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Sontag was active in writing and speaking about, or travelling to, areas of conflict, incl

uding during the Vietnam War and the Siege of Sarajevo. She wrote extensively about photography, culture and media, AIDS and illness, human rights, and communism and leftist ideology.

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更多“Sontag was active in writing a…”相关的问题

You should about 20 minutes on Questions 14-17 which are based on Reading Passage 2 below.

Wheel of Fortune

Emma Duncan discusses the potentiaI effects on the entertainment industry of the digital revolution


Since moving pictures were invented a century ago,a new way of distributing entertainment to consumers has emerged about once every generation.Each such innovation has changed the industry irreversibly;each has been accompanied by a period of fear mixed with exhilaration.The arrival of digital technology, which translates music.pictures and text into the zeros and ones of computer language,marks one of those periods.


This may sound familiar, because the digital revolution,and the explosion of choice that would go with it, has been heralded for some time.In 1992,John Malone,chief executive of TCI,an American cable giant.welcomed the '500-channel universe'.Digital television was about to deliver everything except pizzas to people's living rooms.When the entertainment companies tried out the technology, it worked fine-but not at a price that people were prepared to pay.


Those 500 channels eventually arrived but via the Internet and the PC rather than through television.The digital revolution was startinq to affect the entertainment business in unexpected ways.Eventually it will chanqe every aspect of it,from the way cartoons are made to the way films are screened to the way people buy music.That much is clear.What nobody is sure of is how it will affect the economics of the business.


New technologies always contain within them both threats and opportunities.They have the potential both to make the companies in the business a great deal richer, and to sweep them away.Old companies always fear new technology.Hollywood was hostile to television,television terrified by the VCR.Go back far enough,points out Hal Varian.an economist at the University of California at Berkeley, and you find publishers complaining that' circulating libraries' would cannibalise their sales.Yet whenever a new technology has come in,it has made more money for existing entertainment companies. The proliferation of the means of distribution results,gratifyingly, in the proliferation of dollars,pounds, pesetas and the rest to pay for it.


All the same,there is something in the old companies' fears.New technologies may not threaten their lives.but they usually change their role.Once television became widespread,film and radio stopped being the staple form. of entertainment.Cable television has undermined the power of the broadcasters.And as power has shifted the movie studios,the radio companies and the television broadcasters have been swallowed up.These days,the grand old names of entertainment have more resonance than power.Paramount is part of Viacom,a cable company; Universal,part of Seagram, a drinks-and-entertainment company; MGM,once the roarinq lion of Hollywood,has been reduced to a whisper because it is not Dart of one of the giants.And RCA,once the most important broadcasting company in the world,is now a recording label belonging to Bertelsmann,a large German entertainment company.



War has escaped the battlefield and now can, with modern guidance systems on missiles, touch virtually every square yard of the earth‟s surface. War has also lost most of its utility in achieving the traditional goals of conflict. (1)Control of territory carries with it the obligation to provide subject peoples certain administrative, health, education, and other social services; such obligations far exceed the benefits of control. If the ruled population is racially different from the rulers, tensions and constant unrest often exist which further reduce the benefits and increase the costs of domination. (2)Large populations no longer necessarily enhance state power and, in the absence of high levels of economic development, can impose severe burdens on food supply, jobs, and the broad range of services expected of modern governments.


It was recently reported in a newspaper that six students who shared a dorm at a local university hired a cleaner to do laundry and cleaning once a week. And each of them paid her 60 yuan a month. This has led to a heated debate as to whether college students should hire cleaners.

Write on ANSWER SHEET THREE a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:

Should College Students Hire Cleaners?

You are to write in three parts.

In the first part, state clearly what your view is.

In the second part, support your view with appropriate reasons.

In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.

Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.


Read the following five sentences and match each sentence with one of the extracts below. The five extracts are from a passage about services and e-commerce. ( ) 1 Early attempts at trading services electronically failed. ( ) 2 Companies are sometimes graded on the service they have provided. ( ) 3 It is easy to find service providers through e-commerce. ( ) 4 Customers do not always expect to pay for online services. ( ) 5 Services as well as goods can be bought online. A. E-commerce used to be just about buying products. But now firms everywhere have launched electronic marketplaces for services of all sorts―from gardening advice to financial planning. If services now exist in the online world, those markets will become more competitive―as they have for computers and other items sold over the Internet. B. In the 1980s, the late Phil Salin dreamed up the American Information Exchange, a marketplace for research, consulting, and computer code. But it never really became successful, largely because it came before the Internet: Much of the cash and effort went into trying to create a network. C . Advoco, one of the few service markets that is already online, employs experts who want to give advice. Users then choose one of the “advisers” directly or post a question on a bulletin board that others can answer with a bid. Once the service is delivered and paid for, users rate the sellers on a scale from one (lowest) to five (highest) and post comments about them. D. Supply of labor is not likely to be a problem for service sites. Some companies already have hundreds of professionals, attracted by word of mouth alone. Joining is free―and more promising than an expensive ad. What is more, for professionals living in developing countries, these online forums offer a unique opportunity to enter richer service markets. E. Whether there is enough demand for service sites is questionable. Small businesses and independent professionals, always short of time, might be interested. But to be widely successful, Internet service markets have to overcome cultural barriers. Individuals are used to getting advice free over the Internet and will hesitate to employ a service provider whom they have never met face to face.

Before you come to a university campus, and live on the campus, you must be accepted as a student.
Robert Browning is known for his development and masterly creation of the “ _________ monologue.”
Sontag not often wrote about the intersection of high and low art and expanded the dichotomy concept of form and art in every medium.
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