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The following suggestions increase 'programs' (69)and make them easier to Maintain: 1.Use

The following suggestions increase 'programs' (69) and make them easier to Maintain:

1.Use a standard indention technique,blank lines,form. feeds,and spaces.

2.Insert plenty of (70) into your code.





提问人:网友softtesting 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“The following suggestions incr…”相关的问题
In business letter, there are many ways of complementary close to show respect.
The _________ population of this small town is about 15,000. (estimate; 请用所给单词的合适形式填空。)
Question 37 to 46 are based on the following passage.

It's our guilty pleasure: Watching TV is the most common everyday activity, after work and sleep, in many parts of the world. Americans view five hours of TV each day, and while we know that spending so much time sitting(37)_____ can lead to obesity(肥胖症)and other disease, researchers have now quantified just how(38)_____ being a couch potato can be.

In an analysis of data from eight large(39)_____ published studies, a Harvard-led group reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association that for every two hours per day spent channel(40)_____, the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes(糖尿病)rose 20% over 8.5 years, the risk of heart disease increased 15% over a(41)_____, and the odds of dying prematurely(42)_____ 13% during a seven-year follow-up. All of these(43)_____ are linked to a lack of physical exercise. But compared with other sedentary(久坐的)activities, like knitting, viewing TV may be especially(44)_____ at promoting unhealthy habits. For one, the sheer number of hours we pass watching TV dwarfs the time we spend on anything else. And other studies have found that watching ads for beer and popcorn may make you more likely to(45)_____ them.

Even so, the authors admit that they didn't compare different sedentary activities to(46)_____ whether TV watching was linked to a greater risk of diabetes, heart disease or early death compared with, say, reading.
















Directions: Fill in the blank in the following sentence with an exact word from the text. Schools fail to adequately teach the essential framework of language, accurate grammar and proper vocabulary, () they should take the responsibility of pushing the young onto the path of competent communication.

完形填空。????The following Monday Steve arrived at...
The following Monday Steve arrived at school on time, and he waited for Miss White to enter the classroom.

She1, all smiles! God, she was beautiful! He yearned (渴望) for her smile to2on him. It did not.

Miss White, immediately, gave a quiz on the weekend homework. Steve3the test, and was the first to

hand in his paper. With a look of4, Miss White took his paper. Obviously puzzled, she began to look it over.

Steve walked back to his5, his heart pounding within his chest. As he sat down, he couldn't resist (忍住)

another look at the6woman.

Miss White's face was in total7! She glanced up at Steve, then down, then up; Suddenly, her face broke

into a complete8. The smartest boy in the seventh grade had just passed his first9!

From that moment10was the same for Steve. Life at home remained the same, but life still11. He

discovered that not only could he12, but he was good at it! He discovered that he could understand and get

13, and that he could translate the things he learned into his own life. Steve began to excel (优秀)! And he

continued this14throughout his school life.

After high-school Steve enlisted (参加) in the Navy, and he had a(n)15military career. During that time,

he met the love of his life, he16a family, and he graduated from college Magna Cum Laude. During his Naval

career, he17many young people, who without him, might not have believed in themselves. Steve began a

second18after the Navy, and he continues to inspire others, as an adjunct (助手) professor in a nearby college.

Miss White left a great legacy (遗产). She19one boy who has changed many lives. I know, because I am

the love of his life.

You see, it's20, really. A change took place within the heart of one boy, all because of one teacher, who


(    )1. A. walked in

(    )2. A. rely

(    )3. A. looked through

(    )4. A. unbelief

(    )5. A. room

(    )6. A. lovely

(    )7. A. happiness

(    )8. A. laughter

(    )9. A. paper

(    )10. A. everything

(    )11. A. changed

(    )12. A. learn

(    )13. A. information

(    )14. A. subject

(    )15. A. easy

(    )16. A. left

(    )17. A. inspired

(    )18. A. school

(    )19. A. loved

(    )20. A. simple

B. passed by

B. turn

B. glanced through

B. joy

B. blackboard

B. strict

B. shock

B. cries

B. test

B. everybody

B. passed

B. write

B. skills

B. course

B. hard

B. raised

B. taught

B. service

B. saved

B. important

C. looked out

C. mind

C. hurried through

C. surprise

C. paper

C. maths

C. anger

C. smile

C. seat

C. nobody

C. improved

C. listen

C. knowledge

C. test

C. long

C. support

C. helped

C. career

C. treated

C. difficult

D. moved out

D. try

D. went through

D. sadness

D. desk

D. young

D. disappointment

D. amazement

D. class

D. nothing

D. stayed

D. speak

D. grades

D. speed

D. successful

D. met

D. liked

D. life

D. hated

D. necessary

Is life today more dangerous than it used to be? It certainly seems that way.With the radiation emitted by our houses,the arsenic(砷)in the water and the toxic rays

coming out of cell phones,it isn't really safe to sleep,drink or talk.

Last week the entire Metro system in Washmgton had to close down because some- one might be blown onto the tracks during a hurricane.This week children in Washing- ton were not allowed to go to school for a whole day because streets were blocked by fallen trees and power 1ines,and traffic lights at some intersections weren't working.A previous generation might have walked around the fallen trees and looked both ways be- fore crossing the street,but the children of this generation clearly live in a much more dangerous world,and we need to protect them.

After Sept.11,2001,thousands of people swore off airplanes and began driving cars.In fact,the odds of being killed in a terrorist incident in 2002 were one in 9 mil- lion.In that same year,the odds of dying in a traffic accident were about one in 7,000.

By taking the precaution of not flying,many people died.

There are some clear psychological explanations for some of this.It's a fact that people fear man-made disasters(terrorism)far more than they fear natural disasters (hurricanes),and they are more afraid of things they do not control,which is why driv- ing a car does feel safer than flying in an airplane.Also,although I have no proof,I'll hazard a guess that people are disproportionately frightened by things they read about in the newspaper.By contrast,they are disproportionately willing to discount the evidence

of their own experience.If you look around your neighborhood,you’1l notice that the

water is clean—which it wouldn't necessarily have been 100 years ago—and that the food isn’t rotten or stale.

Life is far safer for the average American than it ever has tor j ust about anyboay at any other time in human history—and maybe that explains the ludicrous precautions that city officials and federal bureaucrats and everyone else feels obligated to take nowadavs to satisfy the public's demands.Now that we'Ve eliminated most of the things that

the human race once feared,we've just invented new ones to replace them.

31.Children are not allowed to go to school for the following reasons EXCEPT .

A.fallen trees

B.fallen power lines

C.a coming hurricane

D.broken traffic lights

32.It can be learned from the passage that the previous generation .

A.knew better how to avoid danger

B.was less fussy about dangers

C.1ived in a more dangerous world

D.was better at protecting themselves

33.Which is the accepted psychological explanation for people's fear as mentioned in the passage?

A.People are more afraid of things they do not know than things they are familiar with.

B.People are more afraid of dangers reported in newspapers than those they experience.

C.People are more afraid of flying in an airplane than riding a train.

D.People are more afraid of terrorist disasters than natural disasters.

34.It is indicated in the passage that in the past

A.life was more enjoyable

B.water was less clean and fresh

C.foods were of better taste and quality

D.streets were safer for children to cross

35.The author believes that .

A.people are overreacting to dangers nowadays

B.people have good reason to fear the dangers today

C.life is full of dangers,especially after the 9.11 attacks

D.children should be better protected against dangers

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