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听力原文: At least 34 people have been killed in the worst rail crash in Zimbabwe' s histo

ry. Police say a passenger train and a freight train loaded with flammable material collided early Saturday. In the resulting fire, most of the dead were burned beyond recognition. According to police, about 60 people were injured in the crash and taken to two hospitals in the mining town of Hwange in northwestern Zimbabwe. Chief superintendent Bothwell Mugariri said it took four hours to put out the fire.

Coincidentally, there was another train accident early Saturday. It was in central Zimbabwe, and it is believed no one was killed or injured.

At least______ people were killed during the crash.





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更多“听力原文: At least 34 people have …”相关的问题
听力原文:Weather scientists call hurricanes by names to make clear which storm they are ta

听力原文: Weather scientists call hurricanes by names to make clear which storm they are talking about. An Australian weather scientist began giving women's names to storms before the end of the nineteenth century. Weather scientists used the names of their girlfriends or wives for storms during World War Two. (33) The United States weather service started officially using women's names for storms in nineteen fifty-three. In nineteen seventy-eight, it began including men's names as well.

(34) Today, scientists make up lists of names years in advance, They agree on them at meetings of the concerned organization. The lists include both American and international names.

The United States National Hurricane Center near Miami, Florida, watches for the development of storms. It gives a name to each one that reaches a wind speed of sixty-two kilometers an hour. A different list of names is used each year. The first name begins with the letter "A". The second begins with "B" and so on. The same list will not be used again for at least six years. The names of storms that have caused extremely severe damage may be retired at the request of the country that was affected. That name will not be used again for at least ten years. (35) This is done to avoid legal problems or confusion. It may be reasonable that the United States asks that the name Katrina be retired.


A.Before 19th century

B.During World War Two

C.In 1978.

D.In 1953.

听力原文:Teams of teachers and school administrators from at least fourteen American citie

听力原文: Teams of teachers and school administrators from at least fourteen American cities are at a conference in Washington. The American Federation of Teachers, a labor union, holds the Quest conference every two years.

This year, one of the subjects is a tutoring program that provides extra help to students in Rochester, New York. The Rochester City School District was one of five in the nation recognized by the Bush administration for their tutoring programs. Tutoring is big business in the United States these days. There are private learning centers where parents can take their children after school. Test preparation companies are also doing well. One reason for all this tutoring is the growing competition for places at top universities. Another influence is the Bush administration’s federal education law, called No Child Left Behind. The law requires services like free tutoring for poor students at schools that fail to meet educational goals for three years. There is federal money to pay the tutors. But the No Child Left Behind law does not say who must do the tutoring. It can be a private company or local teachers. The law does say, however, that the provider must have shown a record of effectiveness in helping students learn. In Rochester, the tutoring is provided by a teachers union, the Rochester Teachers’ Association. The program began in the spring of 2003 with 47 students and 15 tutors.


A.The Washington Federation of Teachers.

B.The National Labor Union.

C.The American Federation of Teachers.

D.The Washington Labor Union.

听力原文:"Damage is expected to total into the tens of millions of dollars after several d

听力原文: "Damage is expected to total into the tens of millions of dollars after several days of flooding in south central Alaska. But it's believed no one has been hurt." Tim Wolston, of member station KSKA in Anchorage reports. "As many as fifteen homes have been destroyed and hundreds more damaged (33)in the town of Seward, southeast of Anchorage. The main road leading into Seward has been washed away cutting off the town from outside. Mayor Harry Giesler says hundreds have been evacuated; others prefer to wait it out. 'You know, Alaskans are a very hearty bunch, and especially people that have things like dog teams and animals. They are very, very reluctant to leave their home as long as it's even there.' (34)Rain is forecast to continue for at least another day in Seward. Meanwhile, north of Anchorage, two bridges have been washed away, (35)and the Alaska Railroad, a major form. of transportation between Anchorage and Fairbanks has been cut off, making it very difficult for residents in interior Alaska to get to five. The governor has issued disaster declarations to free up state fund for emergency relief. The state is hoping for federal assistance as well. For National Public Radio, this is Tim Wolston in Anchorage, Alaska."


A.Southeast of Anchorage.

B.South of Anchorage.

C.Southwest of Anchorage.

D.East of Anchorage.

听力原文:How do the birds manage to find their way? There seems to be no single answer: (3

听力原文: How do the birds manage to find their way? There seems to be no single answer: (32)they use many methods. Some we are beginning to understand; and there may be some that depend on abilities we have not yet suspected. (33) Many birds certainly follow major geographical features. Migrants follow recognized land, fly over familiar sea and arrive at their summer homes.

But all birds cannot use such straightforward methods. An Arctic sea bird, for example, has to fly at least 3,000 kilometers across the Antarctic Ocean with no land to guide it. We know that some birds flying at night, (34) navigate by the star for on cloudy nights they tend to get lost.

Day-flying birds may use the sun. If they are to do so, they must (35) have a precise sense of time. Still others appear to be able to use the earth's magnetic field as a guide. So it seems that many migrating birds must carry in their brains a clock, a compass and the memory of a map.


A.They use many different methods.

