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-Can we have some ___ -Yes, please.





提问人:网友lixin080108 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“-Can we have some ___ -Yes, pl…”相关的问题
There is only one wish realisable on the earth; only one thing that can be perfectly att
ained: Death. And from a variety of circumstances we have no one to tell us whether it be worth attaining.

A strange picture we make on our way to our chimaeras, ceaselessly marching, grudging ourselves the time for rest; indefatigable, adventurous pioneers. It is true that we shall never reach the goal; it is even more than probable that there is no such place; and if we lived for centuries and were endowed with the powers of a god, we should find ourselves not much nearer what we wanted at the end. O toiling hands of mortals! O unwearied feet, travelling ye know not whither! Soon, soon, it seems to you, you must come forth on some conspicuous hilltop, and but a little way further, against the setting sun, descry the spires of El Dorado. Little do ye know your own blessednes; for to travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive, and the true success is to labour.

听力原文:W: Hello, Gary. How' re you?M: Fine! And yourself?W: Can't complain. Did you have

听力原文:W: Hello, Gary. How' re you?

M: Fine! And yourself?

W: Can't complain. Did you have time to look at my proposal?

M: No, not really. Can we go over it now?

W: Sure. I' ve been trying to come up with some new production and advertising strategies. First of all, if we want to stay competitive , we need to modernize our factory. New equipment should ' ye will that cost?

W: Sure. I' ye been trying to come up with some new production and advertising strategies. First of all, if we want to stay competitive, we need to modernize our factory. New equipment should' ye been installed long ago.

M: How much will that cost?

W: We have several options ranging from one hundred thousand dollars all the way up to half a million.

M: OK. We'll have to discuss these costs with finance.

W: We should also consider human resources. I've been talking to personnel as well as our staff at the factory.

M: And what's the picture?

W: We'll probably have to hire a couple of engineers to help us modernize the factory.

M: What about advertising?

W: Marketing has some interesting ideas for television commercials.

M: TV? Isn't that a bit too expensive for us? What's wrong with advertising in the papers, as usual?

W: Quite frankly, it' s just not enough anymore. We need to be more aggressive in order to keep ahead of our competitors.

M: Will we be able to afford all this?

W: I'll look into it , but I think higher costs will be justified. These investments will result in higher profits for our company.

M: We'll have to look at the figures more closely: Have finance draw up a budget for these investments.

W: All right. I'll see to it.


A.The benefits of strong business competition.

B.A proposal to lower the cost of production.

C.Complaints about the expense of modernization.

D.Suggestions concerning new business strategies.

听力原文:M: I see you are a mother of two. Do you think you can manage to study here?W: Ye

听力原文:M: I see you are a mother of two. Do you think you can manage to study here?

W: Yes. My children are quite grown up now. They don't demand much of my time.

M: Really? Are they still in school?

W: Well, the bay is at college, and the girl is in high school. They both work: hard and behave quite well,

M: So I see you have (9) plenty of time now.

W: It's not only that. (8)I want to learn more: I've always wanted to have a degree in education.

M: I see. So have you taken any courses before? I mean, as you are so fond of learning.

W: Yeah. (9)In fact I had taken a two-year course before I got married. You think I'm too old to learn?

M: Oh, I don't mean that. No one is too old to learn. We do have some students of' your age in our school. (10)We will be very glad to have you.

W: Thanks a lot.


A.Because she wants to kill time.

B.Because she wants to help her children with their study.

C.Because she wants to realize her dream.

D.Because she has never had any education at all.

听力原文:W: Good morning.M: Morning, can I help you?W: Yes, I' d like to join the library.

听力原文:W: Good morning.

M: Morning, can I help you?

W: Yes, I' d like to join the library. We' re new to the district you see.

M: Certainly. Well all we need is some sort of identification with your name and address on it.

W: Oh dear. We just moved, you see, and everything has my old address.

M: A driving licence, perhaps?

W: No, I don' t drive.

M: Your husband' s would do.

W: Yas, but his licence will stir have the old address on it.

M: Perhaps you have a letter addressed to you at your new house?

W: No, I' m afraid not. We' ye only been there a few days you see and no one' s written to us yet.

M: What about your bank book?

W: That' s just the same. Oh dear, and I did want to get some books out this weekend. We' re going on holiday to relax after the move, you see, and I wanted to take something with me to read.

M: Well, I' m sorry, but we can' t possibly issue tickets without some form. of identification. What about your passport?

