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The following questions present a sentence, part of which or all of which is underlined. B

eneath the sentence you will find five ways of phrasing the underlined part. The first of these repeats the original; the other four are different. If you think the original is best, choose the first answer; otherwise choose one of the others.

These questions test correctness and effectiveness of expression. In choosing your answer, follow the requirements of standard written English; that is, pay attention to grammar, choice of words, and sentence construction. Choose the answer that produces the most effective sentence; this answer should be clear and exact, without awkwardness, ambiguity, redundancy, or grammatical error.

His opponent having sprained his wrist, Andrew could have won by exploiting this weakness, but he chose not to do it.

A.His opponent having sprained his wrist, Andrew could have won by exploiting this weakness, but he chose not to do it.

B.Andrew could have won by exploiting this weakness after his opponent sprained his wrist, but he chose not to do so.

C.Choosing not to do so, Andrew could have won after his opponent sprained his wrist by exploiting this weakness.

D.After his opponent sprained his wrist, Andrew could have won by exploiting this weakness, but he chose not to do so.

E.After his opponent sprained his wrist, Andrew could have, but chose not to do it, won by exploiting this weakness.

提问人:网友apple_cug 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“The following questions presen…”相关的问题
In reading the world's great literature on human excellence and personal success, I've found that to launch ourselves into a life of true success we need to satisfy one basic condition: pursue our vision with stubborn (顽强的) consistency. The biggest difference between people who succeed and those who don't is not usually talent but persistence.

On my way to work one morning, I met Rudy Ruettiger, who is now a motivational speaker. He has grown up in Joliet, listening to stories about Notre Dame and dreaming of one day playing football there. Friends told him he wasn't a good enough student to be admitted. So he gave up his dream and went to work in a power plant.

Then a friend was killed in an accident at work. Shocked, Rudy suddenly realized that life is too short not to pursue your dreams.

In 1972, at the age of 23, he enrolled at Holy Cross Junior College in South Bend, Ind. He got good enough grades to transfer to Notre Dame, where he finally made the football team as a member of the “scout team”, the players who help the team prepare for games.

Rudy was living his dream, almost. But he wasn't allowed to suit up for the games themselves. The next year, after Rudy requested it, the coach told Rudy he could put on his uniform. for the season's final game. And there he sat, on the Notre Dame bench during the game. A student started shouting, “ We want Rudy! ” Soon others joined in. Finally, at the age of 27, with 27 seconds left to play, Rudy Ruettiger was sent onto the field-and made the final tackle (阻截). So his team won the game.

When I met Rudy 17 year later, it was in the parking lot outside Notre Dame stadium (体育场), where a camera crew was filming scenes for Rudy, a motion picture about his life. His story illustrates that there is no limit to where your dreams can take you.

21. The writer believes that the key to achieving success is.

A. developing one's talent

B. seizing opportunities

C. having wide vision

D. sticking to one's goal

22. According to the passage, Rudy once gave up his dream of playing football for Notre Dame because .

A. his friend was killed there

B. his foot was injured in an accident

C. he lacked confidence in himself

D. he failed in the entrance examination

23. Rudy quit his job in the power plant because .

A. his friend encouraged him to

B. his outlook on life changed

C. he was disappointed in his future

D. he was shocked by his friend's death

24. Rudy was transferred to Notre Dame .

A. as a good student

B. as a good player

C. with the help of a coach

D. with the help of a friend

25. A camera crew was making a movie about Rudy's life because .

A. Rudy was the oldest player at Notre Dame

B. Rudy succeeded in realizing his dream

C. Rudy was the best speaker at Notre Dame

D. Rudy succeeded in developing his ability

Which of the following sentences is not an exclamative sentence?

A、What a wonderful show it is!

B、How can you talk to me like that!

C、What a picky eater!

D、How interesting!

Which of the following is not what 3Rs in animal testing refer to according to the lecture?

A、The use of non-animal methods over animal methods.

B、More information obtained from fewer animals.

C、The alleviation of potential pain, suffering or distress.

D、More use of substances that may never be used for anything useful.

The carrying value of a long-term note is computed as the present value of all remaining future payments, discounted using the market rate at the time of issuance.
Which one is the highest level of evidence?

A、Cohort study


C、Systematic review

D、Case control study

•Read the text about business-school.

•Choose the best word from below to fill each gap.

•For each question 21—30, mark one letter (A, B, C or D).

Hurtling as we are towards the new millennium, with all the social changes this iconic date implies, it is increasingly apparent (21) the world of business is experiencing fundamental shifts. Today, both companies and schools are increasingly aware that business is a human activity; it's ultimately (22) and about people.

In future, employers will (23) doubt demand more rounded individuals to run their operations, which naturally creates a question for the next generation of students, "Is the classic MBA still the model—and obligatory—passage toward that ideal career?"

