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______ the flood, the ship would have reached its destination on time.A) In case

______ the flood, the ship would have reached its destination on time.A) In case

______ the flood, the ship would have reached its destination on time.

A) In case of

B) Because of

C) In spite of

D) But for

提问人:网友angleverge 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“______ the flood, the ship wou…”相关的问题
Nobody at the time would ever have conceived of the telephone as being a _______ personal object. 那时人们不会想到电话会成为无处不在的私人物品。

Study the suffix related to art below and choose appropriate words from the italicized ones to complete the following sentences. The suffix -graphy means "the making of a copy, picture, or record of something". There are many words with this suffix, such as autobiography(自传), calligraphy(书法;笔迹), cartography(地图绘制), cinematography(电影摄影术), iconography(图像;图示法;象征手法), pictography/图画记截法), pyrography(烙花术),typography(印刷版面式 样), xerography(静电复印术). 1. ________ is the art and technique of arranging type to make written language legible, readable, and appealing when displayed. 2 Mona Lisa, as a painting with complex ___________, was painted by the Italian Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci. It has been described as "the best known, the most visited, the most written about, the most sung about, the most parodied work of art in the world". 3.Nowadays few people can practice ____________ patiently and they usually communicate by typing, so their signatures are not so decent. 4. After going through ups and downs, you can write a(n) ________________ to look back on the past and truthfully record your life when you are old. 5. ____________ is the study and practice of how to go about making maps. It uses aesthetics, various techniques, and science to communicate spatial information in a cohesive and effective manner. 6. The movie Inception won four Academy Awards for Best__________, Best Sound Editing, Best Sound Mixing, and Best Visual Effects. 7. "Fire Needle Embroidery", also called __________, is a unique traditional form of Chinese arts, gorgeous and eye-catching, giving people simple and natural art enjoyment. 8. Chester Carlson invents"electron photography", which later comes to be known as _____, or simply photocopying

Gradually the river grows wider, the banks recede, and the waters flow more quietly.





It makes good______to bring an umbrella; it seems to be raining today.A.senseB.reasonC.adv
It makes good______to bring an umbrella; it seems to be raining today.





Younger people and older people do not always agree. They sometimes have different ideas about life, work and play. But in one special program in New York State, adults and teenagers live together in peace. Each summer 200 teenagers and 50 adults live together for eight weeks as members of a special work group. Everyone works several hours each day. The aim is not just to keep busy but rather to find meaning and enjoyment in work. Some teenagers work in the woods or on the farms near the village. Some learn to make furniture and to build houses. The adults teach them these skills. There are several free hours each day. Weekends are free, too. During the free hours some of the teenagers learn photography or painting. Others sit around talking and singing. Each teenager chooses his own way to spend his free time. When people live together, rules are always necessary. In this program the teenagers and the adults make the rules together. If someone breaks a rule, the problem goes before the whole group. The group discusses the problem. They ask, "Why did it happen?" "What should we do about it?" One of the teenagers has this to say about the experience: "You stop thinking only about yourself. You learn how to think about the group. What is the passage mainly about?A.A special way into the woods.

B.Life of adults in a special work group.

C.Life of teenagers in a special work group.

D.How adults and teenagers live together in a special work group.

When and where was the special program offered?A.Every summer in New York city

B.Every winter in New York state

C.Every summer in New York state

D.Every winter in New York city

What will people do when someone breaks the rule?A.Criticize him or her.

B.Have a group discussion about it.

C.Make more rules.

D.Ask him or her to work more in the woods.

Which of the following is not stated directly in the passage as a purpose of the program?A.To keep members of the group busy doing something

B.To make the people there understand the meaning of work

C.To find a way to solve the generation gap

D.To help people find enjoyment in work

What do the teenagers not do when they are free?A.They learn photography

B.They learn painting

C.They build houses

D.They sit around singing


Ideas about education are changing in the United States. Education today is not just a high school diploma (文凭) or a college degree. Many adults are not interested in going to college. They are interested in other kinds of learning. For them, learning does not end with a diploma.

Continuing education gives these adults the opportunity to increase their knowledge about their own field or to learn about a new field. It also gives them a chance to improve their old skills or to learn new ones. Scientists, mechanics (技师) and barbers (理发师) can take classes to improve their work skills. . If they know more or learn more, they can get a better job or earn more money.

Continuing education classes give more adults the chance to learn new skills. There is usually a large variety of classes to choose from: typing, foreign cooking, photography, auto repair, furniture repair, or swimming. There are only some of the classes available.

Some adults take classes for fun or because the class will be useful for them. Other adults take continuing education classes to improve their own lives because they want to feel better about themselves.

Almost any community college or public school system has a continuing education program. There are classes in schools, community buildings or churches. Most classes are in the evenings, so working people can attend. The classes are usually small, and they are inexpensive.

The new idea about education in the U. S. is that______ .

A.everyone should get a college degree

B.it's no use for adults to go to college

C.a high school diploma is the end of education

D.adults should go on learning after graduating from school

The local authorities decided to keep the old temple for its historical ______ .A.valueB.b
The local authorities decided to keep the old temple for its historical ______ .





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