.

D.They are influenced by psychologists.

With the increase in the number of TV channels,______.A.the cost of TV advertising has dec
With the increase in the number of TV channels,______.

A.the cost of TV advertising has decreased

B.the number of TV viewers has increased

C.advertisers' interest in other media has decreased

D.the number of TV ads people can see has increased

To say that the child learns by imitation and that the way to teach is to set a good example is a bit oversimplified. No child imitates every action he sees. Sometimes, the example the parent wants him to follow is ignored while he takes over contrary patterns from some other ' example. Therefore we must turn to a more subtle theory than "Monkey see, monkey do".

Look at it from the child's point of view. Here he is in a new situation, lacking a ready response. He is seeking a response which will gain certain ends. If he lacks a ready response for the situation, and cannot reason out what to do, he observes a model who seems able to get the right result. The child looks for an authority or expert who can show what to do.

There is a second element at work in this situation. The child may be able to attain his immediate goal only to find that his method brings criticism from people who observe him. When shouting across the house achieves his immediate end of delivering a message, he is told emphatically that such a racket is unpleasant, that he should walk into the next room and say his say quietly. Thus, the desire to solve any objective situation is overlaid with the desire to solve it properly. One of the early things the child learns is that he gets more affection and approval when his parents like his response. Then other adults reward some actions and criticize others. If one is to maintain the support of others and his own self-respect, he must adopt responses his social group approves.

In finding trial responses, the learner does not choose models at random. He imitates the person who seems a good person to be like, rather than a person whose social status he wished to avoid. If the pupil wants to be a good violinist, he will observe and try to copy the techniques of capable players; while some other person may most influence his approach to books.

Admiration of one quality often leads us to admire a person as a whole, and he becomes an identifying figure. We use some people as models over a wide range of situations, imitating much that they do. We learn that they are dependable and rewarding models because imitating them leads to success.

The statement that children learn by imitation is incomplete because ______.

A.they only imitate authorities and experts

B.they are not willing to copy their parents

C.the process of identification has been ignored

D.the nature of their imitation as a form. of behavior. has been neglected

Section BDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by som
Section B

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.

The Westinghouse Science Talent Search, the most prestigious high school science contest in the nation, was launched to identify young scientific talent, and it has been doing so with remarkable precision since 1941. Every year, approximately 1,700 students from around the country polish off projects they have been working on for as long as two years, and send in a report to the contest officials. Simply entering the contest is an impressive achievement for a high school junior. It means that the student has spent hundreds of hours probing a scientific question or testing a theory about which he has written a scientific paper of near-professional quality. The top 300 students become semifinals, and from this group, 40 are selected to bring their projects to Washington. Ten projects are then selected as the best in the final round of judging. The 40 finalists get at least $1,000 for their effort, and the, top student receives a $ 40,000 scholarship. Most of the winners, from semifinals up, are guaranteed admission to the college of their choice.

From the very start, this contest was different from traditional science fairs. Its goal was not simply to choose the best project but to locate the best potential scientists. The distinction is an important one. The contest has a number of features that test the mettle of the students as well as the projects. It endeavors to explore the nimbleness and originality of the minds behind the projects, rather than just rewarding the boldness of the experiment. The contest's underlying philosophy is that students discover their scientific talents by working on science, not by listening to lectures in a classroom.

The Westinghouse Science Talent Search is ______.

A.a professional science contest for American high school students

B.a conventional American science contest

C.a respected high school science contest in the U. S.

D.a science fair exclusively for high school juniors

Section BDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by som
Section B

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.

Children who watch violent television shows are at an increased risk of aggression and violent behavior. as they become young adults. That's based on a fifteen-year study published in the current issue of the research journal Developmental Psychology.

Back in the late 1970's when this study began, among the top rated shows were 'Chafiie's Angels' and 'The Six Million Dollar Man'. These were the TV shows that many of the 557 children in Raul Huseman's study were watching when they were six to ten years old. By today's standards these shows may not seem that violent, but there was a significant amount of on-screen physical violence in them. Huseman, from the University of Michigan, analyzed the types and amounts of violence in these shows and also collected other information on the kids about their home life, their friends, their school life, and importantly their levels of aggressive behavior, tike who was getting into fights, who was pushing and shoving (猛推) others, who was stealing things.

