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Before Gibson, popular discourse surrounding the Information Age oftendepicted the current

Before Gibson, popular discourse surrounding the Information Age often

depicted the current era as one in which advanced technologies liberate the

worker from the burden of material labor, yet despite their claims for a radical

break with the past, such representations both draw upon, and reinforce,

(5) traditional Western conceptions of the autonomous laborer as an active, organic

subject distinct from the passive inorganic machine. In contrast, Gibson's

characters struggle to comprehend how bodies themselves are marked by

historical and material circumstances, and by extending their epistemological

systems to process their technological markings, such characters are able to

(10) forge limited alliances with one another and retain their agency without

disappearing into—or fleeing from—this brave new world. Unfortunately,

Gibson does not wholeheartedly champion these alternative models of labor and

agency over their dominant counterparts—they are maintained at only great

physical and social cost—but the Neuromancer trilogy takes an important step

(15) toward revealing the limits of our traditional conceptions of the laboring body.

The passage is primarily concerned with doing which of the following?

A.Lauding Gibson's achievement in recognizing the usefulness of traditional Western values toward technology

B.Advocating Gibson's work as an example of an unorthodox and useful view of the body's relationship to labor

C.Criticizing Gibson's lack of reliance on alternative models of labor

D.Advancing a thesis concerning the limitations of traditional conceptions of the laboring body

E.Explaining, on the level of craft, how Gibson's work varies from that of his peers

提问人:网友zhb_999 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“Before Gibson, popular discour…”相关的问题
I think you will love this house once we get inside—the pictures really don't ________ its charm.

A、do justice to

B、live up to



The distinction between making art and thinking and writing about it

should imply neither a mutual exclusiveness nor a hierarchic differentiation of

these processes. Leonardo demonstrated that producing art and theorizing about

it need not be antithetically opposed activities and that meaningful contributions

(5) can be achieved successfully in more than one field. Inexplicably, few theorists

have built as memorable architectural structures as his and even fewer artists

have been entrusted with the directorship of an influential art institution.

Unfortunately, as theory and practice became more specialized in the modern

era and their operational framework clearly defined both in the cultural milieu

(10) and the educational process, their independent paths and boundaries have

curtailed possibilities of interaction. The creations of categories and divisions

have further emphasized highly individualized idiosyncrasies and, by exposing

differences, diminished the value of a unifying artistic vocabulary. The

transformative cultural process of the last decades has critically examined the

(15) artificial separations between theoretical and studio practices and disclosed

viable connections between making, writing, thinking, looking and talking

about art. The recent dialogue between the various components of the artistic

discourse has recognized the common denominators shared by theoretical

analyses and artistic production, one of which is clearly exposed by the

(20) argument that the central objective of the theorist and artist is to unmask and

understand artistic meanings in painting or text.

The notion that "true" art is the product of individuals who are incapable of

in-depth understanding, in stark contrast to erudite, restrained and controlled

scholars, is an outdated model. The assumption that artists make art but cannot

(25) or do not have to talk or write about it and that theorists rarely know anything

about the creative process, has been consistently refuted by the many texts

written from Leonardo da Vinci to Mary Kelly. Even van Gogh, a martyr of the

stereotypical "misunderstood genius," whose artistic career has been distorted

by scores of films and books, wrote with lucidity and insight about art and his

(30) work. Apparently, the "mystery" of the creative process, jealously protected

by artists but also selectively cultivated by some art historians has been both a

fascination and frustration for those extrinsic to the process and artists have

exposed the intimacy of creativity while acknowledging the role of cognition in


(35) Even the ironic and subversive demise of authorship of the post-modern and

electronic age acknowledges, at least indirectly, the value of the artist's

individual participation. However, many contemporary artists have abandoned

the hierarchic segregation of the inner realm of the creator and, by combining

theoretical and studio practices, brought a reconciliatory tone to the processes

(40) of making art and analyzing it. Their works, which are often simultaneously

artistic productions and critique of the artistic discourse, make use of visual and

textual forms to expose the connection between looking and thinking as the

essential attribute to both creating and understanding art.

According to the passage, the specialization of art and theory has tended to

A.reduce the level of control artists have over artistic institutions

B.increase the usefulness of creating a unifying artistic vocabulary

C.permit a greater level of development of knowledge concerning both

D.curtail interactions and establish false boundaries between the two fields

E.complicate the educational process of artists in an unfortunate manner

The number of people 85 or older in the United States started increasing dramatically during the last ten years. The good health care that these people enjoyed in the United States during their vulnerable childhood years is primarily responsible for this trend. Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the explanation above?

A.Seventy-five percent of the people in the United States who are 85 or older are the children of people who themselves lived less than 65 years.

B.The people in the United States who are now 85 represent an age group that was smaller in numbers at birth than the immediately preceding and succeeding age groups.

C.Thirty-five percent of the people in the United States who are 85 or older require some form. of twenty-four-hour nursing care.

D.Many of the people in the United States who are 85 or older immigrated to the United States when they were 20 years old or older.

E.Because of decreased federal funding for medical care for pregnant mothers and for children, the life expectancy of United States citizens is likely to decrease.

Red blood cells in which the malarial-fever parasite resides are eliminated from a persons body after 120 days. Because the parasite cannot travel to a new generation of red blood cells, any fever that develops in a person more than 120 days after that person has moved to a malaria-free region is not due to the malarial parasite. Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the conclusion above?

A.The fever caused by the malarial parasite may resemble the fever caused by flu viruses.

B.The anopheles mosquito, which is the principal insect carrier of the malarial parasite, has been eradicated in many parts of the world.

C.Many malarial symptoms other than the fever, which can be suppressed with antimalarial medication, can reappear within 120 days after the medication is discontinued.

D.In some cases, the parasite that causes malarial fever travels to cells of the spleen, which are less frequently eliminated from a person" s body than are red blood cells.

E.In any region infested with malaria-carrying mosquitoes, there are individuals who appear to be immune to malaria.







The passage would be most likely to appear as part of

A.a book review summarizing an innovative new approach to analyzing the source of gender codes in music

B.an essay describing broad trends in the practice of musical criticism

C.a textbook on the application of new critical methods to older forms of music

D.a report to musicologists on the relationship between gendered music and the avant-garde

E.an article supplying reasons why the critic is just as important as the composer in establishing the gendering of a piece of music

It can be inferred from the passage that economic theory as it presently stands would most likely apply to which of the following situations?

A.A parliamentary system, where senior members vote by secret ballot.

B.An arts guild, where voting authority is determined by the level of skill at a craft.

C.A fan club, where a president elects other members of the club.

D.A board of trustees group, where all members vote to make company decisions.

E.A monarchy, where a king consults his vassal lords before making decisions.







Ancient people felt much ______ concerning the notion that the appearance of comets was inauspicious, but nevertheless exhibited ______ concerning the proper reaction to the phenomenon.

A.conviction ... apprehension

B.apathy... ignorance

C.disparity... discord

D.consensus ... disagreement

E.suspicion... hesitancy

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