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() counted most, he told me, was his family.





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()counted most , he told me , was his family.





()counted most, he told me, was his family.





It was not until modern scholarship uncovered the secret of reading Middle English that we
could understand that Chaucer, far from being a rude versifier, was a perfectly accomplished technician, and that his verse is rich in music and elegant to the highest degree. Chaucer's own urbane personality is a delight to encounter in his books, He is avowedly a bookworm, yet few poets observe nature with more freshness and delight. He is a master of genial satire but can sympathize with true piety and goodness with as much pleasure as he attacks the hypocritical.

It is not an uncommon estimate of Chaucer that he must be counted among the few greatest of English poets. In range of interest he is surpassed only by Shakespeare. He was recognized already in the Renaissance, when it came to England, as the Father of English Poetry. He was a man of wide learning and wrote with ease on religion, philosophy, ethics, science, rhetoric. No man has more completely summed up an age than Chaucer has his, yet the people of his great poems, are revealed as men and women are in all times.

Master of verse, as Chaucer was, he introduced into English poetry many verse forms: the heroic couplet (in which form. most of The Canterbury Tales is written), verse written in iambic pentameter, rhyming aa, bb, cc, etc.--a form. that was to be very important in the eighteenth century; the rime royal, a seven-line stanza in iambic pentameters, rhyming ababbcc (Troilus and Criseyde); the terza rima, three-line stanzas, rhyming aba, bcb cdc, etc.(which he imitated from Dante, in some of his minor poems); and the eight-line iambic pentameter stanza, rhyming ababbcbc (The Monk's Tale).

This passage does not indicate that Chaucer wrote on the topic of ______.





Liu Xiang ____________the race after he hurt himself again, on his ankle or footor s

A) counted on

B) came up with

C) dropped out of

D) wasaccountable for

完形填空James shook his money box again. Nothing! He carefully【21】the coins that lay on th


James shook his money box again. Nothing! He carefully【21】the coins that lay on the bed. $ 24.52 was all that he had. The bieyele he wanted was at least $ 90 !【22】on earth was he going to get the【23】of the money?

He knew that his friends all had bieyeles. It was【24】to hang around with people when you were the only one without wheels. He thought about what he could do. There was no【25】asking his parents, for he knew they had no money to【26】.

There was only one way to get money, and that was to【27】it. He would have to find a job.【28】who would hire him and what could he do? He decided to ask Mr. Clay for advice, who usually had【29】on most things.

"Well, you can start right here," said Mr. Clay. "My windows need cleaning and my ear needs washing. "

That was the【30】of James' s odd-job (零工) business. For three months he worked every day after finishing his homework. He was amazed by the【31】of jobs that people found for him to do. He took dogs and babies for walks, cleared out cupboards, and mended books. He lost count of the【32】of cars he washed and windows he cleaned, but the【33】increased and he knew that he would soon have【34】for the bicycle he longed for.

The day【35】came when James counted his money and found $ 94.32. He【36】no time and went down to the shop to pick up the bicycle he wanted. He rode【37】"home, looking forward to showing his new bicycle to his friends. It had been hard【38】for the money, but James knew that he valued his bicycle far more【39】he had bought it with his own money. He had【40】 what he thought was impossible, and that was worth even more than the bicycle.







A、A. His swimming skill is too poor to survive.

B、B. His desired job doesn't pay much.

C、C. He didn't get the job he counted on.

D、D. He doesn't have enough money now.

Radio and cinema had one novelty in common: they were forms of communication which dispens
ed with the written word. The written word had gone hand in hand with civilization from the beginning. Now, theoretically, an illiterate could be as well-informed about the world as the best -read man. Reading might have been expected to decline as a result, but this did not happen. Perhaps tile habit was too inbred. Besides, primary education, now almost universal in Europe, made literacy also universal, which had greatly increased their circulation during the First World War, continued to do so after it. In Great Britain, which carded the process furthest, the press by 1930 ranked twelfth among British industries, ahead of shipbuilding. Newspapers now counted their readers by millions where they had previously counted their readers by thousands. They had bigger headlines, shorter paragraphs, simpler writing. They derived their incomes mainly from advertisements, not from the halfpennies or pennies paid by readers. The decisive figure was the proprietor—Northcliffe and Beaverbrook in Great Britain, Hugenberg in Germany—not the editor. Nearly all the great newspapers were conservative in character, and often conservative in allegiance. They were among the most materialistic elements in a materialistic age. Nevertheless, they provided more news than had been provided by even the most esteemed newspaper of a shorter past.

The newspapers, like the cinema and usually the radio, expressed popular culture, and observers talked as though this were the only culture which now existed. The flood of the message was supposed to have submerged the standards of previous times, but this was far from being the case. There was also a middle culture and a high culture—the distinctions between them resting on levels of sophistication (middlebrow and highbrow), not on class. The middlebrow culture was the least interesting, a repetition of past patterns interspersed with lamentations against anything new, either above or below. Those who condemned James Joyce or Picasso also disapproved of the cinema. These middlebrows felt more menaced than before, hence the intolerance which contrasted oddly with their professions of liberalism. Original artists and thinkers were constantly, though ineffectually, harassed. The works of three great British writers—Joyce, D.H. Lawrence, T.E. Lawrence—came under the legal bail of pornography. The organizer of an art exhibition teamed to expect, in England, a visit from the police. In Paris and Berlin he took precautions against riot.

Broadcasting and films were the same in that they both______.

A.used headlines

B.communicated news

C.did without writing

D.advertised through newspapers and magazines

It is very difficult to prove today that a painting done two or three hundred years ago, e
specially one without a signature or with a questionably authentic signature, is indubitably the work of this or that particular artist. This fact gives the traditional attribution of a disputed painting special weight, since that attribution carries the presumption of historical continuity. Consequently, an art historian arguing for a deattribution will generally convince other art historians only if he or she can persuasively argue for a specific reattribution. Which one of the following, if true, most strongly supports the position that the traditional attribution of a disputed painting should not have special weight?

A.Art dealers have always been led by economic self-interest to attribute any unsigned paintings of merit to recognized masters rather than to obscure artists.

B.When a painting is originally created, there are invariably at least some eyewitnesses who see the artist at work, and thus questions of correct attribution cannot arise at that time.

C.There are not always clearly discernible differences between the occasional inferior work produced by a master and the very best work produced by a lesser talent.

D.Attribution can shape perception inasmuch as certain features that would count as marks of greatness in a master"s work would be counted as signs of inferior artistry if a work were attributed to a minor artist.

E.Even though some masters had specialists assist them with certain detail work, such as depicting lace, the resulting works are properly attributed to the masters alone.

听材料,回答下列问题:A.Because it was discovered after Mount Everest.B.Because mos


A.Because it was discovered after Mount Everest.

B.Because most of the mountain is underwater.

C.Because a volcano can’t be counted as a real mountain.

D.Because it locates on the island in the ocean.

The sentence "... it wasn't where you lived but what you did that counted" can be best int
erpreted that ______.

A.nothing is more important than what you did

B.one can decide not where he was born but what he does

C.it was not where you came from but what you did that mattered

D.you can number your actions but not your living place

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