The Masters of Business Administration (MBA), the best-known business school label, is an introduction to general management. The traditional MBA, Harvard-style, has remained largely unaltered (24) the 1950s, and seeks to provide a thorough knowledge of business functions through the case study—a(n) (25) incidentally borrowed from law school.

The trouble is that the real world is not a theoretical exercise. The problems managers face today are messy, and, if anything, are becoming messier, neither fitting in neat functional boxes nor (26) one simple answer. Ambiguity is the hardest (27) to manage, but it's the one most managers are wrestling with.

"Management is more art than science," observes Richard D'Aveni, professor of strategic management at Dartmouth's Amos Tuck School of Business Administration. "No one can say with certainty which decisions will bring the most (28) , any more than they can create instructions over (29) to sculpt a masterpiece. You just have to feel it as it goes."

John Quelch is another business-school insider who detects the limitations of the traditional syllabus. According to Quelch, leadership is an area that b-schools have not fully addressed. It is notoriously hard to teach, (30) programs do have the capacity to provide a grounding in non-business areas and personal growth.






•Read the article below about problems in the IT industry, and the questions on the opposite page.

•For each question (13-18), mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet.

Problems in the IT industry

In the information technology industry, it is widely acknowledged that how well IT departments of the future can fulfil their business goals will depend not on the regular updating of technology, which is essential for them to do, but on how well they can hold on to the people skilled at manipulating the newest technology. This is becoming more difficult. Best estimates of the current shortfall In IT staff in the UK are between 30,000 and 50,000, and growing.

And there is no end to the problem in sight. A severe industry-wide lack of investment in training means the long-term skills base is both ageing and shrinking. Employers are chasing experienced staff in ever-decreasing circles, and, according to a recent government report, 250,000 new IT jobs will be created over the next decade.

Most employers are confining themselves to dealing with the immediate problems. There is little evidence, for example, that they are stepping up their intake of raw recruits for in* house training, or retraining existing staff from other functions. This is the course of action recommended by the Computer Software Services Association, but research shows its members are adopting the short-term measure of bringing in more and more consultants on a contract basis. However, this approach is becoming less and less acceptable as the general shortage of skills, coupled with high demand, sends contractor rates soaring. An experienced contract programmer, for example, can now earn at least double the current permanent salary.

With IT professionals increasingly attracted to the financial rewards and flexibility of consultancy work, average staff turnover rates are estimated to be around 15%. While many companies in the financial services sector are managing to contain their losses by offering skilled IT stall 'golden handcuffs' - deferred loyalty bonuses that tie them in until a certain date - other organisations, like local governments, are unable to match the competitive salaries and perks on offer in the private sector and contractor market, and are suffering turnover rates of up to 60% a year.

But while loyalty bonuses have grabbed the headlines, there are other means of holding on to staff. Some companies are doing additional IT pay reviews in the year and paying market premiums. But such measures can create serious employee relations problems among those excluded, both within and outside IT departments. Many Industry experts advise employers to link bonuses to performance wherever possible. However, employers are realising that bonuses will only succeed if they are accompanied by other incentives such as attractive career prospects, training, and challenging work that meets the individual's long-term ambitions.

This means managers need to allocate assignments more strategically and think about advancing their staff as well as their business. Some employers advocate giving key employees projects that would normally be handled by people with slightly more experience or capability. For many employers, however, the urgency of the problem demands a more immediate solution, such as recruiting skilled workers from overseas. But even this is not easy, with strict quotas on the number of work permits issued. In addition, opposition to the recruitment of IT people from other countries is growing, as many professionals believe it will lead to

A.their success at retaining their skilled staff.

B.the extent to which they invest in new technology.

C.their attempts to recruit staff with the necessary skills.

D.the ability of employees to keep up with the latest developments.


Process essays can be of two types: instructional and analytical. Instructional process essays are “how-to” essays which instruct the reader about how to do something. Analytical process essays tell how something happens or happened. Identify each process essay thesis statement as instructional (√) or analytical (×). An example is done for you: Follow this recipe and you’ll end up with a heavenly angel food cake. (√) By 7:00 in the morning, a sheep rancher has already completed a series of very demanding chores to get his sheep ready for the day.

Process essays can be of two types: instructional and analytical. Instructional process essays are “how-to” essays which instruct the reader about how to do something. Analytical process essays tell how something happens or happened. Identify each process essay thesis statement as instructional (√) or analytical (×). The digestive process involves several related steps.
Process essays can be of two types: instructional and analytical. Instructional process essays are “how-to” essays which instruct the reader about how to do something. Analytical process essays tell how something happens or happened. Identify each process essay thesis statement as instructional (√) or analytical (×). All it takes to build a beautiful deck is the right tools and these easy-to-use guidelines.
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