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Thus, the term “Folks from Ten Fuzhou Counties” is used to refer to people of Fuzhou origin.





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更多“Thus, the term “Folks from Ten…”相关的问题
Which of the following statement is false?A.There are no sub-types of definitions becaus
Which of the following statement is false?

A.There are no sub-types of definitions because they are too specific to a given field of knowledge or study.

B.In modern usage, a definition is something, typically expressed in words, that attaches a meaning to a word or group of words.

C.A term may have many different senses and multiple meanings, and thus require multiple definitions.

D.A sentence is composed of words grouped into phrases and clauses.

BrandsThe word brand is a comprehensive term that encompasses other narrower terms. A bran


The word brand is a comprehensive term that encompasses other narrower terms. A brand is a name, term, symbol, and/or special design that is intended to identify the goods or services of one seller or group of sellers. A brand differentiates one seller's products from those of competitors. A brand name consists of words, letters, and/or numbers that can be vocalized. A brand mark is the part of the brand that appears in the form. of a symbol, design, or distinctive coloring or lettering. It is recognized by sight but may not be expressed when a person, pronounces the brand name.

A trademark is a brand that is given legal protection because, under the law, it has been appropriated by one seller. Thus trademark is essentially a legal term. All trademarks are brands and thus include the words, letters, or numbers that can be pronounced. They may also include a pictorial design, Some people erroneously believe that the trademark is only the pictorial part of the brand.

One major method of classifying brands is on the basis of who owns them — producers or middlemen. Sunbeam, Florsheim, Spalding (athletic products), and Sara Lee are producers' brands, while Allstate, Shurfine, Sysco, Craftsman, and Penncrest are middlemen's brands.

The terms national and private have been used to describe producer and middleman brand ownership, respectively. However, marketing people prefer the producer-middleman terminology. To say that the brand of poultry feed marketed in three states by a small Birmingham, Alabama, manufacturer is a national brand, whereas the brands of Penney's or Sears are private brands, stretches the meaning of the terms national and private.

"Brand" is a general term which covers narrower terms such as "brand name", "brand mark", and "trademark."



C.Not mentioned

Come on, my fellow white folks, we have something to confess. Out with it, friends, the bi
ggest secret known to whites since the invention of powdered rouge: welfare is a white program. The numbers go like this: 61% of the population receiving welfare, listed as "means-tested cash assistance" by the Census Bureau, is identified as whit e, while only 33% is identified as black. These numbers notwithstanding, the Republican version of "political correctness" has given us "welfare cheat" as a new term for African American since the early days of Ronald Reagan.

Our confession surely stands: white folks have been gobbling up the welfare budget while blaming someone else. But it's worse than that. If we look at Social Security, which is another form. of welfare, although it is often mistaken for an individual insurance program, then whites are the ones who are crowding the trough. We receive almost twice as much per capita, for an aggregate advantage to our race of $10 billion a year—much more than the $3.9 billion advantage African American gain from their disproportionate share of welfare. One sad reason: whites live an average of six years longer than African Americans, meaning that young black workers help subsidize a huge and growing "over-class" of white retirees. I do not see our confession bringing much relief. There's a reason for resentment, though it has more to do with class than with race. White people are poor too, and in numbers far exceeding any of our more generously pigmented social groups. And poverty as defined by the government is a vast underestimation of the economic terror that persists at incomes—such as $20,000 or even $40,000 and above—that we like to think of as middle class.

The problem is not that welfare is too generous to blacks but that social welfare in general is too stingy to all concerned. Naturally, whites in the swelling "near poor" category resent the notion of whole races supposedly frolicking at their expense. Whites, near poor and middle class, need help too—as do the many African Americans.

So we white folks have a choice. We can keep pretending that welfare is black program and a scheme for transferring our earnings to the pockets of shiftless, dark-skinned people. Or we can clear our throats, blush prettily and admit that we are hurting too—for cash assistance when we're down and out, for health insurance, for college aid and all the rest. Racial scapegoating has its charms, I will admit: the surge of righteous anger, even the fun—for those inclined—of wearing sheets and burning crosses. But there are better, nobler sources of white pride, it seems to me. Remember this: only we can truly, deeply blush.

White folks in U.S. are at a greater advantage in that

A.they obtain more benefits from welfare.

B.they show contempt for African Americans.

C.they blame the blacks for welfare theft.

D.they have a choice to their best interests.

听力原文: Reading to oneself is a modern activity which was almost unknown to the scholars
of the classical and medieval worlds, while during the fifteenth century the term "reading" undoubtedly meant reading aloud. Only during the nineteenth century did silent reading become commonplace.

