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听力原文: Okay, uh, so this time we are talking about the American Dream. This nation o

f ours is unique. You may not realize it and most of us surely take it for granted. We may complain about the economy but just try explaining the Price Club to a Russian or a Cuban or a Nigerian! We may complain about our government or our President, but in how many other countries is the press free to report the leaders indiscretions? We have so much and yet we complain so much...actually I think it is the ability to complain that makes America great. It is the freedom to dissent, to rally against the incumbent powers. This freedom to disagree is what makes us so special and it is this very freedom that is the very essence of America. What is the "American Dream"? Surely, it is different for everyone. For some, it is wealth and power. For others, it is religious freedom and justice. For others, it may be a roof over their heads. How has this nation been able to provide these things...we shall see. First, the American Dream is values and ideals. They are things we stand for, things we feel are right and correct. In America our values and ideals are. justice, liberty, fairness, democracy, and equality. Maybe you will ask why is understanding what the American Dream is important? You know, we vote and influence government via democracy, and we should know what this nation is supposed to be about before we make these serious decisions. And policies should be consistent with stated ideals. We have a responsibility to the nation and the world because our unique status as an economic and military superpower. How has the dream, our ideological roots, been created? Mores, the values of a society, and culture developed over time. Our values have been shaped by our forefathers, and, of course, our foremothers! Our history and the legacy of those that came before have created our culture. Religion teaches values and influences us. Enlightenment thinkers from the 1600s, like John Locke, Montesquieu, Rousseau and Voltaire have had a great impact on our government and our political philosophy. The ideas expressed by the enlightenment thinkers were put to use in America through the Declaration of Independence, in which such ideas as, natural rights, consent of the governed, life, liberty and property, later changed to "pursuit of happiness" by Jefferson, and right to rebel are also mentioned. Student A I have read it before. Professor Could you tell the class what other documents reflect the idea of American Dreams? Student A Yeah...Voltaire, 1st Amendment, the Freedom of Speech..."I may disagree with what you say but I will defend till death your right to say it!" Professor Anything else? What about Montesquieu, Constitution? I think this is the last thing you may neglect. Student A Oh, right. Separation of powers, checks and balances and dividing the government into three branches. Professor Good, and there are revolutionary ideas like those of John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine, which created a nation out of rebellion. Dissent is the very basis of this nation, it is our heritage. And, er, ...immigrants have stocked this great nation. We are a nation of immigrants. We come from every continent and every nation. Immigrants come here for economic opportunity, religious freedom and to seek justice. These are our values because we are all the children of immigrants. They came to this island for their dreams. The Pilgrims wrote out their laws and created their government before they ever set foot in America so that the society would have a basis in law. This written "compact" was the foundation of their society. It illustrates the idea of consent of the governed because it was created by the governed. They all consented (agreed) to give up absolute and abject freedom in exchange for rule of law. John Locke wrote in the 1600s about the nature of government. He wrote: "In a state of nature, all men are free and equal." "In a state of nature, no man ought to harm another." "Man acquires property through the products of his labor." "In order to remedy inconveniences (problems) resulting from a state of nature ...men enter into contract, thereby creating a civil society.., to defend the natural rights of men. " "If a government violates the social contract.., it rebels against the people, and the people have the right to dissolve the government."This meant that government was created by the people and that people gave up absolute freedom in exchange for safety against problems. We call this concept "consent of the governed". Consent is given by what is referred to as a "social contract". This also says that if the government violates the social contract, the citizens have the right to remove the government, because it was the citizens that created the government. We call this notion the "right to rebel". These three concepts are the basic philosophical foundations of this nation.Narrator Listen to part of a talk in a history class. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer

What is the talk mainly about?

A.The ideas contributing to the American Dream.

B.The history of American immigration.

C.The famous persons who had contributed to the country.

D.The influences the American Dream has had on American history.

