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When Bill came in, I ____ with my friends.A.will talkB.talkC.was talkingD.have talked

When Bill came in, I ____ with my friends.

A.will talk


C.was talking

D.have talked

提问人:网友koffans 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“When Bill came in, I ____ with…”相关的问题
听力原文:M: What were you doing when Bill got here?M: I was talking to Ed and Fred. Who ca

听力原文:M: What were you doing when Bill got here?

M: I was talking to Ed and Fred.

Who came last?


B.The woman.


One day in 1965, when I was a library worker at school, a teacher came to me. She had
a student who finished his work before all the others and needed something more difficult for him to do. "Could you help me in the library?"she asked. I said, "Send him along."

Soon, a golden-haired boy appeared. "Do you have a job for me?" he asked. I told him about a system for sorting books. He picked up the idea immediately. Then I showed him some cards for some unreturned books that I thought had been returned but not recorded. Maybe some books were put on wrong places. He said, "Is it a kind of a detective(侦探) job?" I answered yes, and then began his work.

He had found three books with wrong cards by the time his teacher opened the door and said, "Time for rest!" he argued for finishing the finding job, but the teacher won.

The next morning, he arrived early, "I want to finish these books," he said. At the end of the day, when he asked to work with me more often, it was easy for me to say yes.

After a few weeks I found a note on my desk, inviting me to dinner at the boy's home. At the end of a pleasant evening, his mother declared that the family would be moving to another school. Her son's first concern, she said,was leaving the library. "Who will find the lost books?" he asked. When the time came, it was hard to say goodbye.Though at the beginning he had seemed an ordinary boy, his strong feeling of interest had made him different.

Do you know who he is? This boy became a great man of the Information Age: Bill Gates.

(1)、Why did the teacher go to the library to find a job for Bill Gates?

A:Because the teacher found the librarian quite busy.

B:Because Bill Gates wanted to find a job.

C:Because Bill Gates finished his study quickly and had more free time than the others.

D:Because the library needed a new worker.

(2)、What do you know from the passage?

A:Library work was very difficult for Bill Gates.

B:Bill Gates did his job without any difficulty.

C:The librarian was too busy to have a rest.

D:His mother hoped that Bill Gates would stay for his job.

(3)、The sentence "He picked up the idea immediately" means that ______.

A:he learned that system quickly

B:he collected that system quickly

C:he lifted up that system quickly

D:he improved that system quickly

(4)、What was Bill Gates expected to do in the library?

A:Finding the lost cards.

B:Learning the system.

C:Helping the worker with everything in the library.

D:Finding books with wrong cards.

(5)、How did Bill Gates feel when his family would move to another school area?





Tina received an admission notice letter from Yale University and Liu Hui congratulate
s her on her admission._

TINA: Hi, Liu Hui. Guess what came in the__1___ today

LIU HUI: Your bill, maybe

TINA: No, no. My acceptance__2___ to Yale!

LIU HUI: Wow! Congratulations! You've been working so hard for it. When do classes start

TINA: Freshman orientation is the last week of __3___, but I want to go two weeks before that to get settled in .

LIU HUI: You are great! I guess you will have many things to do before you leave.

TINA: Yes, I'll be very busy. I have to get a __4___, buy a plane ticket and pack my things, but first I want to register for classes.

LIU HUI: Congratulations again. I believe you will have a___5__ experience at Yale.

第二节 短文理解1阅读下面短文,从[A](Right)、[B](Wrong)、[C](Doesn't Say)三个判断中选择一个正

第二节 短文理解1

阅读下面短文,从[A](Right)、[B](Wrong)、[C](Doesn't Say)三个判断中选择一个正确选项。

Bill and Fred were students and they were friends. They didn't have much money, so when it was time for their summer holidays, Bill said, "Let's have our holidays in a trailer (旅行车). It's cheaper than a hotel. I can borrow my father's trailer." Fred was very happy, so they got into the trailer and began their holidays.

They wanted to get up early the next day to go fishing, but they didn't have an alarm clock.

"That's all right, Bill," said Fred. "I'll put these small pieces of bread on the roof of the trailer tonight and they'll wake us up in the morning."