One should be careful, however, in assuming that silent reading came about simply because reading aloud is a distraction to others. Examination of factors related to the historical development of silent reading reveals that it became the usual mode of reading for most adult reading tasks mainly (27)because the tasks themselves changed in character.

(26)The 19th century saw a steady gradual increase in literacy, and thus in the number of readers. As readers increased, so the number of potential listeners decreased, and thus there was some reduction in the need to read aloud. As reading for the benefit of listeners grew less common, so came the flourishing of reading as a private activity in such public places as libraries, railway carriages and Offices. There reading aloud would cause distraction to other readers.

Towards the end of the century there was still considerable argument over (28)whether books should be used for information, and over whether the reading material such as newspapers was in some way mentally weakening. Indeed this argument remains with us still in education. However, whatever its virtues are, the old shared literacy culture had gone and was replaced by the mass media on the one hand and by books and magazines for a specialized readership on the other. The social, cultural, and technological changes in the century had greatly altered what the term "reading" implied.


A.Silent reading had not been discovered.

B.There were few places available for private reading.

C.Few people could read for themselves.

D.People relied on reading for entertainment.

听力原文: Reading to oneself is a modern activity which was almost unknown to the scholars
of the classical and medieval worlds, while during the fifteenth century the term "reading" undoubtedly meant reading aloud. Only during the nineteenth century did silent reading become commonplace. One should be careful, however, in assuming that silent reading came about simply because reading aloud is a distraction to others. (33)Examination of factors related to the historical development of silent reading reveals that it became the usual mode of reading for most adult reading tasks mainly because the tasks themselves changed in character. (32)The 19th century saw a steady gradual increase in literacy, and thus in the number of readers. As readers increased, so the number of potential listeners decreased, and thus there was some reduction in the need to read aloud. As reading for the benefit of listeners grew less common, so came the flourishing of reading as a private activity in such public places as libraries, railway carriages and offices. There reading aloud would cause distraction to other readers. (34)Towards the end of the century there was still considerable argument over whether books should be used for information, and over whether the reading material such as newspapers was in some way mentally weakening. Indeed this argument remains with us still in education. However, whatever its virtues are, the old shared literacy culture had gone and was replaced by the mass media on the one hand and by books and magazines for a specialized readership on the other. The social, cultural, and technological changes in the century had greatly altered what the term "reading" implied.


A.Silent reading had not been discovered.

B.There were few places available for private reading.

C.Few people could read for themselves.

D.People relied on reading for entertainment.

Reading to oneself is a modern activity which was almost unknown to the scholars of the cl
assical medieval worlds, while during the fifteenth century the term "reading" undoubtedly meant reading aloud. Only during the nineteenth century did silent reading become commonplace.

One should be cautious, however, of assuming that silent reading came about simply because reading aloud is a distraction to others. Examination of factors related to the historical development of silent reading reveals that it became the usual mode of reading for most adult reading tasks mainly because the tasks themselves changed in character.

The last century saw a steady gradual increase in literacy and thus in the number of readers. As readers increased, so the number of potential listeners declined, and thus there was some reduction in the need to read aloud.

As reading for the benefit of listeners grew less common, so came the flourishing of reading as a private activity' in such public places as libraries, railway carriages and offices, where reading aloud would cause distraction to other readers.

Towards the end of the century there was still considerable argument over whether books should be used for information or treated respectfully, and over whether the reading of material such as newspapers was in some way mentally weakening. Indeed this argument remains with us still in education. However, whatever its virtues, the old shared literacy culture had gone and was replaced by the printed mass media on the one hand and by books and periodicals for a specialized readership on the other.

By the end of the century students were being recommended to adopt attitudes to books and to use skills in reading them which were inappropriate, if not impossible, for the oral reader. The social, cultural, and technological changes in the century had greatly altered what the term" reading" implied.

Why was reading aloud common before the nineteen century?

A.Silent reading had not been discovered.

B.There were few places available for private reading.,.

C.Few people could read for themselves.

D.people relied on reading for entertainment.

The term home (Old Norse Heimer, High German heim,...

