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One can type better if he is relaxed because______.A.his muscles and nerves have learned t

One can type better if he is relaxed because______.

A.his muscles and nerves have learned to do the job well

B.this skill requires concentration on the details while typing

C.man was born with this kind of skills inbuilt

D.he can better exercise his authority over the fingers

提问人:网友ashxixi 发布时间:2022-01-06
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The great advance in rocket theory 40 years ago showed that liquid-fuel rockets were far s
uperior in every respect to the skyrocket with its weak solid fuel, the only kind of rocket then known. However, during the last decade, large solid-fuel rockets with solid fuels about as powerful as liquid fuels have made their appearance, and it is a favorite layman's question to inquire which one is "better". The question is meaningless; one might as well ask whether a gasoline or a diesel engine is "better". It all depends on the purpose. A liquid-fuel rocket is complicated, but has the advantage that it can be controlled beautifully. The burning of the rocket engine can be stopped completely: it can be re-ignited when desired. In addition, the thrust can be made to vary by adjusting the speed of the fuel pumps. A solid-fuel rocket, on the other hand, is rather simple in construction, though hard to build when a really large size is desired. But once you have a solid-fuel rocket, it is ready for action at very short notice. A liquid-fuel rocket has to be fueled first and cannot be held in readiness for very long after it has been fueled. However, once a solid-fuel rocket has been ignited, it will keep burning. It cannot be stopped and re-ignited whenever desired (it could conceivably be stopped and re-ignited after a pre-calculated time of burning has elapsed) and its thrust cannot be varied. Because a solid-fuel rocket can be kept ready for a long time, most military missiles employ solid fuels, but manned space flight needs the fine adjustments that can only be provided by liquid fuels. It may be added that a liquid-fuel rocket is an expensive device; a large solid-fuel rocket is, by comparison, cheap. But the solid fuel, pound per pound; costs about 10 times as much as the liquid fuel. So you have, on the one, hand, an expensive rocket with a cheep fuel and on the other hand a comparatively cheap rocket with an expensive fuel.

The author feels that a comparison of liquid and solid-fuel rockets shows that ______.

A.neither type is very economical

B.the liquid-fuel rocket is best

C.each type has certain advantages

D.the solid-fuel rocket is hest

Designing the resume for the best eye attraction is not an unchangeable matter. As there i
s no so-called the best arrangement, your best way is to arrange your resume as a printer does. Your objective is to work out an arrangement of type and space that looks good to readers' eyes. Even so, you had better do well to use the following general plan for arranging your resume.

Your overall margins on the top, left, and right sides of the page will look better if they are at least one inch. A minimum margin of about one and a half inches is good for the bottom. Your listing of the items looks best by rows(or columns) if the items are short and can be set up with two separate rows, one on the left and one on the right side of the page. Longer items of information are more suitably set up in lines extending across the page. In any event, you should do well to avoid long and narrow columns of data with large sections of wasted space showing on either side. Likewise, any arrangement that gives a heavy crowded effect does not please readers' eyes. Extra spacing between subdivisions are especially effective in pleasing readers' eyes.

What does this passage mainly describe?

How to ______.

听力原文:The great advance in rocket theory 40 years ago showed that liquid-fuel rockets w

听力原文: The great advance in rocket theory 40 years ago showed that liquid-fuel rockets were far superior in every respect to the skyrocket with its weak solid fuel, the only kind of rocket then known. However, during the last decade, large solid-fuel rockets with solid fuels about as powerful as liquid fuels have made their appearance, and it is a favorite layman's question to inquire which one is "better". The question is meaningless; one might as well as ask whether a gasoline or a diesel engine is "better". It all depends on the purpose. A liquid-fuel rocket is complicated, but has the advantage that it can be controlled beautifully. The burning of the rocket engine can be stopped completely; it can be reignited when desired. A solid-fuel rocket, on the other hand, is rather simple in construction, though hard, to build when a really large size is desired. But once you have a solid-fuel rocket, it is ready for action at a very short notice. A liquid-fuel rocket has to be fueled first and can not be held in readiness if or very long after it has been fueled. However, once a solid-fuel rocket has been ignited, it will keep burning. It can't be stopped and reignited whenever desired. Because a solid-fuel rocket can be kept ready for a long time, most military missiles employ solid fuels, but manned space flight needs the fine adjustments that can only be provided by liquid-fuel rocket. It may be added that a liquid-fuel rocket is an expensive device; a large solid-fund rocket is, by comparison, cheap.


A.Neither of the two types of rockets is very economical.

B.The liquid-fuel rocket is best.

C.Each type of rocket has certain advantages.

D.The solid-fuel rocket is best.