Bill was very surprised, but he didn't say anything. Fred was right. As soon as it began to get light, small birds came down to eat the bread and their noise on the roof of tile trailer woke Bill and Fred up quickly.

Bill and Fred wanted to stay together during their holidays.



C.Doesn't say.

Sometime in the early 1990s I was treating a woman in an intensive chemical dependency gro
up. Let s call her "Grace." Grace was a flight attendant and had been suspended from her job with a major airline due to her untreated alcoholism. After the eight week program, I suggested to her it might be a good idea to solidify her foundation in recovery before returning to work as she would be working in a high - risk environment (serving alcohol, being out of town alone, etc.). Grace, however, returned to work shortly after completing treatment. One day while she was departing from a plane at the end of long day a major craving for alcohol overpowered her. There she was, in the Los Angeles International Airport pulling her roller-bag behind her when this massive craving to drink came over her. She tried to just "think through it," or "just forget about it," but it was way too powerful. It was so powerful, in fact, that she had resigned to herself that she would just go drink. On her way to the bar in the airport, Grace had a moment of sanity. She stopped, picked up the airport paging phone and said, "Will you please page friends of Bill W.," she paused, quickly looking around for an empty gate, "to come to Gate 12?" Within minutes, over the paging system in the LA International Airport came, " Will friends of Bill W. please come to Gate 12." Most people in recovery know that asking if you are a friend of Bill W. is an anonymous way to identify yourself as a member of AA. In less than five minutes there were about fifteen people at that gate from all over the world. That brought tears of amazement, relief and joy to Grace. They had a little meeting there in that empty gate, total strangers prior to that moment. Grace discovered that two of those people had gotten out of their boarding lines and missed their flights to answer that call for help. They had remembered what they had seen on many walls of meeting rooms: "When anyone, anywhere reaches out their hand for help, I want the hand of AA to be there and for that I am responsible." Grace did not drink that day. I would venture to guess that none of the people who came to Gate 12 drank that day either.

The author of the passage is a______.



C.flight attendant

D.airline manager

阅短文 ,掌握其大意,然后从 36 - 55各题所给的四个选项[ A] 、[ B ] 、[ C]和[ D ] 中,选出最佳选

One afternoon I was sitting at my favorite table in a restaurant,waiting for the food I had or –dered,Suddenly I (36) that a man sitting at a table near the window kept glancing in my direc-tion, (37) he knew me. The man had a newspaper (38) in front of him,which he was (39) to read,but I could (40) that he was keeping an eye on me. When the waiter brought my (41) , the man was clearly puzzled(困惑) by the (42) way in which the waiter and I (43) each other. He seemed even more puzzled as (44) went on and it became (45) that all the waiters in the restaurant knew me. Finally he got up and went into the (46) . When he came out,he paid his bill and (47) without another glance in my direction.

I called the owner of the restaurant and asked what the man had (48) . "Well," he said, "that man was a detective(侦探). He (49) you here because he thought you were the man he (50) . ” “What?" I said, showing my (51) . The 'owner continued, "He came into the kitchen and showed me a photo of the wanted man. 1 (52) say he looked very much like you! Of course, since we know you,we told him that he had made a (53). ” “Well,it ' s really (54) I came to a restaurant where I' m known, "I said. ” (55),I might have been in trouble. "


[ A] knew

[ B ] understood

[ C] noticed

[ D] recognized

第二节 完型填空阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出能填入相应空白处的最

第二节 完型填空


One afternoon I was sitting at my favorite table in a restaurant, waiting for the food I had ordered. Suddenly I 【B1】 that a man sitting at a table near the window kept glancing in my direction, 【B2】 he knew me. The man had a newspaper 【B3】 in front of him, which he was 【B4】 to read, but I could 【B5】 that he was keeping an eye on me. When the waiter brought my 【B6】 , the man was clearly puzzled(困惑)by the 【B7】 way in which the waiter and I 【B8】 each other. He seemed even more puzzled as 【B9】 went on and it became 【B10】 that all the waiters in the restaurant knew me. Finally he got up and went into the 【B11】 . When he came out, he paid his bill and 【B12】 without another glance in my direction.

