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Most people would agree that, although our age exceeds all previous ages in knowledge, the

re has been no corresponding increase in wisdom. But agreement ceases as soon as we attempt to define "wisdom" and consider means of promoting it. There are several factors that contribute to wisdom. Of these I should put first a sense of proportion: the capacity to take account of all the important factors in a problem and to attach to each its due weight.

This has become more difficult than it used to be owing to the extent and complexity of the special knowledge required of various kinds of technicians. Suppose, for example, that you are engaged in research in scientific medicine. The work is difficult and is likely to absorb the whole of your mind. You have no time to consider the effect which your discoveries or inventions may have outside the field of medicine. You succeed (let us say) as

modern medicine has succeeded, in enormously lowering the infant death-rate, not only in Europe and America, but also in Asia and Africa. This has the entirely unintended result of making the food supply inadequate and lowing the standard of life in the parts of the world that have the greatest populations. To take an even more dramatic example, which is in everybody's mind at the present time, you study the makeup of the atom from a disinterested (无利害关系的) desire for knowledge, and by chance place in the hands of a powerful mad man the means of destroying the human race.

Therefore, with every increase of knowledge and skill, wisdom becomes more necessary, for every such increase augments (增强) our capacity for realizing our purposes, and therefore augments our capacity for evil, if our purposes are unwise.

Disagreement arises when people try to decide ______ .

A.how much more wisdom we have now than before

B.what wisdom is and how to develop it

C.if there is a great increase of wisdom in our age

D.whether wisdom can be developed or not

提问人:网友smallc 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“Most people would agree that, …”相关的问题

Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage. Plato, an ancient Greek philosopher, believed that men are divided into three classes: gold, silver and bronze. Vilfredo Pareto, an Italian economist, argued that “the vital few” account for most progress. In the private sector, best companies struggle relentlessly to find and keep the vital few. They offer them fat pay packets, extra training, powerful mentors and more challenging assignments. As the economy begins to recover, companies are trying harder to nurture raw talent, or to poach it from their rivals. Private-equity firms rely heavily on a few stars. High-tech firms, for all their egalitarianism, are ruthless about recruiting the brightest. Firms in emerging markets are desperate to find young high-flyers to cope with rapid growth and fast-changing environments. Bill Conaty and Ram Charan’s recent book The Talent Masters provides a nice mix of portraits of well-known talent factories along with sketches of more recent converts to the cause. “Talent masters” are proud of their elitism. GE divides its employees into three groups based on their promise. Hibdustan Unilever compiles a list of people who show innate leadership qualities. “Talent masters” all seem to agree on the importance of two things: measurement and differentiation. The best companies routinely subject employees to various “reviews” and “assessments”. But when it comes to high-flyers they make more effort to build up a three-dimensional pictures of their personalities and to provide lots of feedback. A powerful motivator is single out high-flyers for special training. GE spends $ 1 billion a year on it. Novartis sends high-flyers to regular off-site training sessions. Many companies also embrace on-job training, speaking of “stretch” assignment or “baptisms by fire”. The most coveted (令人垂涎的)are foreign postings: these can help young managers understand what it is like to run an entire company with a wide range of problems. Successful companies make sure that senior managers are involved with “talent development”. Bosses of P&G spent 40% of their time on personnel. Intel obliged senior managers to spend at least a week in a year teaching high-flyers. Involving the company’s top brass(高级职员) in the process prevents lower-level managers from monopolizing high-flyers and creates dialogues between established and future leaders. Successful companies also integrate talent development with their broader strategy to ensure that companies are more than the sum of their parts. P&G likes its managers to be both innovative and worldly. Goodyear replaced 23 of its 24 senior managers in two years as it shifted its target-consumers from carmakers to motorists. Meanwhile, in their rush to classify people, companies can miss potential stars. Those who are singled out for special treatment can become too full of themselves. But the first problem can be fixed by flexibility: people who are average in one job can become stars in another. And people who become too smug can be discarded. Question:The author mentions the needs for talent of different firms in the second paragraph to show that____.

A、the need for talent is universal

B、there is a cut-throat competition among them

C、the economy is more prosperous than before

D、the need for talent is confined to high-tech firms

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[    ]

A. in case of

B. in favour of

C. in place of

D. in honor of

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