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听力原文:Interviewer: Welcome to our University Radio programme entitled "Leaping the Lang

uage Barrier". My guests today are Tony Wu, a Master's student from China, Susan Hall, International Student Liaison, and Wendy Clark, Head of the ESL Unit here at the university. Tony, you're starting your Master's degree in a few weeks, aren't you?

Tony Wu: Yes, I am. I'll be taking a Master's in Computing. Like many overseas students, I found the selection process tough. Making the transition from undergraduate studies to postgraduate research is hard enough for a native speaker, but my lack of fluency in English was a bigger hurdle. So, I decided to take a pre-Master's course.

Interviewer: Susan, are these courses popular?

Susan Hall: Not at the moment, but each year, over 100000 overseas students apply to study for a postgraduate degree in this country. Many of these students, like Tony, need to work on their English to get the maximum benefit from their time here. Paying full fees, these students represent a significant source of income for the universities. As a result, a growing number of universities and private colleges are offering foundation or pre-Master's courses. The pre-Master's courses are designed to bridge the gap between undergraduate studies and a postgraduate degree taught in English.

Tony Wu: That's right. I won my place on the Master's course after attending a nine-month pre-masters programme at the International Foundation College, a private language and study skills school approved by universities in this country.

Interviewer: Wendy, you're an ESL professional. How useful are these courses?

Wendy Clark: Very useful indeed. As Susan said, many students come here with some English, but not really enough to take full advantage of having an education in an English-speaking country. Pre-Master's courses bring language proficiency up to a more acceptable level. Students develop language skills through classroom interaction and by being part of the wider community, living among native English speakers.

Interviewer: Tony, how successful were the other students on your course?

Tony Wu: The IFC pre-Master's course started in January with 28 students, all from China. All but five gained places on university Master's courses. The IFC was very happy with the success rate.

Interviewer: Wendy, Tony didn't do his course here, but this university does have a pre-Master's course, doesn't it?

Wendy Clark: Yes, it does. In this country, at least a dozen universities now run courses specially designed to cater for the needs of students from overseas regions--particularly Russia, Japan, China, East and South Asia. On top of that, private colleges are starting to enter the market, although most stick to what they do best--improving students' English language test scores. Last year, we prepared 80 foreign students--mostly from China, South East Asia, Iran and the, former Soviet republics-for masters degrees at universities in this country. Studied over an academic year, the course is demanding. Students from a range of disciplines are taught by a subject specialist, with an English language teacher working alongside to review students' comprehension and written work. The course culminates in a mini dissertation prepared over four months.

Interviewer: Did you find that difficult, Tony?

Tony Wu: I certainly did!

Wendy Clark: I believe that a pre-Master's course should do a lot more than boost language skills. It's also about preparing students from different cultural backgrounds to succeed in the academic world. We prepare them to look at a variety of sources, anal-yse the pros and cons, put forward their own ideas, challenge their tutors and take part in rigorous discussion.

Interviewer: Wendy, has the course nm at this university been successful?

Wendy Clark: The results here speak for themselves. The one-year pre-Master's programme has a 90% success rate and a smattering of students go on to Har

A.Tony Wu, an undergraduate student from China, Susan Hall, International Student, and Wendy Clark, Head of the University.

B.Tony Wu, a Master's student from China, Susan Hall, International Student, and Wendy Clark, Head of the ESL Unit.

C.Tony Wu, a Master's student from China, Susan Hall, International Student Liaison, and Wendy Clark, Head of English.

D.Tony Wu, a Master's student from China, Susan Hall, International Student Liaison, and Wendy Clark, Head of the ESL Unit.

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更多“听力原文:Interviewer: Welcome to o…”相关的问题
___________ are not recommended---unless an interviewer specifically asked you to follow up by phone.
Before the interview, you could do these preparations including____.