W: What? Oh yes, how silly of me. I've just got a new one and it does have our new address. I' ve just been to book our tickets se I have it on me. Just a minute. Here you are.

M: Thank you. Well, that' s all right. Now if you' d like to ge and choose your books your tickets will be ready for you when you come back to the desk to have them stamped out.

W: Oh, thank you. Er, how many books am I allowed to take out?

M: You can take four books out at a time and you also get two tickets to take out magazines or periodicals. Newspapers, I' m afraid can' t be taken out; they have to be read here.

W: Oh that's fine. Thank you very much.


A.write down one's name and address

B.show some kind of identification with one' s name and address on it

C.give one' s address

D.give one' s driving license

Section BDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by som

Section B

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.

It's never easy to admit you are in the wrong. Being human, we all need to know the art of apologizing. Look back with honesty and think how often you' ye judged roughly, said unkind things, pushed yourself ahead at tire expense of a friend. Then count the occasions when you indicated clearly and truly that you were sorry. A bit frightening, isn't it? Frightening because some deep wisdom in us knows that when even a small wrong has been committed, some mysterious moral feeling is disturbed; and it stays out of balance until fault is acknowledged and regret expressed.

I remember a doctor friend, the late Clarence Lieb, telling me about a man who came to him with a variety of' signs: headaches, insomnia and stomach trouble. No physical cause could be found. Finally Dr. Lieb said to the man, "Unless you tell me what's worrying you, f can't help you".

After some hesitation, the man confessed that, as executor of his father' s will, he had been cheating his brother, who lived abroad, of his inheritance. Then and there the wise old doctor made the man write to his brother asking forgiveness and enclosing a cheque as the first step in restoring their good relation. He then went with him to the mail box in the corridor. As the letter disappeared, the man burst into tears. "Thank you, "he said, "I think I'm cured. "And he was.

A heart felt apology can not only heal a damaged relationship but also make it stronger. If you can think of someone who deserves an apology from you, someone you have wronged, or judged too roughly, or just neglected, do something about it right now.

When we have done something wrong, we should______.

A.look honest and think over the fault carefully

B.escape from being disturbed

C.admit the fault and express the regret

D.forgive ourselves

SECTION BINTERVIEWDirections: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen c


Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.

Now listen to the interview.

听力原文:A: How do you and your housemates like the co - up? I' m thinking of joining it myself.

B: We like it quite a bit. We get some very fresh produce. And both staples and fair prices. But it certainly hasn’t saved us time. The co - up doesn’t carry everything. So we still wind up going to the supermarket too, for cleaning supplies, batteries, that sort of thing. I wish the co - up solved those items. ]' ye been talking about it with some of the other members.

A: What do members have to do.'? Just to pay a membership fee?

B: Yeah. There is a fee, and there are meetings. But attend ance isn’t required. But we do have to work there for an hour every week, which isn’t too bad. Once you are there, you can get your shopping done.

A: I wouldn’t mind working there some time. You get to learn about the products. But is the food free of additives? That will be the main reason I join. I' m a convert from junk food. Until now my diets have been largely chemical additives and pesticides. B: Well, a lot of food is pure and pesticides - free. They also have ultamine supplements and soy and Toufu and that kind of thing, lots of health food in shop there. So if source health oriented, the co- up is.

A: I’d like to try it just for a month or so. Then if you like it, you can join for a longer periods. And it becomes cheaper. A six month membership costs as much as 5 individual months.

B: Sounds pretty easy. Maybe the next time I run into you a gain, it will be in the checkout line in the co -up.

What are the speakers mainly discussing?

A.Memberships in a food coup.

B.The benefits of health food.

C.Shopping in the supermarket.

D.The current cost of food.

听力原文:M: Hello. Villa Rentals, can I help you?W: Hello. You see, my husband and ! are l

听力原文:M: Hello. Villa Rentals, can I help you?

W: Hello. You see, my husband and ! are looking for a holiday villa and we heard that you have some nice places, in Ischia.

M: Yes, Madam. We' ve got several villas on offer in Ischia. How many people would there be in your party?

W: Well, there' s just the family. My husband and the three children.

M: A party of five, then, yes. And when and how long would you want to be there?

W: It would have to be in September. Actually, the first two weeks in September.

M: Then we' ve only got one place free, Madam, but it' s a very beautiful one—the Villa del Mont. It' s set on a hilltop with a big garden and a beautiful view out over the sea towards Naples.

