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Midterm Examination: Writing an Expository or Argu...

Midterm Examination: Writing an Expository or Argumentative Essay This midterm exam asks you to write an expository or argumentative essay in a standard essay length of about 600 words on an issue or a topic of your own choice. You have more than two weeks for brainstorming, planning, drafting, revising, and submitting the essay. Peer Review Grading Rubrics for the Expository or Argumentative Essay Essay Structure (短文结构, 20 points); Thesis Statement (中心思想, 20 points); Paragraph Development/Coherence (段落扩展与连贯, 20 points); Explanation, Support, or Reasoning (说明或论据与论证, 20 points); Grammatical Accuracy & Variety (语法准确性与多样性, 10 points); Range of Vocabulary (词汇丰富程度, 10 points). Note: No more than 15 % of one paper is allowed to be written by or quoted from others,and scholastic dishonesty is definitely unacceptable. Plagiarism (剽窃)deserves a grade of "0."

提问人:网友yangnana 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“Midterm Examination: Writing a…”相关的问题
A.The final examination is worth 20 points.B.The final examination is worth 30 points.

A.The final examination is worth 20 points.

B.The final examination is worth 30 points.

C.The project is worth 50 points.

D.The midterm examination is worth 30 points.

Midterm Examination: Writing an Argumentative Essa...

Midterm Examination: Writing an Argumentative Essay This midterm exam asks you to write an argumentative essay in a standard essay length of about 750 words on an issue or a topic of your own choice. You will have THREE weeks for brainstorming, planning, drafting, revising, and submitting the essay. Peer Review Grading Rubrics for the Argumentative Essay Essay Structure (短文结构, 20 points); Central Claim/Thesis Statement (中心论点, 20 points); Paragraph Development/Coherence (段落扩展与连贯, 20 points); Support, Evidence, & Reasoning (论据与论证, 20 points); Grammatical Accuracy & Variety (语法准确性与多样性, 10 points); Range of Vocabulary (词汇丰富程度, 10 points). Note: No more than 15 % of one paper is allowed to be written by or quoted from others,and scholastic dishonesty is definitely unacceptable. Plagiarism (剽窃)deserves a grade of "0."

Midterm Examination: Writing an Expository or Argu...

Midterm Examination: Writing an Expository or Argumentative Essay This midterm exam asks you to write an expository or argumentative essay in a standard essay length of about 700 wordson an issue or a topic of your own choice. You have THREE weeks for brainstorming, planning, drafting, revising, and submitting the essay. Peer Review Grading Rubrics for the Expository or Argumentative Essay Essay Structure (短文结构, 20 points); Thesis Statement (中心思想, 20 points); Paragraph Development/Coherence (段落扩展与连贯, 20 points); Explanation, Support, or Reasoning (说明或论据与论证, 20 points); Grammatical Accuracy & Variety (语法准确性与多样性, 10 points); Range of Vocabulary (词汇丰富程度, 10 points). Note: No more than 15 % of one paper is allowed to be written by or quoted from others,and scholastic dishonesty is definitely unacceptable. Plagiarism (剽窃)deserves a grade of "0."

Midterm Examination: Writing an Expository or Argu...

Midterm Examination: Writing an Expository or Argumentative Essay This midterm exam asks you to write an expository or argumentative essay in a standard essay length of about 600 words on an issue or a topic of your own choice. You will have THREE weeks to finish and submit the paper. However, you are required to apply one or more writing strategies we have discussed and will soon discuss in class. Peer Review Grading Rubrics for the Argumentative Essay Essay Structure (短文结构, 20 points); Central Claim/Thesis Statement (中心论点, 20 points); Paragraph Development/Coherence (段落扩展与连贯, 20 points); Description, Exposition, and/or Reasoning (描述、说明和/或论证, 20 points); Grammatical Accuracy & Variety (语法准确性与多样性, 10 points); Range of Vocabulary (词汇丰富程度, 10 points). Note:  No more than 15 % of your essay is allowed to quoted from others; scholastic dishonesty is definitely not acceptable. The essay would deserve a "0" if proved of plagiarism (剽窃), e.g. 30% and more, or even 100% of the essay found to be “copy-and-pasted” from others.

Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each p

Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.

听力原文: Before we begin our discussion of today's topic, I'd like to point out a few important features on the syllabus. First, please look at the calendar. As you see, we will be meeting for fifteen weeks. The last week of November we will not meet because of the Thanksgiving holiday. But, all of the other dates are listed, along with the reading assignments in your textbook. In general, it is better to read the assigned pages before you come to class so that you will be prepared to participate in the discussion that follows the lecture.

Now, let's look at the course requirements. As you see, you have a midterm examination the last week of October, and a final examination the second week of December. The midterm is worth thirty points and the final is worth fifty points. That leaves twenty points for the project that you will be working on, and you have several choices to fulfill that requirement. You can either write a paper or make a half-hour presentation on a topic of your choice. We'll be talking a bit more about the projects in the next several weeks. Oh, yes, you will notice that I don't factor attendance into the grade, but I do expect you to be here. If you must miss class for whatever reason, please get in touch with me. My office hours are listed on the syllabus, along with my voice mail number and my email address.


A.Read them before class

B.Read them after the discussion

C.Read them following the lecture

D.Read them before the midterm




1.The crowd __________(惊慌) at the sound of the explosion.

2. It's useful to read some _____________(简写) English stories.

3. I'm sorry the book you want is not ________(可获得的)now, but you can choose others

related to the same topic.

4. I'm afraid it isn't a __________(方便的) time; could we fix another day?

5. She wore so much _________(珠宝) that she seemed to be covered in gold.

6. He wasowith an English story so that he didn't hear someone come in.

7. With the midterm examination a_________, the students are working harder and harder.

8. Old English c____________ of Celtic, and the languages of the Angles and the Saxons,

which once conquered Britain, and the Vikings.

9. The college is not an o__________recognized Spanish language school.

10. The twins are so alike that we have much difficulty in d______________ one from the other.

听力原文: [14] If there are no more questions about the textbooks or syllabus, I'd like to
briefly explain the grading procedure I'll be using in this course. 50% of your grade will be based on the midterm examination and the final exam. Both of these exams will be given during class time and each will be 2 hours long. [15] In a lecture class this size, it is impractical and almost impossible to give make-up exams, so plan on being healthy and in class on those days; otherwise, your final grade average may suffer. The semester is 16 weeks long and quizzes will be given every 2 weeks to make sure you're keeping up with what's going on in class. [16] Quizzes will count as 15% of your grade and daily homework will count another 15%. Homework will be collected and graded by the teaching assistants in your laboratory sessions. [16] So, 50% for exams, 15% for quizzes, and 15% for homework. The remaining 20% of your grade will be based on class participation. I'm obviously not in a position to judge this, but I will be asking our teaching assistants to evaluate how actively you participate in their clasps. Remember, [17] the purpose of the laboratory sessions is to give you a chance to ask questions about the lecture and to discuss difficult points.

This talk most likely happens

A.during registration.

B.on the first day of class.

C.at midsemester.

D.during finals week.

The philosophy class began with twenty students but three ______ after the midterm exam.A.

The philosophy class began with twenty students but three ______ after the midterm exam.

A.picked up

B.turned out

C.dropped out

D.kept up

A.It's too late for the man to find a tutor.B.She hasn't prepared for the midterm exam

A.It's too late for the man to find a tutor.

B.She hasn't prepared for the midterm exam either.

C.The man shouldn't hire the same tutor that she had.

D.The man should hire a tutor before the midterm exam.

Why does the man go to see his professor?A.To prepare for the next midtermB.To clarify a q

Why does the man go to see his professor?

A.To prepare for the next midterm

B.To clarify a question from the midterm

C.To find out his grade on the midterm

D.To complain about his grade on the midterm

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