The term home (Old Norse Heimer, High German heim, Greek komi, meaning "village") has, since a long time, been taken over by two kinds of moralists, both dear to those who wield power. The notion of home became the keystone for a code of domestic morality, safeguarding the property (which included the women) of the family. Simultaneously the notion of homeland supplied a first article of faith for patriotism, persuading men to die in wars which often served no other interest except that of a minority of their ruling class. Both usages have hidden the original meaning. Originally home meant the center of the world--not in a geographical, but in an ontological sense. Mircea Eliade has demonstrated how home was the place from which the world could be founded. A home was established, as he says, "at the heart of the real." In traditional societies, everything that made sense of the world was real; the surrounding chaos existed and was threatening, but it was threatening because it was unreal. Without a home at the center of the real, one was not only shelterless, but also lost in nonbeing, in unreality. Without a home everything was fragmentation. Home was the center of the world because it was the place where a vertical line crossed with a horizontal one. The vertical line was a path leading upwards to the sky and downwards to the underworld.The horizontal line represented the traffic of the world, all the possible roads leading across the earth to other places. Thus, at home, one was nearest to the gods in the sky and to the dead of the underworld. This nearness promised access to both. And at the same time, one was at the starting point and, hopefully, the returning point of all terrestrial journeys. * Originally published in And Our Faces, My Heart, Brief as Photos, by John Berger (Pantheon Books, 1984). In the above definition essay about “home” by John Berger, which of the following statement(s) is (are) correct?

A、The thesis statement: The term home (Old Norse Heimer, High German heim, Greek komi, meaning "village") has, since a long time, been taken over by two kinds of moralists, both dear to those who wield power.

B、Supporting point I: Originally home meant the center of the world--not in a geographical, but in an ontological sense.

C、Supporting point II: Without a home everything was fragmentation.

D、Supporting point III: Home was the center of the world because it was the place where a vertical line crossed with a horizontal one.

E、Conclusion: Thus, at home, one was nearest to the gods in the sky and to the dead of the underworld.

听力原文:Reading to oneself is a modem activity which was almost unknown to the scholars o

听力原文: Reading to oneself is a modem activity which was almost unknown to the scholars of the classical and medieval worlds, while during the fifteenth century the term "reading" undoubtedly meant reading aloud. Only during the nineteenth century did silent reading become commonplace.

One should be careful, however, in assuming that silent reading came about simply because reading aloud is a distraction to others, Examination of factors related to the historical development of silent reading reveals that it became the usual mode of reading for most adult reading tasks mainly because the tasks themselves changed in character.

The 19th century saw a steady gradual increase in literacy, and thus in the number of readers. As readers increased, so the number of potential listeners decreased, and thus there was some reduction in the need to read aloud. As reading for the benefit of listeners grew less common, so came the flourishing of reading as a private activity in such public places as libraries, railway carriages and offices. There reading aloud would cause distraction to other readers.

Towards the end of the century there was still considerable argument over whether books should be used for information, and over whether the reading material such as newspapers was in some way mentally weakening. Indeed this argument remains with us still in education However, whatever its virtues are, the old shared literacy culture had gone and was replaced by the mass media on the one hand and by books and magazines for a specialized readership on the other. The social, cultural, and technological changes in the century had greatly altered what the term "reading" implied.


A.Silent reading had not been discovered.

B.There were few places available for private reading.

C.Few people could read for themselves.

D.People relied on reading for entertainment.

Reading to oneself is a modern activity which was almost unknown to the scholars of the cl
assical. In (1)_____ world during the fifteenth century the term "reading" (2)_____ meant reading aloud. Only during the nineteenth century did silent reading become commonplace. One should be wary, however, of (3)_____ that silent reading came about simply because reading aloud is a(n) (4)_____ to others. Examination of factors related to the (5)_____ development of silent reading reveals that it became the usual mode of reading for most adult reading tasks mainly because the tasks themselves changed in (6)_____.

The last century saw a steady gradual increase in (7)_____ and thus in the number of readers. As readers increased, the number of potential listeners (8)_____, and thus there was some (9)_____ in the need to read aloud. As reading for the benefit of listeners grew less common, so came the flourishing of reading as a (10)_____ activity in such public places as libraries, railway carriages and offices, where reading aloud would (11)_____ distraction to other readers.

Towards the end of the century there was still (12)_____ argument over whether books should be used for information or treated (13)_____, and over whether the reading of material such as newspapers was in some way (14)_____ weakening. Indeed this argument still remains with us in education. (15)_____ its virtues, the old shared literacy culture had gone and was (16)_____ by the printed mass media on the one hand and by books and periodicals for a (17)_____ readership on the other.

By the end of the century students were being recommended to adopt attitudes to books and to use skills in reading them which were inappropriate, (18)_____ not impossible, for the oral reader. The social, cultural, and technological changes in the century had greatly (19)_____ what the term "reading" (20)_____.





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