W: How many rooms has it got?

M: Well, on the ground floor there are two double bedrooms, both of them beautifully decorated plus respective bathrooms. Then, still on the ground floor, there' s a large kitchen, a large dining room and a very big outside terrace. And then upstairs, it' s got a very large sitting room with windows all around, and a back garden with a big swimming pool.

W: What about the distances—is it far from the town? Do you think we need a ear?

M: Actually, we do normally advise people to hire a ear.

W: And how much would a smallish car cost?

M: You know, for a Metro, Renault 5 or Ford Fiesta—nothing grand. For a Fiesta, it would be about 80 pounds a week.

W: And for the house for those two weeks?

M: For the period of September 4th till the 17th, inclusive, it would cost 570 pounds per person for the two weeks, including the return airfare.

W: By the way, can I see some photographs of this place or something. Can you arrange that?

M: Of course, Madam. We' ye got a video of it, so anytime you care to come in you could see it.

Why does the woman call Villa Rentals?

A.She wants to rent a holiday villa in Ischia for her family.

B.She wants to book a five - star hotel room for her holiday.

C.She wants to buy a new house.

D.She wants to rent a house near where she works,

What topics can we choose to start communication?

A、some common interests

B、ask a couple without children why they don’t have kids

C、their age

D、their salary

听力原文:W: Hello. What's all this then, Harry?M: What's all what? I'm making a cake.W: Ye

听力原文:W: Hello. What's all this then, Harry?

M: What's all what? I'm making a cake.

W: Yes. We can see what you're up to. Obviously you're making a cake. What else would you be doing with a cake tin and a rolling pin on the table and the place absolutely covered in flour? Yes, we can see what you're doing. But why are you doing it?

M: Well, I just decided I'd try and make one for a change instead of buying one. Anyway this is going to be a rather special sort of cake. You can't buy them like this. And while you're here, Doris, do you mind beating up half a dozen eggs in that blue bowl over there? You'll find a fork and egg whisk, whichever you prefer, in the drawer on the left.

W: OK. I don't mind. But what's so special about this cake?

M: It's a surprise cake.

W: A surprise cake?

M: Yes. Doris, don't forget to add five spoons of sugar.

W: No, dear. But tell us about this surprise cake.

M: Well, it was an idea I had while I was lying in bed last night.

W: Do you usually think of food in bed?

M: I wasn't thinking of food. I decided to have a party for some old friends of mine, but I want to give them a surprise.

W: What kind of surprise?

M: Can you add a half of a pint of cream to that, Doris? That's right, drip it in slowly and then beat it up again until it becomes all sticky. That's the way.

W: I have made a cake before, you know. Now, come on, what's the surprise?

M: Well, it's quite simple, really. You see, I serve the cake with candles on it. Then I switch out the lights and I slip out of the room. But before this I tell them that they must count to twenty before trying to blow out the candles and they'll get a surprise.

W: And then?(Explosion effect)


A.Beat up half a dozen eggs.

B.Add five spoons of sugar.

C.Add half a pint of cream.

D.Buy some candles.

听力原文:W: Hi, John!M: Oh. Hi, Laura. What' re you doing here?W: Uh ... I' m usually here

听力原文:W: Hi, John!

M: Oh. Hi, Laura. What' re you doing here?

W: Uh ... I' m usually here on weekends. It' s my dad' s shop. So you' re looking for a bike?

M: Yeah. Now that the weather' s warming up, I thought 1' d get some exercisc—instead of taking the bus all the time.

W: Well, you came to the fight place. Do you know what you' d like?

M: Well, I don' t want a racer or a touring bike or anything. Mostly I' 11 just be using it to get me back and forth from work.

W: How far is that?

M: About four miles.

W: Are there a lot of hills on the way?

M: Some, I guess, But ... uh ... maybe I should just tell you up front that I' ye only got a hundred and fifty dollars. Can I get anything decent for that?

W: Well, you' re not going to get anything top-of-the-line--but we do have a few trade-ins in the back that' re in good condition.

M: That sounds good.

W: And you' re fight, for the kind of riding you' re going to be doing, the most important thing is comfort. You want to make sure it' s the right height for you. Follow me and I' 11 show you what we' ve got.


A.She's waiting for her father.

B.She's having her bicycle repaired.

C.She wanted to surprise John.

D.She works there.

I hope we can have some snow this winter.英译汉

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