听力原文:The great advance in rocket theory 40 years ago showed that liquid-fuel rackets w

听力原文: The great advance in rocket theory 40 years ago showed that liquid-fuel rackets were far superior in every respect to the skyrocket with its weak solid fuel, the only kind of rocket then known. However, during the last decade, large, solid-fuel rockets with solid fuels a bout as powerful as powerful fuels have made their appearance, and it is a favorite layman's question to inquire which one is "better". The question is meaningless; one might as well as ask whether a gasoline or a diesel engine is "better", it all depends on the purpose. A liquid-fuel rocket is complicated, but has the advantage that it can be controlled beautifully. The bunting of the rocket engine can be stopped completely; it can be reignited when desired. A solid-fuel rocket, tin the other hand, is rather simple in construction, though hard to build when a really large size is desired. But once you have a solid-fuel rocket, it is ready for action at a very short notice. A liquid fuel rocket has to be fueled flint and Carl not be held in readiness in very long slier it has been fueled. However, once a solid-fuel rocket has been ignited, it will keep burning. It can't be stopped and reignited whenever desired. Because a solid fuel rocket can be kept ready for a long time, most missiles employ solid fuels, but manned space flight needs the line adjustments that can only be pro vided by liquid-fuel rocket. It may be added that a liquid-fuel rocket is an expensive device; a large solid-fund rocket is, by comparison cheap.


A.Neither of the two types of rockets is very economical.

B.The liquid-fuel rocket is best.

C.Each type of rocket has certain advantages.

D.The solid-fuel rocket is best.

【填空题】AV Clip 23: Walking to Better Health Watch...

【填空题】AV Clip 23: Walking to Better Health Watch the video clip three times and complete the following passage by filling in each blank with the word from the video clip. Intense physical exercise is not the only way to better health. Studies show that walking several times a week can slow the risk of many diseases. They include heart disease, (1)______ , diabetes, bone loss, arthritis and depression. Walking also can help you lose weight. Fast walking is good for the heart. It (2)_______the blood pressure. It raises the amount of good (3)_________in the blood. Researchers say walking can (4)_______reduce the risk of suffering a heart attack. Studies have shown that walking for thirty minutes a day can (5)______and possibly prevent the development of type 2 diabetes. People who are overweight have an (6)________high risk to develop this disease. Walking strengthens the muscles and builds up the bones that they are (7)________to. Studies show that women who walked and took calcium decreased their risk of developing(8)___________, or thinning of the bones. Walking can also help ease the pain of arthritis in areas where bones are joined. This is because walking (9)___________the muscles around the bones. Walking several times a week is a good way to control weight and lose (10)_______body fat. Studies show it can also help ease the sad feelings of depression. Experts say walking is one of the (11)_________ways to exercise. There is a low risk of (12)_______. So it is good for people who are starting an exercise program for the first time and for older people.

() . Another type of eustress leads to better performance, but only up to a point, as the illustration displays. 题目: According to most researchers, how many kinds of stress are there?





The third type of composer I can only call,______a better name。the traditionalist type. A.

The third type of composer I can only call,______a better name。the traditionalist type.

A. because of lack

B. for lack

C. for lack of

D. because lack of

What is implied in the passage?A.If one wants to look better, he has to wear suits.B.Diffe

What is implied in the passage?

A.If one wants to look better, he has to wear suits.

B.Different people may well choose the same type of clothes.

C.Suits are uniforms for businessmen.

D.Suit designers may combine different styles.

A new biotechnology procedure that could become commercially available in as little as two
to four years is "transgenosis", which permits scientists to create an animal with specific traits by adding, removing, inactivating, or repairing genes in an embryo. The additional genes can come from any source. For example, if a gene of interest occurs in mosquitoes—say, one that codes for resistance to a certain disease—it can be removed and placed in the embryo of a farm animal, the several strains of commercially useful transgenic farm animals that will probably emerge in the next few years could include leaner pigs, poultry resisting to influenza or other deadly diseases, sheep with wool that is easier to wash, and goats that produce valuable pharmaceuticals in their milk.

The simplest way to make transgenic animals is to inject a gene into a one-cell embryo and then implant the embryo in another animal. Under the right conditions, the new gene joins one of the embryo's strands of genes. Each cell created as the embryo divides gets a copy of the new gene. An alternative technique is to incorporate the gene into a type of virus known as a retrovirus that has been modified so it cannot reproduce itself after entering a cell. The virus, which cannot cause disease, delivers the gene to the cell's nucleus. Often this method is better than gene injection because a retrovirus always delivers just one gene, and the gene is always undamaged and complete.

The new biotechnology procedure discussed in this passage mainly concerns ______.


B.pigs, sheep and goats

C.commercial science

D.improvement of animal strains

() . Another type of eustress leads to better performance, but only up to a point, as the illustration displays. 题目: According to most researchers, how many kinds of stress are there?





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