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听力原文:W: After I've finished reading this book, I can lend it to you if you are interes


M: If I'm interested! I've been trying to borrow it everywhere.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He is interested in reading.

B.He'd like to read the book very much.

C.He has already read the book.

D.He feels sorry that the woman doesn't know him very well.

提问人:网友jxh2003zfr 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“听力原文:W: After I've finished re…”相关的问题
Nǐ qù A:你( )去?(How will you go?) Wǒ qí zìxíngchē qù B:我 骑 自行车 去。(I’ll go by bicycle.)

A、zěnme 怎么

B、nǎr 哪儿



Li Lei is going abroad and looking forward to_______.

A、the British high tea

B、visiting Disneyland

C、meeting superstars

D、watching football games

It's free, so you needn't ____________ money ____________ me.





A.She doubts it will work.

B.She thinks they don't have enough time.

C.She's enthusiastic about it.

D.She's happy to get so much money.

A.Because nearly 1,000 million acres of land was burned off.

B.Because natural resources are being used up.

C.Because animals and plants arc in danger of extinction.

D.Because natural beauty of the land would be ruined.

Section B

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.

A weather map is an important tool for geographers. A succession of three or four maps presents a continuous picture of weather changes. Weather forecasters are able to determine the speed of air masses and fronts; to deter mine whether an individual pressure area is deepening or becoming shallow and whether a front is increasing or decreasing in intensity. They are also able to determine whether an air mass is retaining its original characteristics or taking on those of the surface over which it is moving. Thus, a most significant function of the map is to reveal a synoptic picture of conditions in the atmosphere at a given time.

All students of geography should be able to interpret a weather. map accurately. Weather maps contain an enormous amount of information about weather conditions existing at the time of observation over a large geographical area. They reveal in a few minutes what otherwise would take hours to describe. The United States Weather Bureau issues information about approaching storms, floods, frosts, droughts, and all climatic conditions in general. Twice a 'month it issues a 30-day "outlook" which is a rough guide to weather conditions likely to occur over broad areas of the United States. These 30-day outlooks are based upon an analysis of the upper air levels which often set the stage for the development of air masses, fronts, and storms.

Considerable effort is being exerted today to achieve more accurate weather predictions. With the use of electronic instruments and earth satellites, enormous gains have taken place recently in identifying and tracking storms over regions which have but few meteorological stations. Extensive experiments are also in progress for weather modification studies. But the limitations of modification have prevented meteorological results except in the seeding of super-cooled, upslope mountainous winds which have produced ad ditional orographic (山岳形态的) precipitation (山岳雨) on the windward side of mountain ranges. Nevertheless, they have provided a clearer under standing of the fundamentals of weather elements.

All the following characteristics of weather maps are mentioned in this passage EXCEPT ______.

A.barometric pressure


C.thermal changes

D.wind speed

A "synoptic" weather map is a chart that ______.

A.summarizes a great deal of general weather information

B.appears daily and can be interpreted accurately

C.presents data on atmospheric conditions over a wide area

D.shows ever-changing fronts

Writing being largely a self-taught occupation, texts on how to get about it—though great in number—seldom are of much use.

You try, and fail. Then try again, and perhaps fail not quite so grievously. Until at last, if you have some aptitude for it, the failures become less frequent, or at any rate less noticeable.

It is this ability to conceal one's defects that passes, finally, for accomplishment.

Along the way there are the discouragements of unkind criticism, out right rejection, nagging insecurity and intermittent inability to meet debts.

It is uncommon, therefore, to come across a book containing advice of much practical value for anyone toying with the dangerous idea of embarking on a writing life.

An acquaintance recently loaned me such a book, however—one I wish I'd had the luck to read years ago, and which! would commend to any young person bent on making a career of words. It is the slender autobiography of the English novelist Anthony Trollope, first published in 1883, the year after his death.

Needing some means to support himself, Trollope at age 19 signed on as a junior clerk in the British postal service. He was at his desk at 5:30 each morning to write for three hours. And he remained in the mail service 33 years, long after reputation and prosperity had come to him.

Now, what of his advice?

1. For safety's sake, arm yourself with some other skills, some other line of work to fall back on. That way, failure at writing, though the disappointment may be keen, will not mean utter ruin.

2. Do not depend overly much on inspiration. Writing is a craft, which Trollope compared to the craft of shoemaking. The shoemaker who has just turned out one pair of his work sets to work immediately on the next pair.

3. Have a story to tell, but, more important than that, people it with characters who will speak and move as living creatures in the reader's mind. Without memorable characters, story alone is nothing.

4. Meet your deadlines. Life is endlessly "painful and troublesome" for writers who can't finish their work on time.

5. Do not be inflated by praise. And, above all, do not be crushed by criticism.

6. Understand the risks of writing for a living. "The career, when successful, is pleasant enough certainly; but when unsuccessful, it is of all careers the most agonizing."

In this passage the author mainly discusses ______.

A.the difficulties and risks of making a career of words

B.the futility of instructions contained in writing manuals

C.the autobiography of the 19th century English novelist Anthony Trollope

D.some sound advice provided in Anthony. Trollope's autobiography

From the context we can figure out that the phrase "pass for" in Para graph 3 means ______.

A.pose as

B.be accepted as

C.be equal to

D.act as

听力原文:M: I'd love to dance, but I don't know the steps.

W: It doesn't matter. No one will be looking at us in this crowd.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.It's not important how he dances.

B.It's too crowded to dance anyway.

C.If he's careful, no one will notice.

D.No one knows the steps to the dance.

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