B.All birds follow major geographical features.

C.All birds use their memory of a map.

D.We have no information about this.

听力原文:Battle after battle, the Americans suffered heavyloss. GeneralWashington led his

听力原文: Battle after battle, the Americans suffered heavy loss. General Washington led his forces across the Hudson River.' The British close behind, driving Washington further south to the Delaware River. Washington succeeded in getting all his men safely across just before the British troops reached the river.

The British had at least 35,000 troops in their camps, while Washington had only 3,000 fighting men left by this time. Men were leaving the American Army daily. Quite a few of them had left to take care of their farms and families. Others had gone away because they were old and hungry. Nobody could hold these men back. Things began to look black indeed for the revolutionaries. It was at this moment that Tom Paine, then an ordinary soldier in the American camp ,wrote the words, "There are times that try men's souls."


A.The Canadian River.

B.The Hudson River.

C.The Mississippi River.

D.The Amazon River.

听力原文:Shyness is the cause of much unhappiness for a great many people. (32)Shy people

听力原文: Shyness is the cause of much unhappiness for a great many people. (32)Shy people are anxious and self-conscious; that is, they are over-concerned with their own appearance and actions. Worrisome thoughts are Am I wearing unattractive clothes? It is obvious that such uncomfortable feelings must affect people unfavorably. And a person's self concept is reflected in the way he or she behaves and the way a person behaves affects other people's reactions(33)In general, the way people think about themselves has a deep effect on all areas of their lives. Shy people are likely to be passive and easily influenced by others. They need reassurance that they are doing "the right thing". Shy people are very sensitive to criticism. It makes them feel inferior. They also find it difficult to be pleased by praises because they believe they are unworthy of praise.(34) A shy person may respond to a praise with a statement like this one:"You're just saying that to make me feel good. I know it's not true." It of, or at least reduced?(35)Fortunately, people can overcome shyness with determination. It is important for people to accept their weaknesses as well as their strengths, for example, not fair for them to label themselves inferior because they have to be realistic.


A.Their own appearance and actions.

B.Their feelings about others.

C.The reactions to others' words.

D.Their worrisome thoughts.

听力原文: (32)Your assignments this term will be to write two major research papers.One of

听力原文: (32)Your assignments this term will be to write two major research papers.One of the most important things about writing a research paper is giving proper credit of your resources of information. Failure to do this is called plagiarism which is a form. of intellectual dishonesty.

(33)Plagiarism is a kind of stealing or at least an unauthorized borrowing of someone else's ideas. Sometimes inexperienced students will plagiarize unintentionally, and then be surprised when the teacher won't accept their papers, or gives them a failing grade.

The best way to avoid an unintentional plagiarizing is to be very careful in gathering your information. As you take notes on books and magazine articles about the topic you've selected, first try to assimilate the information thoroughly. (34)Secondly, write it down in your own words. This is called paraphrasing. If you do a good job of paraphrasing, you'll capture the main idea from your source without actually using any phrases from it. (34)Most of your notes should probably be paraphrases. However, occasionally you may find something you wish to quote directly in your research paper. In this Case, (35)be sure that you copy the quotation precisely in your notes and enclose it in quotation marks. That way when you're finalizing your research paper, you'll be able to remember which of your notes are direct quotes and which are your own summaries of the material. You can then incorporate them appropriately and give the original author proper credit.


A.Reading magazine articles.

B.Reviewing book reports.

C.Writing research papers.

D.Selecting information sources.

听力原文:When my interest shifted from space to the sea, I never expected it would cause s

听力原文: When my interest shifted from space to the sea, I never expected it would cause such confusion among my friends, yet I can understand their feelings (32) . As I have been writing and talking about space flight for the best part of 20 years, a sudden switch of interest to the depth of the sea does seem peculiar. To explain, I'd like to share my reasons behind this unusual change of mind (35) . The first excuse I give is on economic one. Underwater exploration is so much cheaper than space flight (33) . The first round-trip ticket to the moon is going to cost at least 10 billion dollars if you include research and development. By the end of this century, the cost will be down to a few million. on the other hand, the diving suit and a set of basic tools needed for skin-diving can be bought for 20 dollars. My second argument is more philosophical. The ocean, surprisingly enough, has many things in common with space. In theft different ways, both sea and space are equally hostile. If we wish to survive in either for any length of time, we need to have mechanical aids (34) . The diving suit helped the design of the space suit. The feelings and the emotions of a man beneath the sea will be much like those of a man beyond the atmosphere.


A.They wanted to follow his example.

B.They full supported his undertaking.

C.They were puzzled by his decision.

D.They were afraid he wasn't full prepared.

听力原文:When would be the least busy time to eat in a restaurant?(13)A.During busy times.

听力原文:When would be the least busy time to eat in a restaurant?


A.During busy times.

B.At lunch.

C.At dinner.

D.At either breakfast or lunch.

听力原文:M: Do you brush at least three times a day?W: No, only once a day. You mean, that

听力原文:M: Do you brush at least three times a day?

W: No, only once a day. You mean, that's where the problem lies?

Q: What is the man?




C.Flight attendant.

D.Tour guide.

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