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Having nouns and verbs is the common feature of all languages. ()

提问人:网友lixin080108 发布时间:2022-01-07
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Although an ( ) is not legally binding upon either the exporter or the importer, it is the first step towards successful business and should be handled with great care.

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Those who ______ doctor-assisted suicide say the terminally ill should not have to suffer.





Of all the websites, one that has attracted attention recently is my space.com. Most of this attention has come from the hacks is indeed a tough reality, shutting down the site is not the answer. If my space.com shut down, another site would place. Therefore, the right way is to teach teens how to use the site safely and educate them . One of the good way is to change the privacy setting on your profile to “private” actually post their home and school addresses, date of birth, and so on, often predators know exactly where they will be The most information that is safe is your first name and province. Anything more is basically life. Another big problem is photos. I suggest skipping photos and never posting a photo of a friend online without his or her how well you think you know this person. There are no guarantees that they have told the truth.

1. Most of this attention has come from the hacks is indeed a tough reality, shutting down the site is not the answer.

2. One of the good way is to change the privacy setting on your profile to “private” actually post their home and school addresses, date of birth, and so on.

3. If my space.com shut down, another site would place. Therefore, the right way is to teach teens how to use the site safely and educate them .

4. Another big problem is photos. I suggest skipping photos and posting a photo of a friend online without his or her how well you think you know this person.

5. There are no guarantees that they have told the truth.


Of all the people on my holiday shopping list, there was one little boy for whom buying a gift had become increasingly difficult. He ’s a wonderful child, adorable and loving, and he ’s not f irritable or spoiled. Though he lives across the country from me, I receive regular updates and photos, and he likes all the things that the boys his age want to play with. Shopping for him should be easy, but I find it hard to summon up any enthusiasm, because in all the years I ’ve giv presents, he never once sent me a thank-you note.

“Sending thank-you notes is becoming a lost art, ” mourns Mary Mitchell, a syndicated columnist known as “Ms. Demeanor”and author of six etiquette books. In her view, each generation, compared with the one before, is losing a sense of consideration for other people. “Without respect, ” she says, “you have conflict. ”

Ms. Demeanor would be proud of me: I have figured out a way to ensure that my children always send thank-you notes. And such a gesture is important, says Ms. Demeanor, because “a grateful attitude is a tremendous life skill, an efficient and inexpensive way to set ourselves apart in the work force and in our adult lives. Teach your children that the habit of manners comes from inside ― it ’s an attitude based on respecting other people. ”

A few years ago, as my children descended like piranhas on their presents under the Christmas tree, the only attitude I could see was greed. Where was the appreciation of time and effort?

A thank-you note should contain three things: an acknowledgement of the gift (Love the tie with the picture of a hose on it); a recognition of the time and effort spent to select it (You must have shopped all over the state to find such a unique item!); a prediction of how you will use your gift or the way it has enhanced your life (I ’ll be sure to wear it to the next Mr. Ed convention!).

So, five years ago, in one of my rare flashes of parental insight, I decided that the most appropriate time to teach this basic courtesy is while the tinsel is hot. To the horror of my children, I announced that henceforth every gift received will be an occasion for a thank-you note written immediately, on the spot. I have explained to my kids how I have reacted to not hearing from the little boy ― how it made me fell unappreciated and unmotivated to repeat the process next year.

I have reluctantly given my kids the green light to send e-mail thank-you notes; though hand-lettered ones (at least to me) still seem friendlier. But pretty much any thank -you makes the gift giver feel special ― just as, we hope, the recipient feels. It ’s a gesture that perfectly c the spirit of the holidays.

The author felt unmotivated when buying a gift for the little boy because he ________.

A.purposely intended not to show gratitude for her kindness and consideration

B.had never expressed appreciation of the gifts he received in previous years.

C.had no idea how thoughtful she was in choosing a gift for him

D.didn’t like any of the gift she had given him

According to Ms. Demeanor, showing appreciation has the benefit of ________.A.forming the habit of good manners

B.regaining the lost art of expressing thanks

C.motivating the gift giver to buy more gifts

D.distinguishing oneself from others in work and life

In a thank-you note, “The book will be my good companion when I am alone”serves as ________.A.a recognition of the time and effort spent to select it

B.an announcement of how it has enhanced your life

C.a prediction of how you will use your gift

D.an acknowledgement of the gift

What does the author mean by “while the tinsel is hot (Line 2, Para. 6)?A.The moment her kids receive a gift.

B.The moment she starts choosing gifts for each kid.

C.When the art of sending thank-you notes isn’t lost yet.

D.When her kids still remember who bought the gifts for them.

FCA and CPT have one thing in common that the seller delivers when the goods are handed over to the carrier nominated by the buyer.
Due to the advent of feminism and oral birth control in the 1960’s, more of the power in dating fell towards women.
For a few minutes he tapped the switch after each flash. Choose the correct definition of the underlined expression according to the context.





25. _________ refers to losing one’s cultural identity and not having any psychological contact with the larger society.

A、A. Marginalization

B、B. Acculturation

C、C. Culture shock

D、D. Separation and segregation

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