Now fast-forward 15 years: Raul Huseman was able to track down over 80% of the boys and girls from the original study. He re-interviewed them, now in their mid-twenties, and talked to their spouses (配偶) and close friends and checked their criminal records. "We found that those children back then, when they were 6, 7, 8 or 8, 9, 10, who had been watching more media violence had grown up to be more aggressive young adults as compared to the young adults who had been just as aggressive in childhood but had not watched as much violent television."

"Most at-risk children are children who watch a steady diet of violent television shows, identify with the aggressors, who sometimes the heroes and the lead-characters in those shows, and who perceive the violence as being realistic and a model for how to act in real life."

The conclusion of the fifteen-year study is that ______.

A.children born in the 1970s would display more violent behavior. than other children

B.children who like to push and shove others when fighting would develop violent behavior. quickly

C.young adults are the group of people who are most influenced by violent TV

D.young people who watched violent TV shows in childhood tend to become aggressive

Section ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required
Section A

Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item with a single line through the center. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

The more time children spend watching television the poorer they perform. academically, according to three studies published on Monday.【S1】______television viewing has been blamed for increasing rates of childhood obesity(肥胖)and for aggressive behavior, while its【S2】______on schooling have been inconclusive, researchers said.

But studies published on the topic in this month' s Archives of Pediatrics(小儿科)& Adolescent Medicine concluded television viewing【S3】______to have an adverse effect(反作用)on academic pursuits. For【S4】______, children who had televisions in their bedrooms--and【S5】______watched more TV--scored lower on standardized tests than those who did not have sets in their rooms. In contrast, the study found having a home computer with【S6】______to the Internet resulted in comparatively higher test scores.

"Consistently, those with a bedroom television but no【S7】______home computer had, on aver age, the lowest scores and those with home computer but no bedroom television had the highest scores," wrote study author Dina Borzekowski of Johns Hopkins University.

The American Academy of Pediatrics has【S8】______parents to limit children' s television viewing to no more than one to two hours per day--and to try to keep younger Children away from TV altogether.

In two other studies published in the same journal, children who【S9】______watched television before the age of 3 ended up with lower test scores later on, and children and adolescents who watched more television were less【S10】______. to go on to finish high school or earn a college degree.

A)Inadequate I)urged

B)available J)Excessive

C)regularly K)instance

D)therefore L)reception

E)access M)tended

F)likely N)Ordinary

G)impact O)Limitless



Section BDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by som
Section B

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.

Today I've returned to Chicago to discuss another issue relating to our security, and that's the need for us to improve the health security of American citizens.

And for the sake of health care for all Americans, we must reform. the medical liability system. For years, leaders of both political parties have talked about these reforms. Now is the time to get the job done.

We have just had a discussion with fellow citizens--some doctors and other professionals on medical care. I want to thank them for joining me today and sharing their stories and their concerns about the future of health care in our country.

One thing is for certain about health care in our country, that is, we've got the best health care system in the world, and we need to keep it that way. We've got great doctors in America. We're really good at research. We're developing technologies and medicines which are extending lives not only in our country, but also across the world.

To make sure we've got a good health care system today and tomorrow, we've got to make sure that no policy of the federal government will undermine (损坏) the system of private care in America. As folks who deliver that care, you know that we've got challenges in our system. We must address the challenges while not undermining the strengths of American medicine.

We have got a problem in America that we must deal with. Medical liability is not only a local problem, but a national issue that requires a national solution.

There are challenges in the health care system. We understand that in Washington. And we can answer those challenges with practical, sensible, compassionate (有同情心的) reforms. That is the charge before us, and that is the charge we must keep on behalf of the American people.

What is the problem being talked about for years in America?

A.Leaders of political parties.

B.Reforms of social security.

C.Security of American citizens.

D.Improvement of the health security.


Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a letter. Suppose you are Zhang Ying. Write a letter to Xiao Wang, a schoolmate of yours who is going to visit you during the week-long holiday. You should write a t least 100 words according to the suggestions given below in Chinese.

1. 表示欢迎

2. 提出对度假安排的建议

3. 提醒应注意的事项

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