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In many commercial businesses,______(计算机已在很大程度上替代了) paper work because they a

In many commercial businesses,______(计算机已在很大程度上替代了) paper work because they are fast, flexible and reliable.

提问人:网友yunjian1987 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“In many commercial businesses,…”相关的问题
It tends to ignore, and thus eventually to eliminate, many elements in the land c
ommunity that lack commercial value, but that are essential to its healthy functioning。

The passage asserts which of the following about commercial art?A.There are many examples

The passage asserts which of the following about commercial art?

A.There are many examples of commercial art whose artistic merit is equal to that of great works of art of the past.

B.Commercial art is heavily influenced by whatever doctrines are fashionable in the serious art world of the time.

C.The line between commercial art and great art lies primarily in how an image is used, not in the motivation for its creation.

D.The pervasiveness of contemporary commercial art has led art historians to undervalue representational skills.

savings and commercial bank deposits for (9)…$ 100, 000 per depositA.up toB.as muchC.as ma

savings and commercial bank deposits for (9)…$ 100, 000 per deposit

A.up to

B.as much

C.as many as


Which of the following is NOT a correct statement?A.There are too many pages or hyperlinks

Which of the following is NOT a correct statement?

A.There are too many pages or hyperlinks on the Internet, so people usually use search engine to find a certain site.

B.More than 8 search engines are accused of selling their search engine spots by Commercial Alert.

C.The headquarters of Commercial Alert is in Portland Oregon.

D.The search engines are Web guides.

Though managers of commercial shellfish beds in many countries monitor the presence of pol
lutants using mice, this method is ethically______and too expensive for many developing countries, small operations or amateur fishermen.






According to the sentence "They engage in many different types of diving, of which wreck,
cave, commercial, and military diving are just a few." which of the following explanations is correct?

A.Among different types of diving, military diving is an exception.

B.Talking about wreck, cave, commercial, and military diving, they are few.

C.Mentioned of wreck, cave, commercial, and military diving, the people who take part in are few.

D.People do not like wreck, cave, commercial, and military diving.

The possible reason for commercial banks to hold excess reserves is ______.A.they have att

The possible reason for commercial banks to hold excess reserves is ______.

A.they have attracted too many deposits.

B.they could not find enough suitable borrowers.

C.they have borrowed too much from the central bank.

D.All of the above.

Many Ph. D. s are out of job because______. A. they are improperly educatedB. they are of

Many Ph. D. s are out of job because______.

A. they are improperly educated

B. they are of little commercial value to their society

C. there are fewer jobs in high schools

D. they prefer easier jobs that make more money

听力原文: Television in America gives people the choice of many different programs on man
y different channels. However, many people today are criticizing the quality of the programs. According to these critics, there are too many programs that only entertain; there are not enough interesting programs that give information about the world around us. Perhaps the lack of serious programs is the fault of the commercial television system, not the fault of the people who own or who control the television stations. Television in America depends on money of people who advertise their products on television. Therefore, television stations need to attract advertisers. The programs which attract advertisers are, of course, the programs which have large audiences. And the programs which attract large audiences are usually programs with lots of entertainment and action. Programs about serious subjects, for instance, medicine, science, or history, are not very popular, so advertisers do not buy commercial time during programs like these. The commercial system, therefore, has a great influence on the kind of programs that television stations decide to show.

Why do many people criticize TV programs in the U. S. ?

A.There are not enough programs to entertain.

B.There are not enough programs to show the life of ordinary people.

C.There are too many programs to educate.

D.There are not enough serious programs.

Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each p

Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.

听力原文: Public television in America grew out of the many local stations that broadcast educational programs in the 1950s. In 1967 Congress passed the Public Broadcast Act. The goal of this law was to provide educational programs for all Americans. There is a major difference between public television and commercial television. (26)Commercial television programs are paid for by companies that advertise their products or services during the program. Public television programs do not have such advertising messages. Another difference is that commercial television is pressured by advertisers to broadcast programs popular with huge groups of people. These include comedies and game shows. Public television does not face such pressures. (27)It can broadcast programs of interest to smaller groups of people. These programs are often more unusual, creative and experimental than programs broadcast on commercial television.

Public television in America presents many kinds of programs. There are news and opinion programs. There are films about social and historical events. And there are shows about science and nature. (28)There are shows to teach people how to cook, grow vegetables or fix a house. There are many drama programs produced in Britain.And there are programs that present the music, dance and theater of America.

So many local American people enjoy the public television, most of the time, they spent the day or their leisure time on it and also got the information from the programmes.


A.The government.

B.Companies that advertise their products or services.

C.Huge groups of audiences.

D.A smaller group of people.

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