提问人:网友daiyufan 发布时间:2022-01-06
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Green Power Youve insulated the attic, installed triple-glazed windows, and bought high-efficiency appliances. Can you make your home any more eco-friendly? For an increasing number of Americans, the answer is yes. You can let nature help cut your utility bill. It may be as simple as replacing outdoor lights with solar-powered fixtures or signing up for your utilitys "green power" program. Thanks to rapid improving technology and government subsidies, thousands of Americans living in remote locations are finding it can be cheaper to use the sun and wind than fossil fuels. However, dont cut your ties to the local utility just yet. (A)While renewable energy wont replace coal and natural gas soon (or ever, critics contend), consumers have more choices in their energy mix than ever before. (B)And theyre not at all whole-bran environmentalists: Roldan Montalvo runs a gas station here in Hebbronville, Texas. (C)But when he wanted to bring electricity to his cabin eight miles out of town, he went solar. The reason was simple. The utility company wanted $100000 to extend its electric line to his cabin. (D)Mr. Montalvo paid less than $8000 for his solar system, "Its all right so far," he says, looking up at the three solar panels that run a few lights, a fan, and a TV inside. "I can run power tools." Others, of course, take a more enthusiastic line. "There is a new focus on renewable." says Thomas White, chairman and chief executive of Enron Renewable Energy Corporation, which has completed the worlds largest wind farm in Minnesota. "My feeling is that we are at the point in time where the personal computer was in the late 70s," adds Mac Moore, Director of Business Development for BP Solar, one of the largest manufacturers and marketers of solar electric systems in the world. "Over the next 10 years, if things go well, theres going to be a revolutionary change in the way that we obtain power." Wind power represents an even more compelling argument for remote homeowners. Turbines have become so much more efficient over the past decades that homeowners a quarter mile from a utility line may find it cheaper to put up a wind turbine than to pay the utility to extend its service. But for most consumers, barriers remain. For one thing, renewable energy systems are expensive to install and require more than a decade before consumers see a payback. Even a good deal on solar panels in a high-sun area would still cost a typical homeowner 30 cents a kilowatt hour, explains the CEO of Strategy Unlimited, a technology-research firm in Mountain View, Calif. Thats far above the 6 to 15 cents that Americans typically pay their local utility, he adds. Small-scale wind turbines are much more competitive—anywhere from 8 to 15 cents a kilowatt-hour, says Mike Bergey, President of Bergey Windpower in Norman, Oklahoma. But they still require a $30000 to $35000 investment up front and it would take most homeowners 15 to 20 years before theyd see any payback. There are other drawbacks. Since these systems only produce energy intermittently, theres no guarantee homeowners can store enough energy to run their homes when the sun isnt shining or the wind isnt blowing. Then theres aesthetics. Will the neighbor accept those solar panels on your roof? Do you want a 100-foot-high wind turbine humming in your backyard like a muffled helicopter? Thats why companies like Bergey Windpower are targeting rural residents in the United States—especially those in states such as California, where the government will pay up to half the cost of installing renewable-energy systems.

According to Paragraph 1, which of the following best explains the main idea of the book?

A.U. S. government has made progress in reducing the carbon-dioxide gas.

B.Major automakers will do something to reduce the pollution produced by cars.

C.The gas emitted by cars is the source of American air pollution.

D.People should take measures to reduce air pollution.

What does the professor mean when he says this?

A.He thinks the student"s view is quite right.

B.He thinks the student"s opinion is wrong.

C.He is not sure about the student"s opinion.

D.He does not want to give his own opinion.

Why does the professor mention the immigrants?

A.They have played an important role in the history and even now.

B.They helped to form. the country back in the history.

C.They did great things to improve the economy of the country.

D.Americans are all children of immigrants who came for their dreams.

The word "prevalence" in the passage is closest in meaning to





According to paragraph 2, what is one of the positive results of urbanization?

A.Increased accessibility to quality health care.

B.More jobs available for the residents.

C.Improvement of educational facilities.

D.More housing options.

The word "conceptualize" in the passage is closest in meaning to





According to the discussion, what forces belong to action-at-a-distance forces?

A.Gravitational forces.

B.Magnetic forces.

C.Frictional forces.

D.Electric forces.E. Tensional forces.

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