I called the owner of the restaurant and asked what the man had 【B13】 "Well," he said, "that man was a detective(侦探). He 【B14】 you here because he thought you were the man he 【B15】 .... What?" I said, showing my 【B16】 . The owner continued, "He came into the kitchen and showed me a photo of the wanted man. I 【B17】 say he looked very much like you! Of course, since we know you, we told him that he had made a 【B18】 . "" Well, it's really 【B19】 I came to a restaurant where I'm known, "I said." 【B20】 ,I might have been in trouble."






Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?A.Ann brought her nephew Sam to Bill and Kat

Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?

A.Ann brought her nephew Sam to Bill and Kate on Saturday morning.

B.Sam disappeared when Bill stopped to buy some chocolate.

C.Sam came back by himself

D.Sam liked Kate better than Bill

A man and his wife had a small bar near a station.The bar often stayed open until after m
idnight,because people came to drink there while they were waiting for trains. At two o'clock one morning,one man was still sitting at a table in the small bar.He was a—sleep.The barman’s wife wanted to go to bed.She looked into the bar several times,and eachtime the man was still there.Then at last she went to her husband and said to him,“You’vewaken that man six times now,George,but he isn’t drinking anything.Why haven’t you senthim away?It is very late.” “0h,no,I don’t want to send him away,”answered her husband with a smile:”Yousee,whenever I wake him up,he asks for his bill,and when I bring it to him.He pays it.Then he goes to sleep again.” 根据以上内容,回答下列各题。 The bar often stayed open__________.

A.until 12 o'clock in the evening

B.until early next morning

C.all day and all night

D.until after 12 o'clock in the evening

Fifteen years ago, Ientered the Boston Globe, which was a temple to me then. It wasn’t easy getting hired. But once you were there, I found, you were in.

Globe jobs were for life-guaranteed until retirement. For 15 years I had prospered there—moving from an ordinary reporter to foreign correspondent and finally to senior. I would have a life time of security if I stuck to it.Instead, I had made a decision to leave. I entered my boss’s office. Would he rage?I wondered. He had a famous temper. “Matt, we have to have a talk,” I began awkwardly.“I came to the Globe when I was twenty-four. Now I’m forty. There’s a lot I want to doinlife. I’m resigning.” “To another paper?” he asked. I reached into my coat pocket, but didn’t say anything. I handed him a letter that explained everything.It said that I was leaving to start a new media company. We were at a rare turning point in history. I wanted to be directly engaged in the change.“I’m glad for you,”he said, quite out of my expectation.“I just came from aboard of directors meeting and it was seventy-five percent discouraging news. Some of that we can deal with. But much of it we can’t,” he went on.“I wish you all the luck in the world,”he concluded.“And if it doesn’t work out, remember, your star is always high here."

Then I went out of his office, walking through the news room for more good-byes. Everybody was saying congratulations. Everybody--even though I’d be risking all on an unfamiliar venture: all the financial security I had carefully built up.

Later, I had a final talk with Bill Taylor, chairman and publisher of the Boston Globe. He had turned the Globe into abillion-dollar property. “I’m resigning, Bill,” I said. He listened while I gave him the story. He wasn’t looking angry or dismayed either. After a pause, he said,“Golly, I wish I were in your shoes.”

From the passage we know that the Globe is a famous 。





If the writer stayed with the Globe 。

A.he would be able to realize his lifetime dreams.

B.he would let his long favourite dreams fade away

C.he would never have to worry about his future life

D.he would never be allowed to develop his ambitions

The writer wanted to resign because .

A.he had serous trouble with his boss.

B.he wanted to be engaged in the new media industry.

C.he got underpaid at his job for the Globe.

D.he had found a better paid job in a publishing house.

When the writer decided to resign the Globe was faced with .

A.a trouble with its staff members

B.a shortage of qualified reporters

C.an unfavorable business situation

D.a promising business situation

By saying“I wish I were in your shoes”(in the last paragraph) Bill Taylor meant that .

A.The writer was to fail.

B.The writer was stupid

C.He would reject the writer’s request

D.He would do the same if possibl

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