A、Clearing with interview time and location

B、Researching the company

C、Preparing some copies of your resumes

D、Practicing introduction and interview questions

You are expected to get to the interview or a few minutes early.
【简答题】If an interviewer asks “What are your strengths”, how will you answer this question?
If interviewer called you at a once, and you were not ready to interview, you may say:

A、I am sorry. I didn’t get your name. Could you repeat it, please?

B、I’m glad you called, but I have the class at 2 p.m. Could we arrange another time to speak?

C、I am sorry we seem to have a bad connection. Could you speak a little louder?

D、Could you please slow down just a little bit?

______ helps the interviewer decide whether to bring an applicant into the office for an interview.
During the interview, you can place emphasis on salary, location, and even the company.
I'm afraid you have been speaking too fast to make yourself (understand) ________.
听力原文:W: Welcome to our program, Business World, Mr. Northfield.

M: It's my pleasure to be invited to share my experiences with you here, Mrs. Breece.

W: I think you won't mind if we start with the sensitive problem your company is faced with recently.

M: Sensitive problem? Interesting? I'm listening.

W: Yeah… Is it true, Mr. Northfield, that Flasxco intends to close down even more of its European plants?

M: I'm not sure what you are getting at. Who has mentioned any closures of more plants in the first place?

W: Well, then I'll put it another way, are European operations going to be reduced along the lines of recent years? I mean, it is true that Flaxco has taken over several companies abroad, particularly in the USA and has even expanded its workforce there.

M: Yes. But that doesn't mean closing down more plants in Europe. It's not part of our plan yet.

W: A large number of jobs have been lost, though, at your European plants?

M: Look, let me try and put things into perspective for you. I'll give you some facts. First of all, our production resources have been concentrated steadily over the past few years. But it's inevitable for a national brand or even a local brand to go international these days, you know. So, now we have focused our manufacturing fadlities in Europe, but not only here.

W: After closing down two plants in Antwerp and Leeds and 3,000 workers lost their jobs?

M: Sorry, I haven't finished yet. Let me continue. We have limited our production in Europe to certain medicines which are prescribed in large quantities. But that ~ s not the sole reason we have closed down two plants. This appears to be something you've neglected to mention: we have been expanding our business activities abroad, which is an inevitable trend in the new millennium.

W: Since your business is expanding, have you any plans to increase the workforce here in Europe, Mr. Northfield? With the unemployment rate here as high as 9 percent this year, I'm sure many people would be keen to hear what you have to say on the subject.

M: I really must insist once more that it's impossible to view the performance of the company solely from the point of view of Europe and it's also unrealistic to rely on one corporation to alleviate the problem of unemployment. I'd like to stress the very successful performance of the group over the past few years: we made a net profit of 1 billion euros during this time and of course contributed a lot to the government. Indeed it would be stupid and impossible to do so, I mean, to increase the workforce here in Europe alone because we have nearly two thirds of our workforee in subsidiaries and associated companies overseas.

W: Is it true that it wasn't always like that?

M: As I was saying, we have 60% of our employees involved outside of Europe, which may give you an indication of how international our company has become. It's just like our U.S. competitors setting up branches here in Europe. You know, it's the globalization that makes things different now.

W: Could I ask you another question concerning the R&D expenditure of the group? Is this going to be made in Europe or around the world?.

M: I want to repeat what I've been saying: we are an international corporation and we have a research facility in Italy, which as you know, is very important. Furthermore, we have just started a new research unit in the USA, which is inevitable, given the large size of our operations in that country and the expansion of our market share there in the past 6 or 7 years.


11.Which is NOT true about the closing down of European plants according to the talk?

12.Which seems to be the woman's attitude towards Flaxco?

13.Which of the following statements is true according to the talk?

14.Where do most of Flaxco's employees work?

15.Why has a new research unit been started in the USA by Flaxco?


A.Two plants have already been closed down.

B.Mr. Northfield has no plan to close down more European plants yet.

C.The closing down of the two plants is partly a result of Flaxco~s going international.

D.The expansion of business will lead to more cut in the workforce and thus result in the closing down of more European plants.

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