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In the evening before the test. you had better gather (集中) the things you need to have w

In the evening before the test. you had better gather (集中) the things you need to have with you at the test. including pens. pencils. erasers. a wale. etc. You may also need tissues (卫生纸). cough drops (止咳灵). etc. Coming to the test with everything you need will make you feel sure that you won't worry about these details (细节) during the lest.

You will have a test in the evening.



提问人:网友chenanqiong 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“In the evening before the test…”相关的问题
When Caroline heard the phone ring late in the evening, she knew it was something important. She listened as a park ranger explained the situation. Seven children were lost in the Pennsylvania wildness. Caroline pulled on the red jacket that said Rescue on it and called on her dog, Aly, a shepherd.She andAly raced to their rescuetruck and climbed in. Then Caroline put on the emergencylight and steppedon the gas.Sheknew they had no time to lose.

In the dark Pennsylvania wood, Caroline and Aly walked for hours to looking for sigh of children. It was a fierce autumn night, and she became cold and exhausted. Suddenly, she saw footprint ahead. In the cold, it was difficult for Aly to pick up the children ’s scent, but finally he found it and began to bark. Then two miles down the road, Aly began to yelp with joy, and Caroline began to run. There were the children. They were shivering and crying, but they were safe.

Caroline and Aly are a specialized team with many amazing, life-saving rescues to their credit.She had always loved dogs and used to raise them as hobby. One day a friend suggested canine searchandrescueteam.

Caroline and Aly makes an excellent team. Dogs have a great sensitivity to smell. She trained Aly to find the scent of humans underground and in open spaces.Caroline is a natural athlete who skis and mountain climbs, and she is highly skilled in wilderness survival. She and Aly can find people faster than a dozen human searcherscan. Caroline can also speak seven languages, so she often translatesfor other rescueworkers when sheworks in different countries.

Which of the following can bestdescribe the situation in Pra.l ?





Which of the following is NOT a factor leading to the difficult situation in Par.2?A.Caroline got lost

B.The weather was cold

C.Caroline was very tired

D.It was difficult for Aly to find the scent.

When the children were found, they were____________ .A.excited and happy

B.shivering and crying

C.disappointed andangry

D.shouting and smiling

It canbe learnedfrom the last paragraph that __________.A.Aly rescuedmany earthquakevictims

B.Caroline climbed many famous mountains

C.Caroline knows how to survive in wilderness

D.Caroline andAly arebestteam in the world

Which of the following can be besttitle of the passage?A.Seven children

B.Aly the rescuedog

C.Search and rescueskills

D.A searchand rescueteam

The fox really exasperated them both. As soon as they had let the fowls out, in the early summer mornings, they had to take their guns and keep guard; and then again as soon as evening began to mellow, they must go once more. And he was so sly. He slid along in the deep grass; he was difficult as a serpent to see. And he seemed to circumvent the girls deliberately. Once or twice March had caught sight of the white top of his brash, or the ruddy shadow of him in the deep grass, and she had let fire at him. But he made no account of this.

The trees on the wood-edge were a darkish, brownish green in the full light, for it was the end of August. Beyond, the naked, copper-like shafts and limbs of the pine trees shone in the air. Nearer the rough grass, with its long, brownish stalks all agleam, was full of light. The fowls were round about—the ducks were still swimming on the pond under the pine trees. March looked at it all, saw it all, and did not see it. She heard Banford speaking to the fowls in the distance and she did not hear. What was she thinking about? Heaven knows. Her consciousness was, as it were, held back.

She lowered her eyes, and suddenly saw the fox. He was looking up at her. His chin was pressed down, and his eyes were looking up. They met her eyes. And he knew her. She was spellbound—she knew he knew her. So he looked into her eyes, and her soul failed her. He knew her, he was not daunted.

She straggled, confusedly she came to herself, and saw him making off, with slow leaps over some fallen boughs, slow, imprudent jumps. Then he glanced over his shoulder, and ran smoothly away. She saw his brush held smooth like a feather, she saw his white buttocks twinkle. And he was gone, softly, soft as the wind.

She put her gun to her shoulder, but even then pursed her mouth, knowing it was nonsense to pretend to fire. So she began to walk slowly after him, in the direction he had gone, slowly, pertinaciously. She expected to find him. In her heart she was determined to find him. What she would do when she saw him again she did not consider. But she was determined to find him. So she walked abstractedly about on the edge of the wood, with wide, vivid dark eyes, and a faint flush in her cheeks. She did net think. In strange mindlessness she walked hither and hither...

As soon as supper was over, she rose again to go out, without saying why.

She took her gun again and went to look for the fox. For he had lifted his eyes upon her, and his knowing look seemed to have entered her brain. She did not so much think of him: she was possessed by him. She saw his dark, shrewd, unabashed eye looking into her, knowing her. She felt him invisibly master her spirit. She knew the way he lowered his chin as he looked up, she knew his muzzle, the golden brown, and the grayish white. And again she saw him glance over his shoulder at her, half inviting, half contemptuous and cunning. So she went, with her great startled eyes glowing, her gun under her arm, along the wood edge. Meanwhile the night fell, and a great moon rose above the pine trees.

At the beginning of the story, the fox seems to be all EXCEPT______.





English-speaking people ______ always talk about the weather when they meet.




But I felt maybe there was ______ in my answer.

A.something wrong

B.a wrong thing

C.wrong nothing

On which day can you swim in seawater?

A.Day 2.

B.Day 3.

C.Day 4.

Why did the writer's sister suggest casting lots?

A.She wanted to have new clothes herself.

B.She wanted the writer to have new clothes.

C.She wanted her mother to have new clothes.

What do we know from this passage?

A.The writer's sister is kind and clever.

B.The mother is angry with the writer.

C.The writer is always thinking of her mother.

Visiting the doctor can be confusing (令人糊涂的). Often. you must wait a long time to see the doctor. When you finally see the doctor. it is often just for a short lime. so it's important to be prepared to speak to tile doctor and to understand what the doctor tells you.

What do people do before they see the doctor?

A.They have to wait a long time.

B.They have to talk to the nurse first.

C.They have to make a telephone with the doctor.

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