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Chinese women's football team has a training session at the Tianjin Olympic Center Stadium in Ti

anjin,an Olympic co-host city in north China,August 4,2008.
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Qipao characterize Chinese women's modesty, softness and beauty. Like Chinese women's personality.
14. Western women’s dresses are plane and Chinese dresses are three-dimensional. This is related with the tradition of dressing.
The gold medal won by two Chinese girls in the women's doubles of tennis is of great signi





What will not happen in Ban Zhao’s married life?

A、Her husband allowed her an “equal” portion in their married life

B、She instructed her daughters to be good traditional Chinese women

C、She was in obedience to in-laws predominant

D、She was hard-working and humility essential

A review of the treatment of female characters in Chinese fiction reveals that Chinese soc
ial attitudes have undergone dramatic changes. Prior to twentieth century, women in novels were stereotyped lacking any features that made them unique individuals and were also subject to numerous restrictions imposed by the male-dominated culture. While authors of these novels often sympathetically portrayed heroines who experienced social depression. They never questioned the position of women in Chinese culture. Not until the early twentieth century did Chinese fiction focus on women's emancipation, and then the subject became the backdrop of most novels that addressed the issue. After the Communist party established the People's Republic in the late 1940's, attitudes changed again: the gaining of women's rights was treated as one of many ongoing social revolutions, although from the beginning Communist Party policy subordinated the women's struggle to the class Struggle.

In spite of the fact that the authors who dealt with women's issues prior to 1949 agreed in principle that reforms had to be instituted, the outlook they depicted for reform. was bleak. In their novels a pattern recurs: after an initial break with social conversations, women falter in their goals or tragically end their lives, defeated by the overwhelming pressures of those conventions. If some writers viewed the emancipation of women as an achievable end, most tended to regard it as related to other seemingly unattainable social changes. Individualism alone would not lead to emancipation. Taking his cue from Ibsen's play A Doll's House, in which the heroine, Nora, leaves home because she resents her husband's treating her like a child. The writer Lu Xun warned that Nora would need money to support herself; she must have economic rights in order to survive.

In contrast to this view of women in fiction in the early part of the century, fiction after the late 1940's is not so pessimistic. The deeper problems of socially prescribed roles for wife and daughter, for example, are not explored, but greater freedom for women is presented as the product of collective action. Novels of this period focus primarily on the specific issues: voluntary marriage and equal participation in work. After Mao Zedong's announcement of guidelines for a literature of social realism, this emphasis on women's rights became more pronounced. Most women in fiction after 1949 conform. to the goals set for them by Communist party policy but still experience conflicts within family and group relationships as a result of the double burden placed on them by their domestic and job roles. Fiction of this period also depicts the problems of compensating women adequately for their work and of giving them access to jobs previously performed by men. Although these novels forcefully suggest that such reforms face much resistance, all clearly conclude that eventually this resistance can be overcome. And, in fact, the past two decades have seen the beginning of some of these reforms in the lives of women in the People's Republic of China.

The passage is primarily concerned with discussing which of the following subjects?

A.The impact of Ibsen's plays on themes in twentieth century Chinese literature.

B.Stylistic differences between pre-1990 and post-1990 Chinese fiction.

C.Changes in the role of women in Chinese society brought about by Communist party policy.

D.The characterization of women in twentieth century Chinese literature.

Flash:Dark Horse Liu Zige Wins Gold in Women's 200m Butterfly China's Liu Zige,the fastest fina

Flash:Dark Horse Liu Zige Wins Gold in Women's 200m Butterfly

China's Liu Zige,the fastest final qualifier,won the gold medal with a world-record-setting time of 2:04.18 in Women's 200m Butterfly final.The other Chinese swimmer Jiao Liuyang touched just after her in 2:04.72,also under the old world record.Jessicah Schipper ofAustralia,the former world-record holder,finished the third in 2:06.26.

According to the passage, the caste system would affect all except which of the following
scenarios in a caste-observant Indian person's life?

A.A Brahman is having dinner with foreign visitors and is offered either a hamburger or a bowl of rice.

B.AVaishya mother is considering which of the young women in the local town would make suitable marriage prospects for her son.

C.Two Sudra teenagers engage in a foot race, and the younger of the two wins the race.

D.A 40-year-old man from the Untouchable caste has moved from the countryside to a large city and must look for work in order to support his family.

E.The home of a Kshatriya family is located near a city sewer line, which bursts one day and floods the family's garage.

Read and choose the best answer to complete the dialogue. W: Our car has taken us right to
the foot of the Great Wall, Mr. Smith. M: Oh, what a marvelous sight it is! Could you tell me _________________? W: It runs all the way across the eastern half of China. It’s 6,700 kilometers long. M: 6,700 kilometers! No wonder you call it in Chinese Wan Li Chang Chen. W: Yeah, the Great Wall is the only man-made building that could be seen from the moon. M: Really? I never heard of it before.

A、the width of the wall

B、the depth of the wall

C、the length of the wall

D、the height of the wall

I never expected to go to China. Although its ancient culture and present struggles intrig
ued me, its graceful art and magnificent landscapes drew me, and my mother's frequent travels there in her last years pulled at some part of my consciousness; it was on the other side of the world, far away from my world and my present struggles. But then I received a notice about a trip to China for women judges. It didn't take me long to decide that I had to go.

The trip offered a unique opportunity for me, both personally, to discover some of what so engaged my mother in her travels and to explore how women's issues manifest themselves in the Chinese culture, and professionally, to see first-hand China' s legal system and compare the experiences of women judges there with my own.

Having spent some time during the past several years addressing the issue of judicial independence as it relates to administrative law judges, and knowing that implementation of the rule of law in China as it "opens up" to the West is an evolving and vital issue, I wanted to witness for myself how these concerns are addressed in China.

We left San Francisco last May, and spent two amazing weeks in China, traveling to five cities and towns. Our group consisted of five women judges and a tour leader from the U. S.- China People's Friendship Association. Our very gracious host in China, the All China Women's Federation (which is associated with the government and serves many functions, including being somewhat of a social service agency), provided a Chinese guide and translator, with whom we became good friends as we traveled together. We generally met with groups in somewhat formal settings, in which we were served tea or a meal, gave prepared presentations to each other, and then engaged in free-flowing question and answer discussions.

The members of our group brought varying backgrounds and interests to this trip: two of the judges had an interest in domestic violence issues, another in business and economic law. Yet another, who hears employment security cases, had a special interest in the plight of laid-off women workers, whose numbers have increased as China moves much of its industry to a more market-oriented economy. We were all interested in women's rights under the Chinese legal system. We also shared with, and learned much from, our Chinese friends in the areas of juvenile law, discrimination law, and other subjects.

The narrator of the following piece is a(n)______.



C.woman judge


Try to translate the Chinese version of the famous poem by Petofi into English, using couplet (no strict requirement for foot).
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